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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2009
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I saw a girl walking down the street. SHe had neon tights and a mini skirt. Oh did I mension a tube top...

I was shocked, so I ran to her to see if she was fine. But, no. She barely survived, so I tried to help her. She was trying to give a letter to her boyfriend, so I tried ask her, what can I do to help? "Please deliver this letter to my boyfriend. His address is 31 Maple Street, Autumn Village." she said. Those were her last words before she died... While trying to deliver it, I saw a weird green dog. The dog said "You will die in 30 days." and laughed. I was weirded out, so I ran away...

I ran into a tree. I was fine, so I continued running until I got to the post office. It was shut. I didnt't know what to do.

I ran to the boyfriends house. He was heartbroken. I consoled him and then we fell in love...

Right as I was gazeing into him eyes I remebered the letter. They a Pigeon Swooped in and snatched the letter right from my hands...

It dropped it into a pond. Now I can never deliver it...

On my way to the pond I staoped at McDonalds. Than I saw Ronald McDonald. This was the real thing. Love...

Ronald McDonald grabed me and said"If you ever want that letter back,you have to do whatever I say!"

"Okay. What?" He paused Then, "Marry me." I was jumping inside! I have ALWAYS wanted to marry Ronald McDonald!!!! "Lets do it then." He rushed me to a chapel...

Where I smacked him across the face and ran. "Ricardo, you never loved me for me!" I wept, looking back at Ronald one more time before I tripped and fell flat on my face, chipping my front teeth.

I woke up in a hospital. "What happened, doctor?" I asked. He said I broke my arm. I had to recover from it. But outside the door, I saw a note. I checked to see who it was from. It was from Cheryl, my closest friend. The note said: "Hi! I heard you had an accident last night. I hope you recover soon! Your friend, Cheryl." I didn't remember breaking my arm, it was odd...

I was attacked by tamas and broke my OTHER arm.

Oddly, Spiderpig was a rooster. His left wing caught on fire.

Mimitchi tried to eat him because she thought it was fried chicken.

All the tamas stole Spider Pig.Then a mametchi came up to me and kissed me on the lips.

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