Retiring Some of My Tamagotchis


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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, FL
Sorry to shower you guys with new topics. :angry:

It's really hard to maintain my tamagotchis health when I have so many. I've come to the conclusion that retiring 5 or 6 out of 8 would be the best solution. I probably want to retire only 1 or 2 of my own tamagotchis, and 3, maybe even all of my sisters tamagotchis that I'm taking care of (She's deciding on a price for them.. I think she wants to sell them to me for a dollar apiece!). My own tamagotchis consist of vesions V3, V4, V4.5, and a V5 (I have one of each). My sister has a V3, 2 V4.5, and a V5. I don't really like the V5's that much, so they will probably end up being some of the ones that are retiring for awhile. I really like V4.5 though, but I don't think taking care of 3 of them is necessary. Enough from me, which one(s) do YOU think I should retire?


P.S. You can vote, post, or do both! :angry:

When you say retire you mean take the battery out. Well I suggest you take the battery out of some of the older versions. Perhaps the v4 and v4.5. But whatever one you find the most entertaining, you should keep. I have 56 Tamagotchis and I only play with 2 right now. They both are v3s. It just was what caught my interest at the moment.



I think that you should retire the v3. I like it, but it is really boring, unlike the other versions. And it depends on what generation you are, because if you are on a high generation, I would keep it up. But good luck choosing which one, I hope I helped:]


I would have to say v4.5,i mean when you get up to 8th generation,trust me it's starts to lose it's appeal.

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