Rant about version 3 and higher


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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2005
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Let's start from the beginning. In the '90s, Tamagotchi were simple and not too complicated. There was one game on a Tamagotchi and it was a rather short game, making it easy for people going to work to care for their Tamagotchi. It also made it easier to care for baby Tamagotchi. The Tamagotchi came in plain, simple colours and designs.

Fast forward to 2004. Tamagotchi Plus, Tamagotchi Connexion and Tamagotchi Connection came out with the feature of connecting using infrared. These Tamagotchi were pretty easy to take care of. You only have to complete one round of Dance for your pet to lose 2g of weight or jump three hurdles in Jump for your pet to lose 3g of weight. There was the discipline, which was more complicated than in the '90s because there was a praise AND a punish option (and what made it even more confusing is the fact that the instructions didn't even explain it well enough).

The next year the second version of Tamagotchi Connexion/Connection came out. Things got harder. To play any games, your Tamagotchi HAD to be 3g over the minimum weight as opposed to the v1 (2g over the minimum weight for Dance, 3g over the minimum weight for Jump) and it became harder to lose weight. You had to get an Excellent in a game to lose 3g of weight, otherwise your pet would only lose 1 or 2g. Games would earn you "Gotchi Points" which was symbolised by a "P" for "point" as opposed to a Japanese Tamagotchi's "G" for "Gotchi". As a consequence, many children (in my area at least) would have fat Tamagotchi, then play the games to earn Points and then brag about how much money they have. The Points can then be used to buy items, such as the ever-famous U.F.O. As far as I know this is the first Tamagotchi ever (including Keitai) in which you can decide what you want to do while connecting. They could have at least had a "Surprise" function. The most common thing for children in my area to choose was "Present". Surprising, huh? (Note the sarcasm.)

The year after that the Tamagotchi craze had died out in my area. Tamagotchi Connexion/Connection version 3 came out. This is the first Tamagotchi I have really disliked. This Tamagotchi is the first English-version Tamagotchi to have an antenna. Just for... decoration. It takes away from the egg shape. But that doesn't really matter, does it? Nobody understands the meaning of Tamagotchi anymore where I live! This Tamagotchi also had the "Point" feature. Pretty much everyone where I live who had a v3 had a fat Tamagotchi. I think it's because we take it easy down here. The games are really long. First there's Get the Notes, taken from the Keitai. You have to catch 100 notes and avoid the poop and it takes forever. You need to get 100 points for your Tamagotchi to lose 3g of weight. Not even 99 points will do it as far as I remember. (My v3 has no battery anymore, I took it out.) Next there's Bump, taken from the v2. Maybe THIS is why people fatten up their Tamagotchi? To have better chance at winning this- stupid, in my opinion- game? There are four other games too, but I don't exactly want to go into detail about them. Hang on though, there's Heading. This game is unlocked when your Tamagotchi is a teenager and is probably the best game on it. Too bad it's not unlocked earlier and you have to spend a whole day each generation doing either Get the Notes or Bump.

Next year (a.k.a. This Year) the version 4 came out. More people have it now. Is this better or worse than v3? That is the question. This version introduces skill points. They're a pain in the bum to raise. To raise them you've gotta- you guessed it!- play long annoying games. Jumping Rope and Mimic raise random skill points and the other games (unlocked when your Tamagotchi is a teen of course) are Shape, Dance and Flag, which raise specific skill points. Jumping Rope and Mimic can raise any skill point by up to 5 points while the other games can raise up to 6 points. Of course you have to beat the games to get the most skill points you can out of it. There are special foods that will raise certain skill points by 1, 2 or 3. There are special characters you can get if you can actually be bothered to raise a certain skill point to 350. I have been bothered twice before. Also, to get these special characters, your Tamagotchi needs to be a certain gender and in a certain family. For example, to get Nonbiritchi your Tamagotchi needs to be male and in the Kuchi family. There's no way of influencing this as far as I know. To get the right criteria is rare enough, let alone have the time and patience to raise those skill points. This Tamagotchi still has the discipline which really overloads this Tamagotchi. The mail is annoying too. One time I had to miss out on part of the premiere of High School Musical 2 just because I opened mail, it contained bad news and I had to play Jumping Rope. The same day I was playing Monopoly with my sister and her friend and my Tamagotchi became unhappy, so I played a game and had to get people to move my token for me. Your Tamagotchi gets jobs when they grow up, and when you go to your job guess what you have to do? Play games! Now who's working? Your Tamagotchi or you? Right now I have the annoying Rock Star job. The buttons are unresponsive and seemingly harder to push (had my v4 since April and the buttons still haven't softened up yet!) and I feel sorry for those who don't have great reflexes. I got kinda frustrated at my v4 last night so I threw it on my bed and it bounced and hit the wall (not very hard though).

Because of the long annoying games nowadays, parents seem to think that Tamagotchi are like handheld video games. But they're not. They still are virtual pets. Well, actually, humanlike virtual pets that enjoy playing games. One time I was playing Get the Notes (my v3 was unhappy) and my mum asked me to tear some paper towel. I said, "Wait a minute!" But did she listen? NO! So I had to tear paper towel off with one hand and play Get the Notes with another. Consequently, I knocked half the stuff off the kitchen bench and got into trouble.

