relatives that you just CANT stand !


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My Sister.

She is 8 yrs. old, but acts like my 3 yr. old neighbour.

We are COMPLETE opposites.

Once, Another pair of sisters our age, we're hanging out with us, and my sisters friend wanted to play Posieden. XD

I said "Ok..." My sister said:

"Didn't terrorists blow up the ship?"

Me: "Uh...No. It turned upside down"

Her: "No. The Terrorist people blew it up witha bomb."

Me: "No. Terrorists did not blow it up. You are probably thinkling of a different movie."

She cried for a half an hour.

24/7...I deal with constant whining. Someone would think I have a 3 yr. old sister.

:huh: ;;

I think that no matter how angry your relatives can make you, it's essential for you to still love them.

Everybody gets ticked off once in a while, but I don't want to say that I hate them, because they've actually done a ton for me.

My Second Cousin has my MSN, and she's constantly saying silly things about boys that she likes.

She lives across the country in Alberta, and her friends are constantly adding me.

It's like, how many people have you told about me?

I get a little annoyed and that.

Ok fine, alot. Because somebody new adds me everyday, or so it seems.

But I try to be as nice as I can.

I like alot of people that I know, but I don't enjoy everyone all of the time.

But besides that, I'm lucky to have a little brother that rarely annoys me.

He knows when to stop talking, etc.

It's great overall.


Ok, he was trying to make me go to bed at 7:00! WTF? It's summer and it is still bright out.. He told me that's how they did it in "the days"

He calls my mother a slut and yelled at me to shut the F*ck up when I was apperently talking back! He screamed at my sister's and called them big bi*ches..

He called me a homosexual because I want to dye my bangs blonde.. >_<' I told him, "what if I am gay? It's still rude to judge people by sexual orientation" (I'm not gay, don't worry..) He told me that he wished he lived in united states so there was no gay marriage.. I walked away and went into my room.. Old room actiully

My parents are split up.. Divorced actiully! But they say split up to make me feel better..


Love her I am a momma's boy! bahahaha

My sisters,

We're like any other siblings.. We have fights, we make up, we have fun with eachother..

My sister.
Shes autistic and can barely speak if at all. I hate her and wish that i didn't have a sister at all. I want nothing in the world then to have a normal sibling. You guys that do have normal siblings, love them. You don't have any idea how lucky you are.
She can't help that she's autistic though. Why exactly do you hate her? Just because she's autistic?

I don't think you have any right to say that. You don't know what i have lived thorugh with her and have no right to judge what i say. Try living my my place for one day and you will shut up. Don't say anything like that to me. How dare you think that what i say is sickening. you have no right.
What, you don't think i have ever heard what you just said before?!?!?!?!??!?!?! Do you have an autisic younger sister? NO. So don't say that about what i think. you have no idea what my life has been like.
I hope you don't find me rude... But I beg you, please read this:

Autistic people have a harder time in life than "Normal" people.

They have harder times finding jobs because of their disability. Now, what if something happened to you, and people would say "We won't let ________ have this job because of ______", how would you feel?! Like crap, no?

I am sorry, but EVERYBODY has problems...I have problems, you have problems, everybody does, even though they might not wear it(Aka, Show it) they still have problems.

And to be nice, please don't tell anyone to shut up, because then you sound like 6 year olds fighting in a parking lot over a Barbie. >__> No offense

I hope you don't find me rude... But I beg you, please read this:Autistic people have a harder time in life than "Normal" people.

They have harder times finding jobs because of their disability. Now, what if something happened to you, and people would say "We won't let ________ have this job because of ______", how would you feel?! Like crap, no?

I am sorry, but EVERYBODY has problems...I have problems, you have problems, everybody does, even though they might not wear it(Aka, Show it) they still have problems.

And to be nice, please don't tell anyone to shut up, because then you sound like 6 year olds fighting in a parking lot over a Barbie. >__> No offense
If you don't want to offend someone, don't post an offensive reply.

Adding "No Offence" does not excuse rudeness.

Please, don't judge something when you don't know someone's personal circumstances in full.

A short comment on this forum does not give you the full story of a person's life.

How you deal with problems is not the same as how others deal with problems.

If someone is having a harder time than you, it doesn't make your own circumstances any less difficult to deal with on a day to day basis and certainly doesn't give you or anyone the right to dismiss them because "someone else is worse off".

As TigerLily013 has already said - time to move on.

Please... no more comments picking at someone who has answered honestly and has not followed the accepted "norm" for these times.

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Hm. I thought I had a terrible relative, but reading all this makes him seem like nothing. He's my nephew, Andrew. (No, I'm not an adult...I just have a really complicated family tree that I don't feel like explaining right now, but trust me, it all makes sense). He's a whiny little brat who just has to be right about everything. He doesn't accept anyone else's opinion. No, wait, he doesn't except FACTS. For example, if you just randomly say something that is obviously a fact, such as "Andrew, you are a human" he'll contradict you and say something really stupid like "No, maybe I'm an alien from outer space." And he's actually kind of half-serious. He also tries to be really cool. He wants to be just like my brother Jack (who is awesome ^_^ ) but he fails miserably. Jack hates him because Andrew always wants to hang out with him and be cool. He also hangs out with me a lot when we're visiting. Oh, and if you beat him at a board game or video game or something, he'll make a bunch of excuses like "Oh, uh, I was just going easy on you! I could totally have won if I wanted!" He's also really immature. One time he just randomly started shaking my gerbil's tank up and down. Of course, I was like "WHAT THE !@%#$ ARE YOU DOING??!!! And he just screamed "EARTHQUAKE!!!" and started laughing. I hate him so much. He's 13, but he acts like he's about 3. >:/ Other than that, I don't really hate any of my relatives. My stepsister can be a little....odd, but she's okay.

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