Recall on Nintendo Wiis!?!


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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2006
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Yesterday I started watching the news for no apparent reason and they said they were recalling every Nintendo Wii new in stores or even already bought! Wanna know why? People say the straps that tie the Wiimote to your wrist aren't strong or thick enough and they keep flying out of their hands and breaking stuff or hitting people. :) It seems there's always a flaw to a brand new system, always! People were saying that the new Xbox 360, if bought under $500, would explode after two weeks playing time or so, and PS3's are said to to have some troubles with their wireless controllers. 0.o I think some of these are just rumors, but There are also some known to be very true. Have any of these things happened to you, or someone you know??? And do you think the Wii recall is just people not being careful, or if its really their biggest flaw to Nintendo yet, or what???? What's your opinion? :huh:

They're recalling Wiis because of the strap? o_O That seems a bit much. Can't people just replace the strap with their own? Plus they can tighten it around their wrist. I think it's just people being stupid and not knowing how to attach the strap right.

Wait.. are they recalling the whole system or just the remotes?

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I've seen over the internet that a lot of ppl are having troubles with the wristrap. It flys off and hits their tvs! that sux. it's just more durable than they think. just be more careful, ppl!

Yeah they said they're recalling the entire systems for some stupid reason.

really? couldn't they just tighten it like SweetKandi said? And seriously, the holiday season is here and proboably many kids wanted the Nintendo Wii and now they can't get it becaues they are recalling the systems-wait system or just remote- IF

System: then that is so dumb just becasue of the strap. they could at leasst learn how to use the straps correctly (or may not even use the strap)

Remote: better than the entire system being recalled but its still-how are we going to play (true there are other remotes like the classic controller)

i have a wii and the only reason it's breaking its because morans let go of it when there playing bowling and the strap breaks and it once broke somebodys new plasma t.v.

I got a Wii today ^.^ I was lucky to get it.

My mom, my friend and I left my house at about 15 to 8 this morning and went to the mall. We went to three stores to find they were all sold out of Wiis x.x They just got a shipment in this morning.

So we went across the street to Target. I figured they wouldn't have any, but we went anyway.

Well when we got there it turned out they had 2 left. They were meant for other people who had reserved them, but the people never showed up. We were about 3rd to last in line, so I was in a 'screw this' mood. I was about to walk out of line when I hear from the store manager, 'This is what we're gonna do!' I'm like.. 'we're gonna do something!?!? o_O'

So they decide that we're gonna do a raffle to decide who gets the Wiis. The people in the front of the line are having tantrums, go figure. Oh well. Babies.

My friend had the first number they called X3 GO HER! So Heather got a Wii. We kept and framed the winning ticket ^.^

T'was an awesome day.

As for the strap, if mine breaks, I'll replace it with a different one.

i think its just that people want to sue for money and free nintendo products so they try to find something wrong with it....

i have a wii, and I ALWAYS tighten my strap to its fullest so it nearly strangles my wrist


That's strange. Especially about the X-Box 360. How would it just "explode" after two weeks of game play? The people using it must be doing something to it. Game systems don't just "explode".


That's strange. Especially about the X-Box 360. How would it just "explode" after two weeks of game play? The people using it must be doing something to it. Game systems don't just "explode".
A lot of them just stopped working after about two weeks. I never heard of them exploding though o.o'

Yesterday I started watching the news for no apparent reason and they said they were recalling every Nintendo Wii new in stores or even already bought! Wanna know why? People say the straps that tie the Wiimote to your wrist aren't strong or thick enough and they keep flying out of their hands and breaking stuff or hitting people. :D It seems there's always a flaw to a brand new system, always! People were saying that the new Xbox 360, if bought under $500, would explode after two weeks playing time or so, and PS3's are said to to have some troubles with their wireless controllers. 0.o I think some of these are just rumors, but There are also some known to be very true. Have any of these things happened to you, or someone you know??? And do you think the Wii recall is just people not being careful, or if its really their biggest flaw to Nintendo yet, or what???? What's your opinion? ;)
Right... Peoplsonz who own wiis should be more careful. :D :D :D Doubt it's Nintendo's fault... B) :wacko: :ph34r:


:D :D

They Are only Recalling the Straps, It said so in the news here in England.

My Wii has been sent, It should arrive by Christmas.. Hopefully.

Yesterday I started watching the news for no apparent reason and they said they were recalling every Nintendo Wii new in stores or even already bought! Wanna know why? People say the straps that tie the Wiimote to your wrist aren't strong or thick enough and they keep flying out of their hands and breaking stuff or hitting people. ^_^ It seems there's always a flaw to a brand new system, always! People were saying that the new Xbox 360, if bought under $500, would explode after two weeks playing time or so, and PS3's are said to to have some troubles with their wireless controllers. 0.o I think some of these are just rumors, but There are also some known to be very true. Have any of these things happened to you, or someone you know??? And do you think the Wii recall is just people not being careful, or if its really their biggest flaw to Nintendo yet, or what???? What's your opinion? :lol:
Well, my next door nieghboor has had one since May/June.

There hasnt been a random explosion go through the wall

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