raining hard...


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I feel your pain. The misquetoes must be a pain in your "swamp" :furawatchi:

Atleast you were where I lived or else you wouldnt be able to drink tap water for like a month! And you'd have to drink bottled water whitch isnt so bad but It costs way more money.


It hasn't rained here in a while.

There was a 20% chance yesterday though.

:( over here isnt snowing it raining :eek:

EDIT: :eek: I want it to snow let it snow let it snow

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It's raining right now. That's all we've gotten is rain and clouds.....the odd sun, but most of the time it's dreary. ^_^ I want snow!


You should. Alot of people believe thats what is causing the "all rain and no snow" weather conditions. But what can we do? Not much. :)


I got snow, but on January 2. We didn't have a white Christmas.

But all of the snow should melt tommorow, and so shall my fun. Anywayz, I made an igloo today, but I got a crazy idea, and I broke it. Goodbye, snow.


Paisley 520

You should. Alot of people believe thats what is causing the "all rain and no snow" weather conditions. But what can we do? Not much. :)
i agree too! around here i it is gonna be about 60 degrese on the weekend!


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