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Cats have five toes on each front paw, but only four toes on each back paw.
Cats have true fur, in that they have both an undercoat and an outer coat.

Contrary to popular belief, the cat is a social animal. A pet cat will respond and answer to speech , and seems to enjoy human companionship

I love kittyies! *Pokes siggy*
Yay!. a Fellow Kitty Lover ^^ *pokes Your Siggy*


"A cat has about twenty-four movable vibrissae ("whiskers"), in four rows on each upper lip on each side of its nose (some cats may have more), in addition to a few on each cheek, tufts over the eyes, bristles on the chin, the cat's inner "wrists", and at the back of the legs"-
Thats a fact that i Saw on Wikipedia.

Starfish eat [or digest I can't remember] their food by turning their stomachs inside out and pouring gastric juices on their food. :B

FALSE! Paper can be folded more than seven times! Mythbusters proved it^^ 12 times!
People who are alergic to cats are actually alergic to the saliva on their fur.
I can fold a piece of paper 30 times. I swear, I did it. PM me to see how I did it.

SUPER_GOTCHI, I dont need too! You owe me a PM, lol.

Umm, AHAH!

Cats have the best vision and in the dark their eyes become more like "Ears", the reason being that their pupils can pick up acoustic vibrations.

Cats have the ability to see color.

Cats are able to hear sounds that move faster than 45,000 hertz. They could hear the sound of a bat.

Kittens when they are born have closed ear canals that don't begin to open for nine to ten days.

When a kitten is born they are unable to hunt as this must be taught to them by their mothers.

The average cat food meal is equivalent to five medium-size mice.

Cats are unable to eat many things such as Chocolate, Tylenol, avocado, poinsettia, lily-of-the-valley, and morning glory are all poisonous and sometimes deadly to cats.

Cats can taste sweet things.

A can't will not eat its food if is unable to smell it. The cat has 17 million nerve cells in its nose, which are used to trace smells around its environment.

The indoor cat has a longer life span than an outdoor cat.

A one year old cat is equivalent to an 18 year old human.

Cats are able to find their way home using the magnetic fieldon earth, the sun, and their own biological clocks

Hmm, Cats?

In the early days of the telephone, operators would pick up a call and use the phrase, "Well, are you there?". It wasn't until 1895 that someone suggested answering the phone with the phrase "number please?"


When you die your hair still grows for a couple of months.


A skunk's smell can be detected by a human a mile away.


It is a myth that dogs are color blind. They can actually see in color, just not as vividly as humans. It is akin to our vision at dusk.


The breed Lundehune has 6 toes and can close its ears


A one year old dog is as mature, physically, as a 15 year old human

Starfish eat [or digest I can't remember] their food by turning their stomachs inside out and pouring gastric juices on their food. :B

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