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random can be amusing sometimes


i wanna hit those type of ppl with a shovel

yes i am random.

read my profile. explains totally everything.

read it. read it now! >.<

i have my random moments. :]

_RAWRelizabeth. >.<

I am very, very, very random.

Understatement of the century. xD

Need some examples? Well.. I run around corridors screaming, eat crayons (along with Feebee and Michelle <33), Sharpie myself and other people, wear neon colours (whether it be on my nails, hair or outfit), sing outdated spaz songs, laugh uncontrollably when someone says something dumb or perverted, like to recite the alphabet to new people I meet, etc. And I am also the clumsiest person you will ever meet. I fall off/onto/over things daily (usually around 12 times per day, or more) spill my drinks everywhere, always seem to laugh when I am in the middle of drinking something, and fall down my stairs each morning. It's like my wake up routine. Seriously, the list could seriously go on forever. And that is just one of the reasons I love TT. Everyone knows I am ridiculously clumsy and insanely spazzy, but still I have all my amazing lovelies. And I love you all, I really do. <3

Oh yesh, definately.

If you get to know me in real life [Or even TT], you would understand.

I do pretty much everything Esther does. Just today, I went shopping with mum for costumes and it was an insanely quiet store and I saw a spiderman suit and just yelled ''OH MY GAWD, SPIDERMAN!''. I got strange looks. And just a second ago I spilled my Milkonade on my computer. Im surprised its still working because Milkonade is not good when its spilt. I, too, like to eat crayons and purple is the tastiest crayon. I seriously have stolen crayons from people. Im THAT obsessed. And, I cant knit. So thats the reason for my username. And, I fall over/drop things alot. My friendlings were making a video and they wanted me to purposely fall over to make it funny. It wasn't on purpose though, it was an accident. So yeah...oh, and I cant forget my lovely Tic Tacs and my obsession with biting my hair. Oh, and pacman xD.

And Esther, I love youu. And Krystal. And Maria. And Carly. And Michelle. And everyone.

Edit;;I almost forgot my obsession with PACMAN!!

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Yah.... ALOT!!

*points at username*

I give my fav stuff names:

Nintendo DS- Flame

Lime Green DS stylus- Cell

Pink DS stylus- Boo

Yellow stylus- Luna

Violet stylus- Nick *dontaskplz*

Laptop- Rawr.

Rubik's Cube- Jelly

2x2 Rubik's cube- Peanut.


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I have a blue plastic golf club that's my 'Lightsaber'

I'm a Jedi...

I named my stuffed animal Boromir

I have a sock monkey that I made named Parsnip

I laugh for no reason

And that's the only things on my head right now...


Oh yesh, definately.
If you get to know me in real life [Or even TT], you would understand.

I do pretty much everything Esther does. Just today, I went shopping with mum for costumes and it was an insanely quiet store and I saw a spiderman suit and just yelled ''OH MY GAWD, SPIDERMAN!''. I got strange looks. And just a second ago I spilled my Milkonade on my computer. Im surprised its still working because Milkonade is not good when its spilt. I, too, like to eat crayons and purple is the tastiest crayon. I seriously have stolen crayons from people. Im THAT obsessed. And, I cant knit. So thats the reason for my username. And, I fall over/drop things alot. My friendlings were making a video and they wanted me to purposely fall over to make it funny. It wasn't on purpose though, it was an accident. So yeah...oh, and I cant forget my lovely Tic Tacs and my obsession with biting my hair. Oh, and pacman xD.

And Esther, I love youu. And Krystal. And Maria. And Carly. And Michelle. And everyone.

Edit;;I almost forgot my obsession with PACMAN!!
You forgot me!! I'm like, one of your #1 crazies!!

Feebee, Ksenia... Today I found out this guy I liked from my Dance has a girlfriend. And then I lost my favourite pink crayon. And then I tripped over on my way in and ruined my best jeans in some mud.

But you guys have just made me so happy again. I love you. So so much. <333

I have a blue plastic golf club that's my 'Lightsaber'

I'm a Jedi...

I named my stuffed animal Boromir

I have a sock monkey that I made named Parsnip

I laugh for no reason

And that's the only things on my head right now...


Star Wars rocks. :3


Sorry! D:

I wasn't happy because we had a unplanned Jazz band picture. xD [i hope the silly one goes in the year book! xDDD Imma ask Hewy to. :3]

I am rarely random. It depends on the sitiuation.

I'm seriously random. And today, it was good for me. :p (According to me horoscope.)

EXAMPLES!: :furawatchi:

When I get anxious, I sing SpongeBob songs like the Campfire Song Song.

I sharpen my pencil 10x per day to make it nice and point, and scare people.

I've made it to the last few stairs? No one near? JUMP! :angry: Yeah, I jump down stairs. Lots of them.

I fall up the stairs a lot.

When my friend wants us to talk to her, I say a random animal sound. "Talk to me! Please!" "SQWACK!"

I bang my friend's lunch box for no reason.

I look at the surface of cookies and see if the shape of the chips and candies and the cracks mean anything, and if they do, IT'S MAH FUTURE! :p (Basically, I read my future from cookies.)

I found tape on my elbow today and I have no idea how it got there. o_O

I put tape on my nose and rip it off. (Dust looks funny.)

The little peoples in the Art Club say I'm Katy Perry. (Well, my name IS Katie, and Kat.)

I scratched all the paint off my pencil, and now I'm going to color on it, and so is my friend. B) We will color it purple, then put some red on it (as in blood), then write our names on it and name it. :D

I named my iPod Touch, Champagne!

I walked around with a mini slinky for a few days and played with it in the middle of class, and said "THIS IS SLINKY!" But sadly, due to an anxiety attack, Slinky died. So now I tell people he's dead.

In Theater Group, I was hanging out with some mentors, and we splattered red paint around, and said it's bleeding. "OH MY GOD! THE CHAIR IS BLEEDING!"

In Theater Group, I randomly pulled a plastic spoon out of my pocket randomly and yelled "LOOK! I HAS A SPOON!"

I drew a smiley face on that spoon. His name is Spoon. He will marry a fork someday. Her name will be Phork.

Spoon and Phork will have children.

I choked on chocolate milk once.

And mah list could go on FOREVER! :D

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