R U a.............*hold on*.......................


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I'm really more of an exotics person. I love my dog and cats, they are wonderful companions, but as a general grouping, I am more passionate about birds, reptiles, and invertebrates. I absolutely love all animals(only bears scare me a bit), but I have always been most fascinated with exotics!

Cats are just....ugh.


At least that's what I think. Cats just aren't really that playful or loyal and stuff. Not all of them, but all the ones I've associated with. And my friend's cat scratched me in my head and it hurt, so naturally I hate cats. I like stuffed cats though. My stuffed kitty is my favoritest. xD

OK then .....nice avvie XD.....I'm sorry I just had 2 say that

Cats. To be honest I'm actually afraid of most animals. I don't really like dogs and I'm very afraid of them even little ones.

I'm a gerbil person >:3 I've always liked small animals better than dogs and cats for some reason. o.o Hamsters, mice, rats, guinea pigs, bunnies....and of course gerbies :furawatchi: I also like reptiles, fish, birds, and bugs. Although I shouldn't be unfair here. xP If it was a choice between cats and dogs, definitely cats. I have two awesome kitties =D I do like dogs, although my neighbor has a very....strange dog. xD He sort of ruined my love of dogs xP But I have known some great dogs =D Bottom line though, is that gerbils pwn all. > :wacko:

I like cats. I have nothing agenst dogs though. I have 2 cats and no dogs. I sometimes play with my uncles beagles though. They all are so cute!

I love dogs, but all my life I've grown up around cats, so I'm more of a cat person. I love how they don't need to be smotherd in attention all the time, seeing as I'm a lazy person. I like to sit back with my cat than run around with a dog.

Not to insult anybody, but I was thinking- I've known some HUGE dog and cat lovers in my life, and it seems like the really weird kids were cat lovers, and the boring shy kids were dog lovers.

Im more of a cat person. Dogs smell bad to me.

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