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I actually picked up my current book a bit more and wrote some good scenes last night. Pretty happy about that!

Next couple nights are prolly gonna be update-light as well since I'll be working late a lot.




Little planet ghost!


The clouds on his head turn pink when he smiles. I actually really like this M!x. A lot of the child and teen forms are more appealing than the adult ones, though a number of the teens are also "Small person" and that's about it.

Not sure if I wanna keep this M!x going. Juggling both after work is a lot of time, and while I want to REALLY intermix the traits on the two, I think I need to focus on my unlocks on the Anniversary before I can set about the more leisurely cycle of just raising generations and experimenting. It'll be really cool once I get there, though!


FINALLY got Shimashimatchi!



I do like this design, as far as modern tama design goes. He loses happiness SO QUICKLY.

I really wish there was a good guide for the 20th M!x. Vpets has some stuff, but I haven't found anything with the likes/dislikes of the 20th-exclusive characters (and those are the traits I wanna go for first!) I suppose most items work as long as they don't hate them, but trial and error isn't something I have time for. XD

Still, I'm going to start unlocking locations once I have more time. Maybe I'll set the clock back a few hours on them since they get up and go to bed so early... does that mess up the M!xes much?





Of course, I really like this design. It's simple and has a ton of character.

Honestly, I was taking pretty good care of Celes here until I got trapped in some meetings and forgot to pause her. I came back to her hungry, bored, and hanging out with poop, but she had evolved! This is a Kusatchi generation too, so it's not the worst thing in the world. Maybe Celes will be the one!



Marle's a Piroriroritchi! Cool, she's like a little Pikmin!



Man, same situation here. The Connections feel way less forgiving than some of my other Tamas. Either that, or I just tend to be a little sloppy because I can pause them?

Either way, SO MANY MORE TAMAS TO GET! I love how deep the gameplay is on these. Props to all of you for pointing me in the direction of the connections. V4.5 on its way!



Twin Angels! One generation down.

I go back and forth on the Angel. I love the shell, and some of the animations are great, but some of the things that it's supposed to do to make it a little more varied (go on strolls, ask for attention) don't seem to happen that much on mine. I'm still gonna be running this one for a bit though since I don't know if and when I'll be able to swap the batteries due to the stripped screws, and honestly, this growth path was the one I was least thrilled about (hence why I did it first!) Still lots of cool designs to get!

And man... I really, really like that shell design.

Dragon Quest Slime!

Hanging out in the forest evolved him into a Mottle Slime!


I'm going to try to evolve him in the plains next, and then we'll try the ocean! I don't know if the map wraps around, so I'm trekking from the eastern forest to the western one... I think it's actually a different biome, but we'll see!

I don't know how long this guy lives for. It seems like he just keeps wandering and battling and changing, and I kinda love that! Such a chill pet, too. Man, for $15, he was totally worth it. I really recommend him for any Vpet collector, especially if you like Dragon Quest/Warrior.

Remember how I mentioned that every time my angel performs a miracle, he promptly poops? I got it on camera:


(You can see the Praise icon highlighted the whole time)

My wife thinks this is hilarious. I just think my angel is kind of a jerk. XD

Alright everyone, have a great night! I look forward to hearing about all your tama adventures as well! :D

No huge update tonight. It's late, and I gotta work 12 hours tomorrow because I need to hire the replacement for the dude I fired last week and also be the guy who closes for the night. XD Management is tons of fun sometimes. ><

Anyway, here's some things!



As I've said before, I don't really need some 'manly' design to like a tama, but this is pretty rad.XD

There's that one green 'scales' V3 I've seen around too... if I didn't already have a V3, I'd prolly grab it.



Flocked Anniversary Mini!

Not pictured: the horrific grimace I was making while holding it because I have a bunch of weird tactile oversensitiveness and flocked stuff makes my skin crawl. XD

I actually got the red and white one that Porg has as well, but as I was walking out of the store (and I'm ashamed this didn't click earlier), I realized that these still just have P1 characters in them! I decided to keep the flocked one because even if I can't touch it, it's still a VERY unique shell, but I might return the red and white one. Have to decide if the trip is worth the trouble, or if I just hang onto it until 2038 and sell it on ebay for like a hundred spacebucks or bitcoins or whatever we use in the DISTANT FUTURE to buy jetpack fuel and soylent green.

....*shudders* man flocked stuff just feels WEIRD. Now I need to figure out how to transport it to work and back without just ruining the heck out of it. Or I'll just pause it and leave it at home...

Quick recap of everything else:
THE SAME. For real, it's been so busy that I haven't been able to marry off my M!xes, I haven't been able to unpause my Connections, and my Angel is it's final form, so it's not going anywhere.

