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Dec 14, 2005
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I really want to buy a tamagotchi connection version 3, but first, I've got some questions concerning it.

Because I have to buy it online (Because I'm a european) it's pretty expensive for me, so I need to know what I'm getting myself into.

Does anyone know if you can connect the v3 to the v1? because I have a v1, but I can't connect it to anything right now!

Then, I also have a Japanese Keitai Tamagotchi (Akai version), and I'm wondering, when I see the designes..... are there a lot of diferences between them and a v3?

And what are they?

I would like to thank you all verry much in advance!

Ran ;)

V1's can't connect to anything.. I have one and like the V3's and V'2's connect but not the V1's B)

my v3 just says TAMAGOTCHI at the top not connection or connexion... can i still connect it to other v3's?i hope so

...or im sueing wall-mart lol

If your tamagotchi just says Tamagotchi it will still connect with other tamagotchis.I have 2 tamas.One has "Tamagotchi Connection" and the other has "Tamagotchi"and they connect very well I am not sure if V3's will connect with V1 but I am sure V2 connect with V3.

Connection V3 can connect to KeiTama regular version. I'm not sure if a Connexion V3 can connect to an Akai, but it might.

On my Connection V3 I have to select "others", and on my KeiTama I have to select "Tamagotchi +" (it's the second option from the top). The KeiTama's name appears in Japanese on the Connection V3, but the Connection V3's name doesn't appear correctly on the KeiTama.

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