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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2006
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1. When you are at "marrige age" and you marry what exatly happens - do you change into pearent form and then wait for a baby or do they happen together?

2.How long on V.5's is it before the pearents leave their babies.

3.Does anyone know what happens to the other tamagotchis when you marry?

4. Can you still get an old timer when your tama is really old?

5.Can anyone tell me how long each tamagotchi spends in each stage.

6. Can you decide which of your tamagotchis you are marrying?

Can anyone anser any of these questions?

1. Once you marry, the parents evolve straight into their parent form.

2. The parents dont leave until you get the next generation. They will appear in animations though.

3. The other tamas die, when 1 tama gets married.

4. On a version 5 you cannot achieve old timers, only on 4.5- to do so it has to be 9 or 10.

5. For the v5/famitama:

Baby-toddler = 1 hour.

Toddlers-teens = 2 days

Teens-Adults = 2 or 3 days.

Adults-Marriage = 2 or 3 days.

These are un-paused times.

6. I have a chantotchi, hotteatchi and kuchipatchi, so I might get the kuchi or mame family.

If you marry you do turn into parent form through v5 not other versions, and The screen will go black, then fireworks... Then! Screen goes to normal and there is a baby :) ThAT IS answer for question 1 I am not sure about the other questions :( But I will tell you If i firgure out :)

no you cannot deside witch tamagotchi you want to marry.

what happeneds to the other tamagotchis they have a baby. When they are 7 or 8 at night at 11:59 wait one minute and the parent will watch the baby for 3 mins or 5 mins.

when version 5s tamagotchis get marryed they have parents. and the parents stay and there will be either 1 egg 2 eggs or 3 eggs.

you have to wait 48 hours intill you can use the dateing show(3 days).

babys=1 hour.

todllers=3 or 2 days.

tennagers=3 or 2 days.

adults=3 or 4 days.

no you cannot get old timers on version 5s but on the other versions you can get an old timer.

A few more questions

no you cannot deside witch tamagotchi you want to marry.
Thats rather annoying if you wanted to get a specific family, are you shure?

2. The parents dont leave until you get the next generation. They will appear in animations though.
How long untill you get the next generation - how long do the adults stay with the egg before they leave?

3. The other tamas die, when 1 tama gets married.
Can you still see them in your memory when they go?

A few more questions

Thats rather annoying if you wanted to get a specific family, are you shure?

How long untill you get the next generation - how long do the adults stay with the egg before they leave?

Can you still see them in your memory when they go?
if you reset the time, you can use the dating show more than 3 times so you can decide which tamagotchi you want to marry. i don't understand what your second question is but for the third, no you cannot see the other tamas in your memory. i think when 1 tama gets married they don't die but return to their home planet cuz i'm on my sixth gen. and i still can't use the memory option.

if you reset the time, you can use the dating show more than 3 times so you can decide which tamagotchi you want to marry.
You missunderstood me, I meant can you choose which of YOUR tamas to marry. Eg. im trying to get 2 smart charecters and only 2 out of my 3 V.5 charecters are intellegence. is it possible to chose one of them or do i just have to hope?

Oh, but at least i know, and i have a 2/3 chance that i'll get the right tama.

yes you can deside witch tamagotchi you want to marry.

what happeneds to the other tamagotchis they have a baby. When they are 7 or 8 at night at 11:59 wait one minute and the parent will watch the baby for 3 mins or 5 mins.

when version 5s tamagotchis get marryed they have parents. and the parents stay and there will be either 1 egg 2 eggs or 3 eggs.

you have to wait 48 hours intill you can use the dateing show(3 days).

babys=1 hour.

todllers=3 or 2 days.

tennagers=3 or 2 days.

adults=3 or 4 days.

no you cannot get old timers on version 5s but on the other versions you can get an old timer.
ur wrong stupid u can jus dont press any buttons and select comes dont press any then ur tama acording to age will come up then press a until the tama u want 2 marry comes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I married my mametchi to a sunnichi, and i could choose any of my tamas to marry!

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