The one thing that was new was that my slime just died out of the blue yesterday morning. I think they have a limited lifespan, because when I woke up, it had a skull next to it and when I hit the button it just... faded out... But hey! We're back and running, and my Slime is now exploring the ocean, so pics soon! :D

Hey, Hoky, are you still looking for a growth-chart for the 20th Anniversary M!x? Because I think that I might've just stumbled across what you're looking for here. :lol:

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PK - I can't believe I overlooked that! I've used that site for all kinds of other M!x stuff, so thanks for noticing that! Exactly what I needed. :)

OKAY, it's been a heck of a long week, and next one's gonna be just as long, but it's time for an update!
I have to hire 1 of 2 people to replace the guy that we recently let go. Bad news is... neither of them are all that great at the job I need them to do. >< I took the weekend to think about it, but it's still been buggin' me.

And all this work has been impacting my tamas!!!

And so....


I might be running too many tamas right now... I'll have to cut back, especially because there's ones I haven't run yet that are hanging in the wings. It's kind of a bummer too, considering that I feel like the more I run, the less invested I am in each character. AND THAT'S A BUMMER!

As much as I'd like to set the Angel aside and try the Mothra, I feel like I gotta run a fun run on the Angel (and get all the characters) before I can put it aside, given that I don't know if I'll even be able to open it when I need to. Thankfully, I got a nice JIS #0 screwdriver and all my other vintage tamas open jut fine!!

Speaking of the Angel... no real update. Still the twins! I'll post more when I have something new.

Flocking Mini also evolved into a Mametchi. Getting used to the feel of it but HOLY COW does it pick up pocket lint like noone's business!! Still really unique, and I'm glad I found one.

Dragon Quest Slime!!

He evolved into a Seaslime when traveling through the ocean!


Neat design! Until he evolved into this version, he could only go a few squares into the water. I think I'll have him travel to the western continent now and check it out... There are 2 'secret' places on the map he can evolve, but I'll have to find something that says where those are!


Very happy about winning his game. XD




Horrible care tama. >< Too much time paused, too little game time and too many snacks. Oh well, it's still a cool design! Like a little alien duck...

Overall, I still find it...



It's like if you crosbred a teletubby and a platypus...


Using the wings item XD




Marle's not thrilled with being paused so much.


It's a really unique design. Lots of cool animations, and kinda cool that they reference Kabuki stage-hands with the name!


Sometimes she's clumsy. XD

Alright, that's all for Part 1. Part 2 is M!xes! Lots of new stuff to report.... thanks for reading and stay tuned. Next part will be up momentarily.

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PART 2: M!xes!!

Just realized I accidentally did all big pics on the last post... feelin' lazy, but these will be the right size. XD

Anyway, I'll kinda combine the 2 updates since they're basically running in tandem now. Should make life less redundant. XD

First off, both Shimashimatchi and Planet Ninja got married!


(Shimashimatchi married a Mimitchi, but I have to cut down so I can hit the 10 pic limit)

Since I'm just using the game's naming system now, it mashes up the names of the parents to make a new name for the kids. I like it!


Shimamimitchi and Gozarunyatchi!

I like how Shimamimitchi is basically just blindingly light so you can't even see his face. ><

And what do these two do when they get together?

What else do infants do? Host a game show!


And run into each other...


Noticed this while Gozarunyatchi was sleeping:


Overprotective dad....

Anyway, Shima's evolved into a little duck guy with the ears of his father, but they're red...


I'm still not as big on the M!x as the old school tamas, but having 2 does result in a lot of interesting interaction animations. I wish I could actually read Japanese so that I could know what all the dialog between characters meant. It's all so cool, and cool to see how Tamas have evolved into this (is that a pun?), but seeing as how they just announced ANOTHER Dream M!x, I'm hoping that either a: They make more with old school characters in them, or b: They move on to the next thing soon. Given how rabidly people seem to be going after the ones showing up in stores, hopefully that (plus the new app hopefully being popular) will bring tamas back to the rest of the world.

Anyway, thanks for reading! Hope you had a great weekend!

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Oh hey everyone!

Took the day off to have a break from work, so Tamagotchi updates!

One quick note: I reset the angel because I got Kodoten and was shooting for Takoten. I figure if I have limited time, I'm gonna try to get as many characters as I can before it runs out!

Also, I shut the V3 down for a bit to run the V4.5 I got instead. V3's still great, but I'm kinda at my limit for simultaneous tamas, and I'm still holding out hope for Kusatchi on the V2. XD

Other than that, I bought my my wife pie for PI day because she wanted some pie. XD Normally, I'd just make some but I didn't feel like going out and getting all the ingredients. XD I should just learn to make Key Lime Pie... I'm a pretty decent cook, but being as tall as I am, most countertops are like 2 inches too low for me to work at comfortably. XD






Gozarunyatchi and Shimamimitchi all grown up!

