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Yuppers. It's stuck in my head. I can't seem to get it out. That dude from The Academy Is... sings that part.

10/10 But....I think you know that.

I've been thinking of changing my siggy to those lyrics.

Jinx helped with the ideas. And yeah....you know yours.

I need to update my iPod. And finish reading my book. I'm on the second sentence. But I memorized the first. I'm som sorta genius. Actually...it took.....less than a minute.

Why not put it? 100/100..... 7777777/7777777......2/2

Heh heh heh. Jinx is awesome. Hi Jinx! Hijinx....lol....heh heh heh. I am slowly losing my mind.


23/32 jk....

Your real one: 12345789/123456789

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