Princess Violetchi
Answer or ya fired
Just out of curiousity are you saying that when you turn 18 your going to get rid of anything that branded you as a child? If it wasn't for adults Tamagotchi or Tamatalk might never had existed. Myself am an adult and well I enjoy Tamagotchi and I don't let people tell me what I can and cannot do. I find this whole poll pointless and a little rude on your part to the Admin(adult) and the Guides(most adult) after what they do to keep the site safe for you to be on.Answer or ya fired
there is adults on neopets I have a neopets account and when i was new i just got a newofriend and it happened to be a 23 year old woman and her mom is on neopets too. i know i was shocked. but a do not care at all not one bit not even a little, hope ya get my pointwhy would tamagotchi be only for kids? thats kind of the way people say 'neopets is for kids' it IS, its primary focus is on kids, but there ARE adults on that site. well, there has to be not that i know anyone who is.
i agree!!!No. Why can't adults have fun? When your grown-up, I'm sure you'll still want to have fun! If they like playing with tamagotchis, they should have just as much of a right to play with them as you do!