The both ended up getting married tonight as well. No pic of the kid on the 20th anniversary, but it's a daughter! Also, since we're on 3rd generation, I should be able to unlock the rest of the locations. Her name is Mimiusatchi.


Meanwhile, Space Cat married a Jellyfish and I ended up with Jellinyatchi. We'll see what Jellycat looks like!



Not much to report. Kiwitchi is still watching over her son.


For a while today, they stared at this rabbit as he rolled this egg back and forth. I was eating Popeye's Chicken at the time. It was a good moment.


For now, let's close out on Kurokotchi as she finds love in the form of an amorphous blob:


He reminds me of the Spemin from Starflight


Loveable blob guys! Man, Starflight was good... it came out a long, LONG time ago. Probably before a lot of people here were born. >>

The V3 will be back soon enough! I think I'll probably rotate my connections every few generations or so in order to keep things fresh. They're all so good and have their own little unique things. So happy this board clued me in on how great the whole line is!



Alright, here we go! Baby Tsubatchi! (have I mentioned how much I love this shell??


Grew into Hitodetchi. :D

Gotta say, so far, I like the games on the 4.5 the best. It's kind of a bummer that care doesn't REALLY factor into growth, but skill points seem like a neat idea, and I look forward to trying it out! I haven't looked at sprite art for the adult stages yet... Not sure if I'm a fan of them, but we'll see.

I was taken by surprise when the lights turned off on their own, but remembered now there's the whole thing with mail and jobs and school and whatnot. If you send your tama off to school or work all day, does it affect it adversely like pausing does?

And lastly...

Dragon Quest Slime!

Evolved in the grassland and got...


Huh.... not really sure what that is. Could be a behemoth slime since it's just a bigger version of the regular slime, but... could also just be a big slime? Hard to say! Either way, the journey west continues. Almost to the next area! Hopefully he doesn't just randomly die like last time.

Alright, that's all! It's been a very long week at work, and the tamas have definitely helped. It's good to just have something simple to relax with, and I always find something very therapeutic about taking care of all the little eggs. XD

Have a great night, everyone! :) Thanks for reading!

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You can't leave your v4-v4,5 at school/work all day, it's just a game you can play as many times as you want. When it's in preschool it plays with a preschool teacher and gains random points, at school you get to choose a teacher and you play a game which increases the points according to the teacher you chose. At work you have a lot of jobs to choose from (which are only available if you have a certain amount of points collected), each has a different game. The better you do at the game and the more you play it, the next day you will earn more GP.

Have you considered getting any Japanese connections? Contrary to popular belief, they're pretty much nothing like their English counterparts. Similar enough, but different. Maybe except the Plus and v1/v2 and Famitama and v5.

I've thought about it, especially since they seem super readily available on JYW, but what are the major differences? Characters/items/games are pretty similar, right? The Tama Wiki's always kinda hard to follow on stuff like that.

I like the idea of having a Dekatama, but I know they only connect to Japanese tamas, so I figure if I got one, I'd probably get the other. The main thing that holds me back is thinking about my experience with the M!x and how I know I'd get so much more out of them if I knew Japanese, so doing a Japanese-language tama again feels a little daunting.

I've also thought about branching into the era between Connection and M!x, but a lot of the growth charts for stuff like the idL and the P's don't have characters that appeal to me much. I'd love to hear your opinion on all of the above, though! That's part of the reason I have this log. :D

They are pretty much just... different. Japanese connections were made with Japanese children in mind, while the international versions got "westernized".

Only characters are pretty similar, though they have their own exclusives. Everything else is literally so different I could write a whole essay! The items and games definitely aren't the same, and on the Jinseys (Entama/Uratama) the preschool/school/work system works very differently as well. There's also a cooking option. You can't go to the shop whenever you want, you have to wait for a vendor to arrive, which is unique, but there is a program that lets you buy stuff that were otherwise mostly readily available on a TamaTown like website, now sadly defunct. You can buy fun stuff like an automatic butler, a food/snack tree, stuff like that.

The keitais aren't like v3's at all. I'd say they're closer to a v2? Akai has a whole set of unique characters. I'd say it's less exciting than a v3, but it has it's charms. While our v3 was made with connecting to a website in mind, keitais were made with connecting to Japanese phones in mind, so there's lots of passwords for items. They also have an unique option that is "connection items", items you can play with when connecting to another keitai. They also strangely enough connect to most English models!

From what I know the Deka isn't all that spectacular, I think it's mostly a game centre/shop for the Japanese tams, but I could be wrong. Still fun to have.

And honestly, I don't think you're missing out on anything if you don't know Japanese with the tams.

If you don't like the characters on the P's, there are always virtual deco pierces which let you add more characters that were custom made by the community!

