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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2007
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I have been wanting to say this for a while but didn't like it: People on this site who say "ZOMG CHEESE AND PIE" just to be random are really ticking me off. Sorry dudes: But that is not being random, it is being annoying. I am not saying that i am not random, but i am a funny random. I don't randomly say "PIE" just to then say "sorry im random". If you want to be random, then bring up inside jokes with friends. These signantures that say annoying things just because they want to say they are random are REALLY ticking me off. Please, if you want to be random, it is impossible to do it on the internet. Do it with friends, with inside jokes. THAT IS HOW TO BE RANDOM!!!!! Geeze.

Anyone agree with me?


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I understand that it might get annoying at times, but remember - TamaTalk is for a younger crowd. Most kids don't know when they take it to far.

Just try to cope with it. You can't exactly tell them what to put in their signature, so just try not to read the ones you find annoying.

I was with you up until the whole "I'm the REAL random" thing.

Everyone think's they're random, that's why they say they're random :| If everyone says "You're not random, I AM," you're not fixing anything.

It's a fad, what can you do?

I personally am not random.

yeah it does get kinda anoying but every one has their own "idea" of random, random means somthing that has nothing to do with anything your talking about (in genral,though, that isnt the exact definitoin, correct me if im wrong) so it kinda IS random... just not funny

i personally say stuff like Zomg and lolZ but that aint cuz i think its funny its because it sounds cool and i just like to add the letter Z to stuff, if you dont like it there isnt much u can do

sooooo yeah.

I have been wanting to say this for a while but didn't like it: People on this site who say "ZOMG CHEESE AND PIE" just to be random are really pissing me off. Sorry dudes: But that is not being random, it is being annoying. I am not saying that i am not random, but i am a funny random. I don't randomly say "PIE" just to then say "sorry im random". If you want to be random, then bring up inside jokes with friends. These signantures that say annoying things just because they want to say they are random are REALLY pissing me off. Please, if you want to be random, it is impossible to do it on the internet. Do it with friends, with inside jokes. THAT IS HOW TO BE RANDOM!!!!! Geeze.

Anyone agree with me?

plz dont swear!!!!younger ppl play on this site too ya know

I understand how some ppl can find it "Randomness" - in its various forms - annoying, but please, remember that TamaTalk is a huge site with members all over the world, of all ages and from different cultures and ways of life...

What one member views as annoying, others may find amusing and a bit of harmless fun - please try harder to tolerate others who do not think exactly the same way you do and who do not like exactly the same things you do and who are not on exactly the same wavelength as you ^_^

In general, most people learn and change for the better if they are shown by example rather than by derogatory put downs.

I don't think random is bad, but if anything, rambling is.

I mean, just look at this:

I ish slap you and i didnt mean to because the rockhopper is so mean and will you help me plz?
[SIZE=21pt]Actually, that's not even half bad.[/SIZE]

I don't know how to type rambling that well, or even read it that well. It just annoys me, because there are certain things humans get annoyed with, and this is what I get annoyed with.

mametchi ^_^

Sorry if I sound rude, but that doesn't really annoy me. I have never, ever, not once seen it around TT b4. And even if I did I wouldn't find it annoying. There's more annoying things on TT, like love topics. (sorry if I offended you if you made any of those topics :ichigotchi: )

I just can't understand rambling.

Yeah, I mean love topics are kinda annoying, but it just has people in need, ok?

Understand the differences

I never saw a random topic, but I have seen rambling...quite a lot.

mametchi :ichigotchi:

Well yeah, it's annoying when they put a spammy topic or message but they can put what they want in their sig, only obviously nothing innapropiete ofcourse.

I have been wanting to say this for a while but didn't like it: People on this site who say "ZOMG CHEESE AND PIE" just to be random are really pissing me off. Sorry dudes: But that is not being random, it is being annoying. I am not saying that i am not random, but i am a funny random. I don't randomly say "PIE" just to then say "sorry im random". If you want to be random, then bring up inside jokes with friends. These signantures that say annoying things just because they want to say they are random are REALLY pissing me off. Please, if you want to be random, it is impossible to do it on the internet. Do it with friends, with inside jokes. THAT IS HOW TO BE RANDOM!!!!! Geeze.

Anyone agree with me?

Please don't swear!

Anyways I agree it is annoying

I agree that it rides my nerves sometimes when people have "ranomd wars". I just find that utterly pointless. xP

But you have to deal with people and for me, it's the least of my worries.

That's not swearing, but it's not the best thing to say, I guess...

I do find it quite annoying...:/ But sometimes when your in a conversation and someone just syas a random thing that has nothign to do with the topic people are talking about (Not on TT, in real life) Then it can be pretty funny. But if you see it just ignore it. There are thosands and thosands of members on here and they are not all the same.



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