I don't like the antenna. I think that BanDai is making Tamagotchi more suited for right handers. Alright, I know approximately 90% of the world's population is right handed, but you do realise that some right handers prefer using their left hands to operate Tamagotchi (such as myself)?! I've seen pictures of the Yeah! Family Iro Iro Tamagotchi Plus! (a.k.a. Famitama) and I really don't like the thought of handling that Tamagotchi. As in holding it. Stupid antennas!

I dread to think of what v5 will be next (probably the simplified English version of the Famitama). I might choose not to get it. But then again, I swore I'd never get the v4 and look what I've got. A v4.

Oh wow. If you're reading this bit it means you've either skipped down to the bottom or actually bothered to read the whole thing. Well you've probably just wasted valuable time reading my ramblings.

Sayounara, all of you. Sayounara, future Tamagotchi.

I did read it all and it took AGES! But I do agree with you! Tamagotchis have become WAY too complicated. I mean a site to play MORE games on. I do have the higher versions but some things about them annoy me. I still love my tamas but the games are really frustrating. Some things about the higher versions are cool but BanDai are making them too much like people. I noticed this when the job feature came in. Ugh..tamas are PETS. Anyways..im rambling quite a bit now too so i'll end with agreeing about the V4 buttons.Oh and saying i dont hate the new versions some things just bug me. My fave version is the first connection.

The V4 Is alright but the mail icons r annoying

i like the V3 The best i think it has a flat battery but i cant find it or is it my V2 with a Flat battery I habe now dang idea were my V3 V2 V1 is i think i throw them away i throw my old V4 in the water tank Because it Kept Turning off Because i broke it i bought a new V4 its not even a week old its called Elie



I did read it all and it took AGES! But I do agree with you! Tamagotchis have become WAY too complicated. I mean a site to play MORE games on. I do have the higher versions but some things about them annoy me. I still love my tamas but the games are really frustrating. Some things about the higher versions are cool but BanDai are making them too much like people. I noticed this when the job feature came in. Ugh..tamas are PETS. Anyways..im rambling quite a bit now too so i'll end with agreeing about the V4 buttons.Oh and saying i dont hate the new versions some things just bug me. My fave version is the first connection.
That's my favourite version too. You know why? Not too needy. Easy to care for. Quick to lose weight. I could go on forever but I choose not to. I think I've rambled enough this morning. That's gotta be my longest post. My second post is only like, either half as long or three quarters the length of that.

Get a Pocket Neopet if you want something more game centered. You HAVE to play games, otherwise you WON'T have the money to buy food and toys for your Neopet. What's more, it's not very easy to check on. You can see its health (as a number), happiness (as a number) and intelligence (as a number). You have to do well at the games as you can only collect Neopoints three times a day.

The first few waves of v4s had nice designs but now they're getting girlier... and girlier... and girlier. Yes, there were girly-ish designs in older Connexion versions, but not as many. There was the pink with stars (v2), the green with flowers (v3) and the pink with ice creams (v3). Now there's white with pink flowers, with TMGC on the top of the egg in flowery writing (v4) and pink and white Entama design (v4).

I agree! The mail icon only annoys me because mail takes SO LONG and i prefer the pet side rather than the games. The mail icon also annoys me because there is no lamp icon to switch off so your tama goes to bed earlier. But the mail concept is clever but too human like. The V1 designs are the best cause there's only like, 1 girly one. Which is plain pink. (yes i am a girl)

I just had to stop half way to look at the mail and it was a snake!WHAT A WASTE OF TIME!I like the jobs but I miss the light....And they are not even pets anymore just so you know!THEY ARE HUMAN!I mean look at it.Jobs?Intelligence?Style?Kindiness?Clothes?(although that kinda does look very cute on them so I take that back).So I hope the v5 doesn't go to wack and yes I agree with the antenna bit.It's out of it's eggyness shape of form!


My Tamagotchi is a toddler and weighs 22g.

... Can you guess why? Come on, it ain't that hard.

Tamagotchi are handheld video games now, so it seems. I wish bad mail wouldn't make hearts drop so much, only 1-3 hearts and not all four. That way I could get away with feeding a couple of snacks so it gains only 2-6g of weight and not 8g of weight. It takes ages to work off weight on version 4.

I think you've got a really valuable point but there's one thing I want to say about what you said.. you said that you had to play a game and missed the premiere of HSM, had to get your sister and friends to move your piece in Monopoly and was asked to get some paper towl for her. Well you don't HAVE TO play games, it's a virtual pet! When you were watching the premiere and playing monopoly, you could have just fed your tamagotchi a few snacks to make it happy, then played a few games later. When your mum asked for a paper towel, you could just leave the game, yes you would lose but your tama would have been at least one happy heart up.

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Problem is, I'm a perfectionist. Well, WAS. I seriously don't care anymore. I even let my Ringotchi get to 41g. I like my Tamagotchi to be perfectly on the base weight at all times. 8g over the base weight is 7g too much for me. (Sometimes I don't care about that 1g.)

Wanna know why I'm a perfectionist? My v1's on 87th generation and high generation numbers does funny things to ya... I'm now scared of water. I had a dream last night that my dance school was flooding and my dance bag was on the floor of the cloakroom and I was scared the water was going to soak through my bag and drench my Tamagotchi. I'm scared of taking my Tamagotchi away from home lest something happen to it but at the same time I'm scared of leaving my Tamagotchi at home on pause or asleep in case when I paused it/put it to sleep it was only a thought or daydream and it isn't really paused or asleep. At night I get horrid thoughts about how long I'm going to continue Tamagotchi for. But now I think I have an answer.

The answer? After my v1 has taken its last breath of life (as in completely broken).

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