Whoa, a lot of info. Awesome, thank you!
Okay, so here are my questions:
1) What japanese tama would you recommend from the ones you listed? Sounds like Entama/Uratama might be the best?

2) Yeah, I know the Deka doesn't add a TON, but I kinda just want a giant tamagotchi on my desk, and if it can do SOMETHING, might as well make that happen. XD XD

3) I hadn't head of the virtual deco pierces... I'll have to find a thread about that. It might be fun to branch out into something other than connections.

Also, I was bumming around ebay and ran across the Tama-Go's today... I had heard of them and it sounds like most people aren't huge fans, but they're kinda interesting... seems like the growth chart is pretty small tho. What do people here think of them?

I think an Entama/Uratama is a good affordable option, and pretty fun in itself. If you like your experience with the v4,5, or end up not liking it, it might be an interesting spin on similar yet different functions. Uratama has blue pixels, which makes it more unique of the two. The shells are spectacular too! I don't really reccomend a normal Keitai mostly because it has characters you'd be familiar with, I think Akai has pretty nice exclusive characters and it has red pixels! Then there's Hanerutchi 1 and 2. Hanerutchi are based on a Japanese comedy show I believe, so you're raising... humans on it, which makes it pretty weird and interesting. Hanerutchi 1 is based on a keitai programming, while Hanerutchi 2 on an Entama programming.

As for P's VDPs, basically P's had an option to buy "pierces", which were decorative bits that also added stuff into it. There were pierces that either changed the character's appearance and added some themed items or added 3 brand new raisable characters, a game, items, clothes and both also changed the icon background. Unfortunately now they're quite expensive, BUT MrBlinky came out with downloadable pierces- he converted some of the more expensive ones into ones you can simply download at no charge, but also came out with TONS of original virtual pierces that add lots and lots of characters, mostly vintage ones but not only.

Plus you can download stuff onto the P's in general, maybe even make your own. It makes things interesting, plus it has an English patch too (also made by MrBlinky).

As for Tama Go, it's a very... meh version. It has some unique features, but it's big, clunky, the screen sucks, and you pretty much can't do anything without the figurines that add a game or buyable stuff. There's no buyable items (other than food) on the Tama Go outside of the figurines, which was a no for me. I like my items.

Thanks for all the good info!

Entama maybe. The character diversity is super cool, and JYW has a lot of those for decent prices (and you're right, it seems like all the Japanese shells are really cool). Uratamas, though... those look to be $80+ on Ebay, so that's a bit steep for me, especially since they look like the have the same characters as the 4.5 but with one extra family. The blue pixels are really cool, though, and again, some of those shell... dang. :D

P's also appear to be running pretty expensive on Ebay, and even with the downloadable characters, the main growth chart style just doesn't quite do it for me. Maybe down the road I'd try one just to see how it is, but something about it just doesn't grab me (you know me, I like my tama design weird and mostly non-human)

As for Akai, are the red pixels hard to see? I feel like they would be. I haven't run my Otoizm yet (which has red pixels), so maybe I'll give that a shot first. I have a work trip coming up, which means a lot of listening to music, so that'll probably be a good time to give it a shot!

Thanks for the heads up on the Tama-Go as well. I was wondering why they seemed to be relatively inexpensive compared to a lot of the other versions.

At the end of the road, I want to have one of every type of tama for my collection, because that's kind of my collector mentality. In Transformer collecting, I'm what's called a 'mold collector', where instead of trying to get every color and deco variant, I just go for one of each mold. Same thing here w/Tamas, because otherwise I'd just try to buy every shell I thought was cool, and I totally can't afford that. XD I still don't even have an Umi, and aside from the fact that I hear they're a BEAR to care for, they seem to be decently priced here and there.




Somehow, I ended up with a piece of chocolate in my shirt pocket. I think it fell off a Kit-Kat I was eating, and then it MELTED ON MY TAMAS.

My V2, V4.5, Angel, and flocked mini were in my pocket, and OF COURSE the only one it got on... was the flocked mini. Yeah, it's seriously a mess now. Tried to clean some of it off, but it ruined a little bit of the flocking. It's overall still in decent shape (and works), but I think I'll scour wal-marts around here to see if I can find a new one. If not, c'est la vie. ><

Geez, has it really been almost 2 weeks? I'm sorry people!!

I'll make a short post now and then a longer one tonight when I get home from work and have more time to chill.

Basically, work has been crazy, and not the fun crazy it usually is. We have a sort of satellite office that handles our Latin America/Spanish/Overnight International calls, and the guy down there who does the equivalent of my team's job was... well, not doing that. I think I mentioned this a while back, but we let that guy go because we couldn't get him on the same page as us despite me trying for MONTHS. That was a little stressful since he was actually a really good guy, but he just wasn't doing his job, and at the end of the day being friendly isn't enough if a bunch of people are relying on you to be successful.

