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Well-known member
May 30, 2006
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Okay, so I have this friend [we'll call her X]. So, I have BEP's CD Monkey Business, right? Haha, not right. I let her borrow it, and she 'claims' that her dog stepped on it. Of course, from knowing her so long, I can tell when she's lying. So I'd deeply appreciate it if nobody went, "Omg how do u know she's lyin???". It's just one of those things I've learned how to do. I think she just wants to create a poor excuse so she can keep my CD. I told her to bring the pieces of my CD in tomorrow, but considering she might not, if she doesn't, I'm going to tell her that if I don't recieve them by Thursday, I'm going to report her.

The problem is, I don't know who to report her to, and I desperately want that CD back. I don't know her phone number, so please don't tell me to tell her mom. I was thinking about getting the principal into it, but I don't know. Any ideas? TG really wants that CD back. D:

Thanks if you can help me ^__^

Okay well get the school officials into this if possible and explain it to them or a teacher...but it's not a guaranteed thing because if this happened after school hours then they can't do much. But talking with a principal about it would be good since they could call her mother and report the missing CD.

You pretty much gave her your full warning. If it hits thursday and she doesn't have it, don't freak out on her, just say "OK, I gave you plenty of warning. I'm sorry but I will be talking with the principal about this before the end of the week" and end the topic there. If she throws a hissy fit, let her. She's just digging her down grave. Just cease talking to her until you speak to some authority about this.

Ok it souldnt be in the schools buisnes about a broken cd anyway its just a cd it shouldnt interupt your friend ship buy another one
No a CD isn't a big deal but in general any property taken and not returned is a form of theft and if she suspects it and knows her friend well enough, then theft should not be taken lightly.

paper*cut, the CD isn't broken... her friend just lied and said it was.

Reporting to school officials wouldn't be that helpful seeing if it did take place after school. I suggest talking to your friend's mom about it first.

If none of this works, you could just buy a new one. (Waste of money, I know...).

I would ask her parents if they know anything about the CD and if its not broken, they will take care of it

As I've stated before, I don't know her phone number. I'll ask her for it tomorrow and see how it plays out.

paper*cut, the CD isn't broken... her friend just lied and said it was.
Reporting to school officials wouldn't be that helpful seeing if it did take place after school. I suggest talking to your friend's mom about it first.

If none of this works, you could just buy a new one. (Waste of money, I know...).
buying a new one will be hard and expincive. If the CD does turn out to be broken the X should buy a new one Only i highly doubt its broken

Well for one, don't tell her you won't be her friend anymore :lol:

Be a good friend, have a private, serious, talk with her and ask her where the CD is. Dicuss with her how you feel and tell her that you'll give her one more chance.

I mean, thats stealing, so I don't think reporting her will just cut the line and teach her a lesson!

Besides, telling her Mom would just be cruel. If its really nescessary then do it though.

paper*cut, the CD isn't broken... her friend just lied and said it was.
Reporting to school officials wouldn't be that helpful seeing if it did take place after school. I suggest talking to your friend's mom about it first.

If none of this works, you could just buy a new one. (Waste of money, I know...).
Well she really doesn't know for sure [TG is pretty sure, but totaly assuming in this case isn't the best] that for sure but either way, this girl still owes her a CD.

Just because it's out of school doesn't mean a school official can help it get straightened out. I'd say go to the counselor, talk to her about your issue and maybe she get in contact with the parents.

*copies everything TL says*

Well she really doesn't know for sure [TG is pretty sure, but totaly assuming in this case isn't the best] that for sure but either way, this girl still owes her a CD.
Just because it's out of school doesn't mean a school official can help it get straightened out. I'd say go to the counselor, talk to her about your issue and maybe she get in contact with the parents.

*copies everything TL says*
Oh yes, I completely forgot about the councelor! That will help quite a lot. Thank you so much for reminding me of her, lol

I would tell your mum before going to the school principal / pastoral leader / year co-ordinator etc.. Maybe your mum can contact her mum and you can sort this out.

paper*cut, the CD isn't broken... her friend just lied and said it was.
Reporting to school officials wouldn't be that helpful seeing if it did take place after school. I suggest talking to your friend's mom about it first.

If none of this works, you could just buy a new one. (Waste of money, I know...).
you know the friend could of been telling the truth :ichigotchi:

I would set it off up in there, I would go all Harriet the Spy up on her.

I would be throwing all kinds of question at her, and test her friendship, because I had a friend like that before. They did that with everything I let them borrow..

I'd borrow one of things and play the same game to with her.

Not everything is all joy, calm, and :rolleyes: 'ing.

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