Really bored in science class.


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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2007
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I was so bored in science class and I drew this odd little character of mine:


And I just felt I'd share it with y'all.

Hehe; the teacher didn't like even know.

Ps. I did it all in the class.

Cool drawing ^^

I draw during class too =P The teacher never comes to the back of the room so yeah =]

Eh, need's body work. The hair also seem's outta proportion, like lopsided or something. Though it is purty.... Add me because Im to lazy to add you XD The featured Deviation was drawn in school as well...

But I think if you had time to detail it, you should have had time to get the body in proportion.... I mean those detail's are pretty good!

I need a scanner. The body is lopsided mainlly cause I was just too lazy to edit it but I am gonna work more to actually draw gooder. (wow. not a word.) Originally, i was only gonna draw a quick face but i made it too small so the body had to be drawn. My teachers an idiot. I sit in the verry front in science and he never even like goes anywhere just sits at his computer and loox at pics of mexico (wtf?) Yeah...I also need to like spend 5 hrs learning how to draw hands. No matter what, they always end up screwd. teehee. I hate my art, personally, I don't know why. I spend too much time making stupid comics and stuff with caitlyn. oh my gawd this was a long post to type out.

I'm hungry.

[SIZE=7pt]I understand, science class can be quite a bore.[/SIZE]

2 hours of just.. sitting there, with your work complete. :p

That's a great drawing.

Looks like it took a while!


[SIZE=7pt]I understand, science class can be quite a bore.[/SIZE]2 hours of just.. sitting there, with your work complete. :p

That's a great drawing.

Looks like it took a while!

More like 45 minutes of incomplete work. lols. It was funny.

First he told us what to do (no he never explains things)

Then we talked for most of the class

Then like fifteen minutes into class Kristen stoled my LA story

Then I drew her the character

And that was basically our science class that day

No body in my class does their science cause sinal never checks

I miss science last year with b hizzle. he squirted us wit water

Last year my science class was so boring I would doodle all the time too!

Well that drawings very good. It did look like it took a while.

That's awesome. I can't draw worth a crap xD I coloured in two History pages, and the rest are covered in random doodles. Mostly music notes and song lyrics xD

Thankzz to evryone for all the positive comments and great advice. I shall try to get in more time for drawing and less time for comic crap. Right now I'm working on sort of a title page for a completed comics. The Cee && Dee Show Official Comic. It's weird and funny and if y'all would like to see it, I'll put that up as well.

i like the eyes.... you are so lucky you could even draw hands!!! its really hard to do... the head is kinda big but all over its kinda kawaii

Yeah it's like, Kawaii? I quite like it :( Yeah I don't only get bored in science class, I get bored in every class so I just doodle. Maybe I'll share a few pictures once we get a printer with a scanner

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