And then I had to pick his replacement! That process wasn't bad, but I wasn't super jazzed about either of my options, and the one I picked I think will be good in the long run, but I need her to kinda fix the last guy's mistakes, and she's so nice that it might be a challenge for her. I'll help her through it, but yeah, it's all just an uphill battle.

It got rough last week - I ended up working THIRTEEN hours on Monday, partly because I was closing and partly because I needed to work on fixing this satellite department. The whole thing stressed me out so much I took Wednesday off, and I've been neglecting the log for three reasons:

1) The log is a lot of work! It can take over an hour to update, what with uploading and cropping pics.

2) I need to cut down on the number of tamas I'm running as well, because the Mix's especially can vary pretty wildly in terms of neediness, and while they're not as needy as adults, it just takes a really long time to bring their happiness bars up. I was hoping the batteries would run down on them soon, but apparently not. XD I also don't like leaving my connections paused all day, because it clearly affects the care level. ><

3) This one's actually good -- I finally was able to get some Mugenbines! (They're what Go-Bots eventually became in Japan). They're super sick. Think basically transformers, but they all break into their individual pieces and become basically giant robot legos. They're tough to find and kinda pricey, but some random dude was offloading his collection--which is in great condition--and I went for it. No regrets here. I also got some of the newer 'Mugen Saga' Mugenbines, and these are more like the little Kabaya model kits, but with the same sort of lego mentality. You have to put those together by hand (and apply decals), so that's been pretty time consuming as well, but a great break from all the stress.

ANYWAY, My beautiful and perfect wife is going to a nearby town to visit her best friend all weekend, so I should have time to do a proper update for you all. SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED!

But for now, I'll leave you with this, the state of my Spacy Mix when i woke up this morning:


Not gonna lie, I felt bad for her, but the look of abject horror on her face at the fact that poop, dirty, and room dirty all happened at the same time is... kinda hilarious. XD It's so odd that this is the result of happenstance and not poor care. XD

Alright, hope you're all having a great day! :D

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Okay, okay, so I didn't update last night.... It's been a long week, guys. XD

My wife is out of town visiting a friend, so I've just been hanging around all day and rebuilding my sanity after all the work stuff. SO LET'S TALK TAMAS, HUH?


Mixes - I did end up taking the batteries out of both Mixes. I was having a lot of fun w/them now that I had 2, but I needed a break from as many tamas as I was running, so I decided to shut them down for a bit. I realized after doing so, I didn't have any pics of the current generation! *GASP* I'll post some when I bring them back. :)


On my third run here, but nothing new to show off. That said, second run got all the way through Otonoten!


I really like all of these designs, but Takoten is fantastic, what with being a little octopus ghost (at least I'll assume, since tako = octopus) It's cool seeing a different take on Oyajitchi, too!

V2 -

Like Iza, I got a Dorotchi! They're really cool!


(seen here w/daughter)

At first, I thought it was just kind of a generic ghost type, but it really grew on me, especially because all its animations are great, and it probably has some of the best item animations I've seen!






V4.5 -

On my second generation, but no pics of the Kujakutchi I have right now. On my first generation, I got UraYoungMarotchi:


It's an interesting bridge between old school design and new school human-like features, especially w/that hair (though when you zoom in, she does have a duck face, so *shrug* XD)

I evolved her into a Horoyotchi, because my wife saw the growth chart and said, "Get the drunk one"

Me: "It's not a DRUNK one"

Wife: "She's a gourd holding a martini glass. Drunk one."
Me: "It's not a DRUNK o--"


....okay, it's totally a drunk one... She even falls over when walking across the screen.

I will say, it's super cool that they made the zoom-in animations kick in for teens and adults just by hitting C. It's a cool little extra, and I think it adds a lot of character.
Also, what determines which family you get on the 4.5? Care? Or just random luck? It's a different experience. Not sure if I like it more or less yet...

Dragon Quest Slime -

No pics here... it did a weird thing. Basically, it went into the death animation and then just froze... I left it like that for a week while doing all my work stuff, but had to reset it to get it going again. Back to a baby slime now... we'll see if we can get the last couple forms before we maybe retire it for a bit.

I know I'm usually always pretty upbeat on my log, but it's been an exhausting last few weeks. Things aren't bad, but I definitely am not getting a chance to really enjoy my Tamas. I'm glad I cut back for a bit, and I'll probably cycle them a little more, considering I'm still running 4. I ended up putting the blue flocked mini away too because man I am not gentle enough to keep that thing looking good. >< Still glad I got one, but yeah.

