Really old story but still shocking


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Jul 15, 2008
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That is very scary because i have had my period and im 10. some woman have babies natrually (thats what i heard) so freaky

That's disgusting. I hate it when girls, that young get pregnant.

I still feel sorry if she was raped, but if she wasn't... Uh. raped, then that wasn't smart.

Then only way you can have a baby naturally is artifical insimnation.

i didn't see her give birth...i'm 10 and that would be really freaky!!!!

What do you mean by having babies naturally? o.o;

Like, home birth?

Pregnancy isn't just a "wake up one day and *poof* you're pregnant."

According to the story she was raped. The only thing about this that's remotely shocking to me is that she was able to carry the child to term.

I think she means she delivered it through the vagina and not by a C-Section.That's what I consider naturally to be anyway.
No. She said "I heard some women have babies naturally", which means getting pregnant, I think she means like having sex or artifical insimniation.

I don't know. C section isn't natural, vaginal birth is natural. [i think you have to try pushing the baby out first, then if you can't they do C-section.

I don't know. C section isn't natural, vaginal birth is natural. [i think you have to try pushing the baby out first, then if you can't they do C-section.
C-sections are performed for various reasons.

If the mother has any ailments (i.e. heart disease, high blood pressure), then a C-section is scheduled.

If the baby is breech (Feet first) and it cannot be flipped there will be a C-section.

If the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck or started down the birth cannal and emergency C-section will be performed.

If the woman's pelvis is too small to go through a vaginal birth, a C-section will be performed.

I believe that covers most cases. :)

As for the story, that's just terrible. A 37 year old man doing that to an innocent 10 year old? That just makes me sick.

As SK said, it's incredible that she could even carry the child to term, being her body itself isn't yet matured. I wonder how the baby is. It is very likely, that being born to a mother of such a young age, that there are some major health issues there.

EDIT: Typo. x3

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C-sections are performed for various reasons.
If the mother has any ailments (i.e. heart disease, high blood pressure), then a C-section is scheduled.

If the baby is breech (Feet first) and it cannot be flipped there will be a C-section.

If the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck or started down the birth cannal and emergency C-section will be performed.

If the woman's pelvis is too small to go through a vaginal birth, a C-section will be performed.

I believe that covers most cases. :angry:

As for the story, that's just terrible. A 37 year old man doing that to an innocent 10 year old? That just makes me sick.

As SK said, it's incredible that she could even carry the child to term, being her body itself isn't yet matured. I wonder how the baby is. It is very likely, that being born to a mother of such a young age, that there are some major health issues there.

EDIT: Typo. x3
Ah. Thanks for clearing it up. :3

And that IS disgusting how older men [sometimes women] rape little kids. :angry: I mean, the little kids are so innocent, and then they get hurt. I mean, how would a rapist like it it a 80 year old raped them? Disgusting.

Couldn't she have died during childbirth?

@Jazz Kid: Anyone can die during childbirth, but she probably had more of a high risk pregnancy because of her age and how small she is.
Yes, I know. But due to her body size and age, I would believe she'd have a higher risk... Right?

The poor girl. ._.

No 10 year old is ready to be a mother; I can't imagine how brave that girl is.

And it's really sad, because that will seriously have emotionally damaged the girl, and could also have killed her.

That man is sick. *gets angry with Mexican rapist*

I'm just glad she's healthy now. :]

@Jazz Kid: Anyone can die during childbirth, but she probably had more of a high risk pregnancy because of her age and how small she is.
So because she was 10, she has a higher risk of pregnancy? Girls can't get pregnant unless they've had their period. If they haven't had their period yet, then if they got raped or willingly had sex, they couldn't get pregnant.

So because she was 10, she has a higher risk of pregnancy? Girls can't get pregnant unless they've had their period. If they haven't had their period yet, then if they got raped or willingly had sex, they couldn't get pregnant.
Since her body isn't finished developing yet, it puts both her and the baby at a very high risk.

And, since she got pregnant, that obviously means she already had her period. I guess she was an, "early bloomer."

Lady_Shay - I read that article somewhere! I was glad that the parents were willing to bring up the baby as her older sister. :]

There was a girl who got her period when she was 18 months old and was raped and gave birth at age 7. It was a boy and was brought up as her younger brother.
I read about that on Oddee.


Since her body isn't finished developing yet, it puts both her and the baby at a very high risk.
And, since she got pregnant, that obviously means she already had her period. I guess she was an, "early bloomer."

Lady_Shay - I read that article somewhere! I was glad that the parents were willing to bring up the baby as her older sister. :]
Oh OH! I mis understood what you said! Sorry! :[

What do you mean by having babies naturally? o.o;Like, home birth?

Pregnancy isn't just a "wake up one day and *poof* you're pregnant."

According to the story she was raped. The only thing about this that's remotely shocking to me is that she was able to carry the child to term.
Poof Pregnancy would be quite akward.

That story is horrible, But I know of a Nine Year old who had a kid [she was all, Into drinking, drugs and sex as soon as she got her period...Which was when she was eight, thinking having her period would allow her to act like a w***e] She gave the kid away for adoption [Yeah. The baby survived] ....The Kid is like...18 now, and the Mother is around 27

Its like babies are having Babies. Its Sick.

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That sounds like a horrible thing to go through. o.o;;

Darian told me that her 11 year old cousin was pregnant with a 14 year old boy's child, with consent. I can't be so sure, but any suggestion of pregnancy that early is frankly disturbing to me.

Just because you're able to have babies come a certain time does not mean you should. D:

I understand that it wasn't meant to happen with her, though. She's very lucky to have been able to survive carrying the baby.

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