Quick help please-


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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
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My friend's pug had an accident and some how her eye got cut and she has an ulcer in it. It's swollen and bulging and they probably will have to put her down tomorrow. ^_^

My question- what can I do to help my friend through this? He's in 6th grade and he loves this dog to death. How are some ways to help him cope?

I pretty much need this by tomorrow so please answer ASAP. Thanks in advance.

Well, when I heard my dog might be put down the first thing I though of was is he going to be okay? Simply tell him he is going to a better place and that he would rather be running happily around in heaven then having an eye thats cut. Try to comfort him and spend as much time as you can with him as your other friends so he feels rather special/good that day. But make sure you tell your other friends why you are doing this so they don't get jelous.

She'll get over it, but it might take awhile. Just don't metion it to him, he might remember and miss his dog agin... Hope this helps... :D

I feel so sorry for him. Hopefully the doctors will be able to do something. You can pray. But if he is in real pain the best thing for him would be being put down. I really hope he makes it through!



You can cheer him up, get a cupcake or balloons for him. You can make a small card saying how you feel about him being so depressed. He will cheer up eventually. You can post together an art board (that's what I did when my friend's cat got put down), with pictures of things that make him happy, and a special picture of his dog. You can also get a small gift for him, if that makes him feel better. Do some things that make him happy. I feel really bad for you, and your friend. This could make your friend happier, and you too. Good luck!

Oh, that's so unfortunate. Just let him know that you'll be by his side through it all, and that you know it will be difficult for him. :p Give him a hug, and when he cries, hold him even tighter. Just show him you care. Whisper 'it's okay it's okay' over and over...until he really believes it's true. Make him a card, one you know he will like.

Just be there when he needs you the most.


Good news guys- they took her to the vet today to see if they needed to put her down or not and the vet said she has a chance of living!!! =DDDDD They are going to take her back to the vet on Friday to see if it's getting better and if it is she has a better chance of living longer and more comfortably!

I'm so happy for her [and them!] and I hope she make it through!

Thanks for all your advice guys. :}}}

I'm happy that she wouldn't be put down yet! I'm happy for you, too! We're all welcome to help you!

If they pu the dog down, tell her hes in a better place! say that he was in pain and now he is happy! Tell the doggy tamakitty22 said HI!! tell your friend i said sorry bout doggy! :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( B)

Good news guys- they took her to the vet today to see if they needed to put her down or not and the vet said she has a chance of living!!! =DDDDD They are going to take her back to the vet on Friday to see if it's getting better and if it is she has a better chance of living longer and more comfortably!
I'm so happy for her [and them!] and I hope she make it through!

Thanks for all your advice guys. :}}}
That is wonderful! Best of wishes to your friend and his dog!



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