Anyway, taking today to just game and watch TV/Movies and play with Tamas and my new Mugenbines (think like Transformer Legos), it's been a good, relaxing day, and I've really gotten to enjoy my tamas a bit more. Things will even out. Life never changes at a pace faster than we can match. Even when big things happen, we adapt, and we're okay! And in the greater scheme of things, my stress is SUPER easy.

I hope you're all having a great weekend! Sincerely, thank you for reading. It means a lot to me to get to share this stuff with you all. :)

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Short post here!

I'm getting ready to go to California for a work thing over the next few days. Luckily, I have family out there so my wife is coming with and that should make it less annoying. XD

I did end up cutting down on my tamas again due to business. My Slime died when I was in a meeting, and my Angel somehow ended up with Chestnut Angel again, despite me taking intentionally poor care of it at teen phase to get Ginjiroshiten. I don't get it. XD The slime is so low maintenance compared to the Angel... well, whatever.

I did finally get and start my V5, and I was debating starting my Otoizm for the trip, but I still haven't really translated the manual, so it stays in the box for now.

Anyway, quick updates!


Standard Marutchi! No pics ATM, but you know what they look like - just a white ball. XD

It's an odd generation, so I'm gonna take another shot at getting Kustachi!! Wish me luck. XD


Ended up evolving into a Uratogetchi, though I don't have pics right now. I feel like a lot of the 4.5 designs are a little 'busy', but the animations are really good, and the whole version is really not stingy with the Gotchi points, so it's easy to get items. Somehow, my guy never graduated school... oh well. At least he looks cool. XD


He was a Kujakutchi as a teen... at first I thought his peacock tail was a powdered wig. XD thank goodness for C-button zoom feature.

Also, 4.5 has some of my favorite games. They aren't as time consuming as others, and rely less on reflexes (which is troublesome on old tamas with button lag) and random luck


So, the screen on my V5 is a little lighter than my other tamas... I need to see if there's a way to adjust contrast on this guy and make it a little darker. That said, it's super cool! I thought that juggling 3 tamas at once would be like the Digimon, but you really just kinda raise them all as one, huh?

I still don't quite get how growth works on this one. Seems like there's skill points, but only sorta? Beyond that, the different family types seem like a cool thing to try for. I'm going to kinda just blind-play this one for a bit and see what happens rather than setting an objective on the growth chart and going from there.

Games on this version are okay, but so far I can only do Tea-time and channel surfing.

Oh and a pic of this awesome shell!!



Also, one last little note:

I got a Hinatchi on My Tamagotchi Forever app, and he's super friggin' cute:


I like the app. There's definitely a bit of a paywall, with how much most of the town decorations cost. you could make the money fairly quickly by sitting through adds, but it's okay because the care aspect is all free and not blocked by ads, which makes for a pretty decent tama game, even if it's pretty simplistic. Give it a try!

Anyway, probably won't update until Saturday/Sunday since I'll be on a trip. Maybe I'll take some pics of something other than Tamas for once!

P.S. - I also combined some of my Mugenbine figures to make this beast:

I know it's not tamas, but it's really cool and I wanted to share. XD

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I went on a trip!


So did my tamas!

I've come to realize that I was getting hit with some pretty hard Tama Burnout while trying to do all my work stuff. I think running so many at once was getting to be a chore, but I just wanted to play all the new tamas! I didn't end up taking my Otoizm on the trip and I think I'll limit myself to 3 tamas at a time (probably moving down to 2 after I've run one of the connections for a while). The actual work training I did was pretty boring, but seeing my extended family out there was super cool, and the bay area of California is always pretty neat. Getting to take my wife made it all worth it as well, as she's a great person to travel with, and while I'm not anxious about travel in and of itself, I don't like being in lines/places I can't freely leave, and there are a lot of those when it comes to airports and traveling to hotels and such.


I saw this lake! It was in the desert. Probably somewhere in Nevada? It's so cool to see the other types of environment America has to offer since it's so diverse. I've lived in the midwest forever, so seeing more than plains and forests is cool. (Plains and forests... maybe that's why I like playing G/W in MTG so much...)

Lots of good food... I ended up getting some great latin-american seafood and topped off the meal with some overly-fancy churros. XD They had bavarian creme in them, which was cool.


I always like Churros, because when my brother was casting League of Legends in South Korea, we went out and visited him and had a churro adventure. He lived at the top of a steep, winding hill that was covered in all these little eclectic cafes and restaurants. At the bottom of the hill where it connected to the main road through the area was a churro shop where--for some reason--all the employees were dressed like 1920's paper boys. There was ALWAYS a line at this place... you couldn't go in, it was so small, but the line always wrapped around the building and down to the main street. My wife and I assumed they must be the greatest churros ever.

My brother refused to stop there because he felt the churros were 'okay', and was really annoyed that we were so gung-ho about getting churros when we were in South Korea and had a million other amazing food choices.

