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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2007
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GOSH!! I ASKED MY MOM "Why can't we get a dog?" AND SHE SAID "Becuase we won't be home enough to train it. They're to destructive. You should enjoy having a cat and when your grown up you can get yourself a dog. Just stop focusing on that thought constantly" OMG I CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT, MY CAT SCRATCHES ME ALL THE TIME AND I DONT WANT TO GET MYSELF A DOG WHEN I AM NOT A KID!!!!! IT'S NOT THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Can a guide put this post on "What's On Your Mind?"

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If you get a dog but can't take care of it and won't see it too much, that's just selfish.

well, wether you like it or not, your mom is right. dogs are not good companions if they are not trained properly.

dogs are much more destructive then cats. cats scratch things. dogs tear things apart into little pieces.

your cat scratches you most likely because you treat it like a dog. cats are much better with you when you are calm with them. i used to not like my cat when i was little, but after i learned to resepect his space we were great friends.

If you get a dog but can't take care of it and won't see it too much, that's just selfish.
No so much selfish, as is cruel.

Your mom is right. Maybe your family isn't ready for a dog. Dogs need more care then cats. (sort of) Cats are small and dainty, dogs are big and clumsy. Take it from a dog lover.

Dogs and cats are not known to get along, how would you manage with too pets who hate each other?

Talk to your mom about it. :angry:

Maybe she will agree to get you another smaller pet, like a hamster, or fish. :gozarutchi:

Do you know how to take care of a dog? Like it's diet, exercise routines needed, etc.? Maybe your mom won't let you have a dog because you don't know much about them? Or, maybe she thinks that you being at school on weekdays and including your everyday life you wouldn't have the time to train and exercise it? Keep up with it, you know... ^_^

But you also have to understand that dogs don't just come out to be perfect. They will be destructive before you begin training them. If you plan on getting a dog, you have to be ready for that. My puppy chewwed up the arms of our couch, and our wooden rocking-chair. Puppies are like babies: They teeth. Give him or her LOTS of chew-toy options or be ready to come home to woodchips, paper shreds, and toy fuzz all over your floor. :D

You have to have patience with puppies. They will not learn right away. You also have to prove yourself responsible. Is the cat actually your's, or your whole family's? Maybe your mother also thinks that you are not taking good enough care of the cat and are not paying it enough attention to get another pet? Cats are less active than dogs, of course. I wouldn't say dogs are clumsy, but they are loyal, protective, and loving. Sometimes they can get a little... over-excited, though. :D Either take extra good care of your cat, prove yourself responsible by doing extra things that you don't usually do for your parents, or just wait. :D

ok u and i r in the sam situation my mom lets me have a dog once (i cried a lot and nagged so i could have it i know childish but i was 10! even though now i'm 11.....) and it didn't go so well. my mom didn't want it and he was a big dog everytime i tried to feed it he would jump on me (remember he was a big dog) and scratch me. it wasn't his falt but. anyways we had to give him away cause my mom didn't want him and she thought i wasn't taking good care of it.....which now that i think about it........i wasn't. not that i neglected it its just......i did play with it that much. know that i AM a TRUE dog lover.

now my mom won't let me have anymore so dont mess up like i did and b4 u get a dog do these things:

1. find out what breed u want

2. reserch on the breed u want really REALLY REALLY good.

3. make sure that u reflect on this and see how ur scheldule is. (ex: if u watch a lot of TV and this dog is an out-door dog u might have to watch less TV to play with it.

my advice basically is that do A LOT of research (like i'm doing cause i really REALLY want a dog again.....this time i'm ready) and look at ur scheldule and think if u can make space of time for the dog.

No so much selfish, as is cruel.
Your mom is right. Maybe your family isn't ready for a dog. Dogs need more care then cats. (sort of) Cats are small and dainty, dogs are big and clumsy. Take it from a dog lover.

Dogs and cats are not known to get along, how would you manage with too pets who hate each other?

Talk to your mom about it. :D

Maybe she will agree to get you another smaller pet, like a hamster, or fish. :p
We had a dog and a cat. They got along perfectly. When the dog first came, my cat had to show her not to bother her, but after that, they got along fine! My cat and old dogs used to share a bed together. My cat would lay of their backs! Most dogs and cats actually dog get along well. All the dogs and cats I have met that live together, love each other! (Or at least leave each other alone.)

Maybe you could try getting an adult dog? Even though puppies are cute, they do take a lot of time and supervision to train properly. If you get an adult dog, it should be basicaly trained.

The way that you're throwing a temper tantrum over not getting a dog shows you're not ready to have one.
Agreed. Not only the way you're going about this is wrong, your maturity is down the toilet. It takes a responsible owner that doesn't stomp their feet and type in all caps to have an animal. Please grow up just a little bit. If you act more like you can handle more responsibility in caring for something, then maybe your mother might consider it.

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