Quiz: Which New Tamagotchi Suits You Best?


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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2019
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Hanging out in some of the Tamagotchi groups on Facebook I see a lot of questions about which Tamagotchi to buy...there are, admittedly, a lot of them out there right now.

I thought it might be helpful to make a personality quiz to help people figure things out, so I present, THIS: https://uquiz.com/lDyg6n

A few notes...

  • I'm not including the Meets because it's discontinued in Japan. The prices on some of them are getting outrageous!
  • This quiz is targeted at English-speaking casual fans in the west who may just be starting to get into Tamagotchi. (I admit there's an American bias in terms of slang and pricing.)
  • Licensed Nanos are omitted because there's just too darn many of them

I'd love to know your feedback! Let me know if there are any typos or key information that is missing. Also, does your result match your actual preference? Why or why not?

I want to make sure it's in its best state before I spread it further, and I trust you all to tell it to me straight!

Have fun?

I just gave the test a try, and got a completely accurate answer - Tamagotchi Original. :D Your write-up is dead-on, too - it's one of the only versions ever where I've ended up getting multiple devices with different shells, since there are so many to suit any given mood. (Traditionally I don't do that, but I feel that they keep knocking it out of the park with shell-designs for these. :tarakotchi: I even used the neon-green one to make a 90s-style custom "Tamawatchi", at one point.)

Hopefully this'll be a big help for newcomers to the hobby, as well as folks who've been out of the loop for a while - I'll be bookmarking this thread to recommend for just that reason, since it's likely to come up as we proceed into the holiday season. Great work, as always! :)

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So that was you! I was worried everyone was going to keep getting the Pix! Also I LOVE your Tamawatchi - using the pin backs is genius! 

By the way, here are all 4 results, if you'd like to check them. I feel like the Smart write-up is especially lengthy, but there's also the least information available on it at the moment.





Interestingly, no one has gotten the Smart as a result yet...

This is my results:


Surprisingly I never played with an original tamagotchi before but I did play with the remake. I didn’t really enjoy it that much as it was very sensitive aka will die ver soon  :rolleyes:  and not exactly like the original.

But the results are somewhat close to my favorite tamagotchi which is the connections. ^_^

Thank you for the quiz I really enjoyed answering the questions!  :D

Surprisingly I never played with an original tamagotchi before but I did play with the remake. I didn’t really enjoy it that much as it was very sensitive aka will die ver soon  :rolleyes:  and not exactly like the original.

But the results are somewhat close to my favorite tamagotchi which is the connections. ^_^

Thank you for the quiz I really enjoyed answering the questions!  :D
I heard the remakes die quickly if you feed them more than a handful of Snacks, but I think their stats stay fuller longer? The 90s Tamagotchi was always a bit frail, especially if you ended up raising anything with a beak. 

Glad it mostly aligned with your pre-Color era preferences! Thank you for giving it a try. 

After taking a closer look at the results I've added a 15th question related to interior decorating that should (hopefully) act as a tie-breaker between the Pix and On.

I've been debating getting an On or Pix. I am mostly a fan of the classic pets; running 4 right now and own 13 total. But I thought a new one might be fun, so I wanted to try. So I took your quiz to see if one of them stood out to me. I got the Pix (surprisingly, as I was leaning toward the On). Then reading your description, it definitely sounded like the one for me ... except for one thing... the abysmal battery life! Now I'm not sure if I want to get one at all XD
Ooooh so cool! I almost started taking the quiz but remembered I have my TMGC YT channel. Would it be OK if I recorded a video where I took the quiz and shared my answer? If not, that's OK, I can take the quiz solo too :lol:

EDIT: I should note share my result to my YT. Not here. I won't break site rules by advertising my channel and just realized that my original reply could be interpreted oherwise. :eek:
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I've been debating getting an On or Pix. I am mostly a fan of the classic pets; running 4 right now and own 13 total. But I thought a new one might be fun, so I wanted to try. So I took your quiz to see if one of them stood out to me. I got the Pix (surprisingly, as I was leaning toward the On). Then reading your description, it definitely sounded like the one for me ... except for one thing... the abysmal battery life! Now I'm not sure if I want to get one at all XD
I think the Pix will fit nicely with your love of classic pets, especially since so many familiar characters are already included. So long as you've got rechargeable batteries on hand the battery life isn't the absolutely worst. Oh my goodness it's big though...
Ooooh so cool! I almost started taking the quiz but remembered I have my TMGC YT channel. Would it be OK if I recorded a video where I took the quiz and shared my answer? If not, that's OK, I can take the quiz solo too :lol:
GO FOR IT! I'd love to see what you get :D