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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2006
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It is not done yet....

The Magical House

“Kathy, come down and get your backpack!” said Kathy’s mom. Kathy was a girl with dirty blond hair that reaches her back. She was a little tan like her mom. Everyone told her she was as skinny as a stick. She was 16 years old. She went to Silver Springs High School. To her, school was good at times and bad at times. She was the fashion kind of girl but her friend Lindsey was the sporty type. They were definitely BFFL. They were always there for each other when they needed someone.

It was a normal day at high school. “Another quarter another lot of new classes.” Lindsey said Then Kathy said, “I am so excited. My creative writing class starts this quarter! That is going to be my favorite class.” “Don’t speak to soon. You never know what teacher you’ll have”, Said Lindsey. Kathy knew she would like that class anyway. They reached their sky blue lockers. Kathy typed in her combination 2/17/9 EEEEEEEEcckkk screeched her locker as it opened up. Inside Lindsey’s and Kathy’s lockers it was normal-as usual. There was also a mirror in the back. “Today is going to be awesome!” said Kathy. Kathy grabbed the bunch of books she needed for classes. First up she had math. As she walked into the classroom the popular squad came charging through. Kathy sighed. She hated those girls. Kathy sat down in her seat next to her other best friend Kimberly. This class is going to be so boring.

After the school day was over Kathy and Kimberly went over to Kathy’s house. They were upstairs in Kathy’s room. They were using Kathy’s laptop to IM Lindsey.

Justme96: wuts up?

Colchick977: what u wants?

Justme96: just wanted 2 talks 2 u! What’s with the attitude?

Coolchick977: leave me alone. U probably wouldn’t care.

Coolchick977 has just signed off.

After the Lindsey problem Kimberly went home to see if she could call her. Kathy wished there was a place were only Kathy had the key to. Also she grew wings. There must have been a shooting star when she wished that because the next morning something extraordinary happened.

Kathy had already gotten up, brushed her teeth and washed her face. She was going in her closet to get an outfit (she cleaned it last night). Behind her clothes she saw a door in the back of her closet. “I never noticed this before”, said Kathy. She pushed it open and was so surprised her mouth dropped to the center of the earth. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” she screamed. “What’s the matter?” asked her little sister Jessica. “Come see this but you can’t tell mom, OK?” said Kathy. She was cute and Kathy loved her. She had the same reaction Kathy did (but not the scream hehehe) “Wow!” she said almost in a whisper. There was a sparkling river that was a perfect blue. Jessica ran in when she saw a unicorn. “This is so awesome!!!!” said Kathy. She walked in slowly and put her hand in the water. It was perfectly crystal clear and very warm. All of a sudden Kathy had wings sprouting out of her back. Jessica petted the unicorn gently so it wouldn’t be frightened. “Can I ride it” yelled Jessica. “After school if you can find it” she answered. Jessica’s eyes widened when she saw the wings. “Kathy, Jessica” called Kathy’s mom. They hurried out, locked the door and started getting ready.

Kathy had a normal day at school. She felt her wings grow when she went into the secret door. Then, when she dove in the water her wings disappeared and she turned into a beautiful mermaid! She jumped out, did a flip and splashed in again. When she came back up she saw Jessica. “Oh my gosh! You are a mermaid” she screamed. Could she be any louder? Kathy thought. Well, she had to admit if she saw Jessica like this she would scream! “Remember you can’t tell anyone ok?” said Kathy. After Jessica said ok, she dived in. SPLASH! “Boy! You make a heck of a splash!” said Kathy in shock. Jessica rolled her eyes. While they were having fun she herd the front door open. “Oh no! Mom is home from work!” wisped Kathy so her mom couldn’t hear her. They got out quickly, dried off and got dressed. They did it just in time. They dried their hair but they could feel it. “Hi mom” they said. She looked at them suspiciously, said hi and walked to her room. “That was a close one” said Jessica. Then they went to go do homework.

Today, at school, something amazing happened. Kathy did something she never thought she would do. She faced the popular group leader and cheerleader leader. Well, she was walking to the table with Kimberly and then the popular leader, Kristy, was being snot. Then when she ignored her she said “Awww, poor little Kathy can’t think off a good comeback!” Then she got so mad that I through my ice cream cone on her chest. “You… you, look what you did” she said. I guess she couldn’t find a name she didn’t call me already. Everybody stared with their mouth wide open and eyes like tennis balls. A murmur went through the crowd. Whoooooooohoooooo! Everyone started to cheer as Kristy left the cafeteria and to the bathroom so she could wash her shirt off (lucky for her she was wearing a white shirt and it was vanilla ice cream). “That was awesome!” said Kimberly. That is what everyone said to her. That is the most exciting thing that has happened to me besides the magical world.

After school Kathy went to the magical world. As soon as she felt her wings sprout she took off, flying over the treetops. “This is a good time to explore she said. As she soared she wondered…. who was she taking to the dance? As she was thinking about her problem, she didn’t know she was flying over something that would make her not even want to go to the dance, but make her happy. “Wow! Look at this!” said Kathy looking down at a happy Castle. It was so cute .It had a red roof and golden bricks. It was so splendind! She walked inside. The doors closed. Then she started to panic. Then, out of nowhere, a voice said “Don’t worry. You’re safe in here. Take the key”. Kathy looked around and then saw it glimmering. She picked it up and said “Where are you?” to the voice. “You’ll see me later, next time. Do not loose that key, because it is our only way into here.” Kathy opened the door and walked out. After all that she just did, she flew home.

The next morning, a Saturday (yes!), Kathy laid bed. “I will go back there today” she said to herself as Jessica walked in. “Can I come? It’s so much fun.” Jessica asked. “Not this time.” Kathy replied. “I need to do something on my own.” Jessica said OK and walked out. She entered her closet and opened the door. “Something feels wrong….”Kathy noticed. She looked around, when she saw nothing was wrong, she tried to convince herself she was OK. She jumped up and soared through the green-leafed trees. When she saw the castle, she knew nothing was wrong. It was as bright and cheery as usual.

Sooo on a scale of 1 to 10....

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I wont rate, But that's a very nice story you have there!

Must have taken alot of time to think. It seems liek you certainly enjoy writing. A good Hobbie. You should continue the story! i cant wiat to hear more! :D Friends Stories. I'd love to see how this one would end!


Nice story! :D

Though I don't want to rate it because I might rate it something that you don't like, but it was a great story. It soundslike brindge to tarabethia or Narnia.

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