We ended up convincing him to let us get churros. They were okay. XD

But now, I always opt for Churros and send him pictures of them with the caption of "REMEMBER THAT ONE TIME WE GOT CHURROS? CHURROS ARE GREAT!"

It's my duty as a little brother to be annoying.XD


(Sorry my photo quality kinda sucks this time around XD)


No pics ATM, but she's a Nikatchi! She should be evolving any day now. I like the Nikatchi desing, because it hearkens back to the whole 'onion with legs' thing of earlier tamas but has a little more personality. FINGERS CROSSED FOR KUSATCHI, GUYS! I've been trying really hard and not leaving it paused much, but when I was in training on Thursday, it basically had to be paused all day. ><


Still an UraTogetchi. I'm keeping him as an adult for a bit so he can marry my V2. THEY NEED TO STOP BULLYING EACH OTHER WHEN THEY PLAY THOUGH. Buncha little punks.


Happy little bat!

oOXaRB6m.jpg know, you could have just made a paper airplane instead of drawing one...


I'm liking the V5 a lot. It's SUCH a departure from the other connections, and like people had advised, I'm happy to find that it's fairly low maintenence despite raising 3 tamas, because unlike something like the 20th anniversary Digimon, you're kinda raising ONE tama, but it's represented by 3 characters rather than 3 tamas individually. Still waiting to see how the last 2 games are, but I wish it had a few more options there.


Korokotchi, Shelltchi, Ichigotchi!

I like that it gives you the names like that so I don't have to look up a growth chart. XD

Also: mad props to Hapihapitchi for pointing out that you can adjust the contrast on the V5. Holy cow, so much better now.

I still don't get how things effect eventual evolution, and I'm pretty okay with that this time. I've read over how to unlock different families, but for now, I'm just going to cruise and see what I get.


I saw Iza and I had posted a pic of the bunny rolling the egg for Easter in our tamas, but the easter animations on the V4.5 and V5 are different!


That said, in both cases, they just sit there and stare at the eggs, contemplating their own origins and the cyclical nature of tamagotchi existence.... Or something. Who knows what tamas think? Probably something along the lines of "I can get a job and raise children, but still choose to poop EVERYWHERE."

Lastly, I got a Mokokotchi on My Tamagotchi Forever


He likes cucumbers.

Overall, I like the app. It's a fun, SUPER low-maintenance tama distraction. Even though the actual raising aspect is pretty basic, it's still a good time killer. That said, I wish unlocking new equipment for the various areas wasn't quite as expensive, but I guess they gotta make it last. XD

Anyway, feeling a lot better. I needed that trip, and I'm glad to be back in the swing of things with my tamas. As always, thanks for reading, and have a great weekend!

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No update this time guys, sorry! I'm gonna stop the log for a bit until work stuff gets sorted out. I like this log to be a place where I can be optimistic about stuff and that's a little tough right now. Things aren't terrible or anything, and I've still got my tamas running, but I don't really have the positive energy to log right now.

That said, hope you're all having a good day and I'll still see you around the boards! I'll be back here once stuff's handled. :)

Man, has it really been like a month and a half since my last real update??? Dang.

Stuff's still hectic, but I wanted to write here tonight. It's not gonna be SUPER up to date, but just a scattering of things from since last I posted.


Currently, I'm running a V5, a V2, and an Osu/Mesu combo. I did finally put the v4.5 away because I have an Uratama on the way, and something about it just never quite grabbed me. I think I wasn't able to give it the time it deserved, because half the time I'd ignore characters jobs and just try to grind out new evolutions. I had whittled the tamas I was handling down to 3, and I think I might shut the v5 off here pretty soon for the same reason. It was honestly getting frustrating, because I was so distracted every character I was getting was poor care (and that's not so bad, but I kept getting the SAME CHARACTERS) But ultimately it's a good thing!! Paring down helped, and having only one Connection running alongside a vintage (because basically the Osu/Mesu are in sync with each other so I can take care of them like 1 tama) helps me from feeling fatigued. I love the connections, but too many at the same time was making things hard to care about. NOW, I'm working on getting my V2 back up and happy... maybe I'll even get a Kasutchi this generation!

But anyway... UPDATES! :D


Current character's named Rinoa since all my V2 tamas are named after FF characters.


She's a Nikitchi because the bad care from last generation has influenced her to be as such, BUT I've had 0 care mistakes, so I'm hoping it kinda evens out to a Kasutchi. That'd be sick. I made her a perch on the corner of my monitor so I can keep an eye on her at all times. XD

I really do like the V2 a lot. Money's a bit hard to come by because the games totally suck, but the characters are great! Before this generation, I had a Zukitchi!



Well, the screws on my Osu immediately sheared off because it was a completely unopened one with the super old screws, but I still really like them! They're like P1/P2's but with breeding.


