Really weird!


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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2008
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So a couple nights ago I woke up and I was really hot under all my covers. And my 1 inch thick memory foam matress pad was retaning heat and I could not sleep. So I rolled off my bed onto my hardwood floor (no rug) with my blanket and pillow and slept like a baby. The next night I traded my downy comfortor for just a sheet. Still I coulden't sleep. So again I roll off my bed with my pillow and blanket and sleep like a log. NEXT night I took off my matress pad and took back my down comfortor. STILL I could not sleep. So again I slept on the ground. Next night I just had a sheet. Same story, I wasn't hot, I just couldn't sleep. I slept on the ground. Next night I don't take a blanket. Still cant sleep. Slept on the ground. Last night, no blanket no pillow. Coulden't sleep. Slept like a hibernating bear on the ground! So if you followed this HELP! If you are still confused bacically (sp) what I said was I couldn't sleep in my bed but slept perfectly on my hard, wooden floor. Is there something wrong with me? I know I don't have insomnia because I get the best night sleep on the ground. So if I can get your opinion on this, it would be greatly appreicated (sp).

P.S. I'm 14

Hmm.... Sorry. I don't really know what to do. I'll have to ask my mom cause shes a nurse and she might know. ;)

That might be your body telling you you need a firmer mattress.

I understand the heat thing though >.< My room ended up at 83F last night. The most I could do was doze off.

You might try sleeping in different positions and different areas of your bed.

I know my mattress always feels more firm in different spots because I'm not used to sleeping there.

If you can, keep your window open at night and/or a fan going while you sleep. It should(unless you have a room like mine) keep the temperature down a bit. Make it a bit easier to fall asleep.

It's normal to me.

Last summer I basically slept on hardwood floor in my room, then in my brother's air-conditioned room in my "nest" (nest of pillows and blankets) and I slept like a baby because I was so hot and my dad won't give us air conditioning except in my brother's room.

And I slept MUCH BETTER.

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Sounds comfortable, I should try it! ;)

Well at my house we do have an A/C and have to keep my house cool so our dog dosen't over heat. And I can't sleep on top of anything. So last nightI tried the couch (our's is really hard) and I still was not able to sleep. So I slep on the ground again. But the weird thing is, is that I wake up at 6:30 a.m. feeling fully rested whereas during the school year when I slept on my bed I would wake up at 7:30 feeling really sleepy still.

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Firmer matress. But if it's comfortable for you to sleep on the floor, then sleep on the floor. For the past week or so, I can't even fall asleep unless I'm on the ground, in the corner. So that's what I do. I have inomnia-like habits, but I don' think it's insomnia. I'm not sure if you do. But if the problem does'nt end, maybe you should go see a doctor and see if you have insomnia.

I lovvvvee to sleep on the floor! I went to the beach one year, and the matresses SUCKED. So I slept on the floor the whole week there, and I was fine. -_-

Well blue slip, I can be pretty sure I don't have insomnia because I can fall asleep (on the floor) and stay asleep (on the floor) but my mom thinks I'm crazy and my dad half jokes that he's gonna lock me up in the loony hut. And last night I tried to sleep in a diffrent position, like on the foot of my bed, updown...still to no avil I slept on the floor.

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