Quick Question...


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Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
Just got my V2 today...i had a Gen2 back in the day, and felt nostalgic, and it's rather different. :lol:

Unlike my Gen2, My tamagotchi never seems to want to play, I already read that he won't if he's content with his happiness and weight, but I want to get some points. So i've been feeding it snacks so it will play some more, and it's already gotten 2 cavities.. :lol: My question is, even though I take perfect care of him in the other areas, will the snacks and cavities turn him towards the "bad" characters anyway?

Giving your tamagotchi a lot of snacks isn't good, but it probably won't affect who you get as a character unless you do it a lot. I think you need to be patient with your tama until it needs fed, because giving it food it doesn't need is not good. :lol:

Well on that note, do they really need snacks at all?Also, what are the differences between snacks and treats? besides the fact that you have to buy treats.

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if your tama gets cavities it doesn't effect the character you get next. i've fed my tamas lots of snacks to get it to play and win points and i still get good characters! don't worry, just remember to give it medicine for its toothache

the diff between snacks and treats is a what you said and b snacks make it grow 2 lbs, while treats make it go up 1.

Sigh......I feed it to many snacks.FunkBish I'm just like you.I want points,but I get reckless and start feeding it too much.I feed it more and more and....Sigh......Why even go on?You know how it ends.. :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

Well, after all the snacks and many toothaches, I ended up with the Young Memetchi (not Mimitchi) which is one of the "good" characters, right?

yup, i've fed my tama tons of snacks, as long as you mamke sure to loose the weigth it gained you should be okay, i've done it with mine and so far i have a Ringotchi :huh: so do it, and earn those points! otherwise you're going to have to wait a very long time >_>

hey newguykaiser u got the three people thing out of a comic right! :huh: :p :pochitchi:

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