Man... it does not look pretty from the back...


But it works! :D

Simple, easy to manage. A little more demanding than a connection, but not hard to keep up. I really like the character designs on this one, too. The only real downside is that the sound effects for the game are TERRIBLE (but since the sound is off at work... we good)



Hey I got one that turns into a firecra--



For real though, it's a little odd how this tama started leaning super hard towards 'items as characters'. I wonder why that is? I think it actually hurts it a little, as a number of the designs look pretty busy or just sorta... weird? I'm hoping I can give the Uratama more attention. I think that'll really help me appreciate it more.


Right before I turned it off, I sent Ojitchi to London. Hope he's having a nice retirement. :)



So... the V5... I like the idea of bonding, but since I can't pay great attention, it means 2 of the 4 generations I've raised have been the EXACT SAME CHARACTERS. I like the overall concept, but money comes in pretty slow, and the bonding games never seem to actually give me any... bonding...

Character design is kinda cool, and I like how they handled secret families this time around, but... like I said, I need to give it more attention, because it's just a little flat for me compared to some of the other connections. That, and the little roof scratched the heck out of the screens on some of my other tamas. ><

Not a lot of pics... but I did have one day where my Planetchi or whatever that secret family is called got super neglected and turned into a Gozarutchi. I really like how they hang out in the ceiling and flip down onto the screen every now and then....


It's super cool. XD

I've been sending these guys on trips every day so I don't have to take them to work... that's not gonna get me anywhere. I'll come back to it when I have time. It seems like a really great concept, I just need less connection overlap. XD

So that's it for now! Still going hard on the tama front, but still having a good time. Things iron themselves out, and even though there's still some stuff that I'm dealing with at work in terms of the behavior of some of the people on my team, I'm hoping they'll choose to step up their game and really be their best, because I know they've got a lot to offer and I want to help them succeed! Honestly, that was the hardest part: I care a lot about everyone on my team, and I want to make sure they're having a good time at work by giving them attention, discipline, and sometimes food...

So in a way, it's kind of of a teamagotchi... :p

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Wow, great log! :D As for tama names, I'm gonna call my mini Aiyla. Here's le story...

So, my friend came up with the nickname Ama-Chan (I'm the original Ama-Chan... *cries* Long story.) and it evolved into Ami. (Amm-mi) I found a list of Japanese names and I almost cried when I found that Ami was there. The meaning was 'Asia beautiful'. So... Asia. I changed it slightly and hey presto - Aiyla. (If ya wanna know more about the story of how Ama-Chan (moi) got... banned... from a website, I'D LOVE TO TELL YU!!!!!) xD


I met one of my nephews for the first time on Thursday! He's cool. Smiles a lot. Little shy, but like all babies is instantly interested in me despite the fact that I'm 6'5" and intimidating to most adults for some reason. It was also my youngest sister's graduation this weekend, so I got to hang out with my folks, both of whom saw my tamas and joking complained about TWENTY ONE YEARS AGO, when my original tama would stay up past bed time and I'd do everything I could to stay up and ensure it was cared for. XD

Speaking of... I think I got the shell design for the first tama I ever owned!


Pretty cool! I think this is right... it was a long time ago and I can't remember... maybe my parents have Christmas photos or something... But I needed a P1, saw this on JYW, and decided to go for it. XD

Anyway, I'll probably run it pretty soon here. Don't wanna overload again, tho.




... Again....


Don't get me wrong, Rinoa's animations are great, but I keep getting the same designs on here. *loud sigh* Another missed Kusatchi generation...

I think that's the main reason I keep running the V2. I like it a lot, but I've got stuff that I haven't even started yet, and I don't wanna put aside the Ura or the Mesu/Osu because I just started them up as well!

Still... Pochitchi is pretty cool. XD


I really do like these two.


I basically run them like a single tama, and the sprites so far have been great! It really does feel like a P1/P2 sort of design, but I'll see how it feels after the first generation or tow.


Me: Oh cool, there's a lot more baby/child designs than the 4.5! Maybe I won't get the SAME FAMILY (female Mame group) again!

Uratama: lol, no.


Well, at least the little baby mouse thing it starts as is neat.


And now it's a sandal with a duck face. YAY DUCK FACE.

Boo mame family for like the nine billionth time. For real, I ran like 4 generations on my 4.5 and got Mame 3 times...

The cool thing is there's so much new stuff that it still works for me.

I also like that you're not constantly bombarded with mail in the Uratama, but I should go find that translated mail guide I stumbled across the other day because the Uratama requires far more reading than the Connections. (Still not required at all to play it, mind you).

Also, mad props to Binary for making Enwarehouse, which will be super helpful when I go hard on trying to get secret characters!

and.... I think that's it!

Thanks for reading! Hope you're all having a great day :D
