Rides + Waterslides!


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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
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British Columbia
I lovee rides and waterslides. =DD

Do you have any stories about them? Or do you have any fun/scary experiences with them?

I love them too!! =D But I've had two scary experiences;

Waterslide -One time, I was on my way up this huge, outdoor waterslide. There was a big lineup near the very top, so I had to wait. I was really far up, and I began to feel scared. Everything started spinning and I felt dizzy. I actually collasped on the stairs, my body halfway over the edge. My friends pulled me up, and as soon as they did, I started ro run down the stairs to the bottom. May not sound scary to you, but for me it was. D:

Ride -I went on this really rickety rollercoaster last year. It was the very first ride I went on. I got on, and as soon as it started, I began to scream. It was the worst ride ever! It was all wood (even the seats) and it was very old, so it kept rocking you back and forth. My back and neck kept banging against the seat, and I seriously almost broke my arm because it got stuck on something. Everytime the rollercoaster went down, I'd surge forwards and bag my head. At the end, every single person on the ride had tears on their face. That just reuined the wholee day for me!!


I went on this massive waterslide, it was a 40ft drop and was almost all straight!

So, I decided to go on it, see what it was like, bad mistake.

The light flashed on green and I had to slide down it, now or never.

When I was around half way down I started to regret going on it, it was really hard to breathe, like, really really hard.

My eyes kept getting attacked by the water! D:<

And when the slide finished, I had a super wedgie. >:

But it was fun. =]

The only bad experience I've had on a waterslide was when I flipped off. But it wasn't that bad, because it was funny until my elbow hit the bottom of the pool [it was shallow] really hard. Then it wasn't as funny.

But I love waterparks. :D

I usually go for any ride I can.

My favorite rides are the Wildfire in Silver Dollar City, the Mamba in Worlds of Fun, and the Squirrel Cage [in local carnivals].

The Squirrel Cage is like a fast ferris wheel, and you can make your cage do flips. Whenever GAD comes around, we ride it about 20 times in the span of three days.

Once, I took a cage alone and was stuck at almost the very top, almost upside down, when the power in the entire carnival went out. Fun. :D

Waterslides.... Uhg. I went on this big one at Wild Adventures, Valdosta GA. The water was slamming in my butt xD I got diherria D:

But Sheikra was fun plz.

I've had one bad experience with a waterslide. Down at the bottom when you get off from the slide (a tall almost 90* angle drop >_>) you skid across the water, but I kind of like instead of going forward started going to the side and like slammed into the pool wall.

My foot and calf were all scratched up and we went to the ER. >__>

The park made it up to us by giving us free tickets for next season. xD

I wasn't really on a ride/waterslide, but my cousin owns this pool. He is kind of rich and he lives in Hawaii. We were walking near the balcony by the pool and he accidentally nudged me and I fell in with my clothes on.

Oww, that hurt.

Anyway, there was this one time where I stopped in the middle of a covered waterslide just for fun, and the next person crashed into me.

2 "ow" situations. The first one wasn't my fault, the second one was.

I am cursed on rollercoasters. No matter what, my safety restraint has always come loose. I can always hang on to it, but it's starting to become a problem because it's only a matter of time before I actually fall off.

I went to this birthday party and it had this HUGE waterslide that had a lot of curves. You could go really fast on it. I kept on flopping around like a fish. It was really fun, but you had to climb A LOT of stairs to get up there, so when you got on the waterslide (unless there was a line) you would be out of breath. It would be really hard to breath so I was like, gasping for breath.

It was fun though B)

I'll have more stories after I go to DisneyLand for the first time in August (i'll be posting a topic about that later)

Yuhh. I went on this dinosaurish ride at Universal Studios Hollywood (forgot the movie name..) and it was really creepy because the ride suddenly stopped when the big dino head came out of the black background and made a weird screech sound and two minutes later we went down the really big drop at the end. I was young then, and I was soaked when I got out.

Then we went to Knott's for the first time for my birthday when I was hmm 8 or something? And then we went on this weird ride where there were a bunch of ugly miners I thought it was scary so I started crying and then it get really fast so I started screaming even though it wasn't scary and then it stopped. It's pretty embarassing when I look back.

Yuhh. I went on this dinosaurish ride at Universal Studios Hollywood (forgot the movie name..) and it was really creepy because the ride suddenly stopped when the big dino head came out of the black background and made a weird screech sound and two minutes later we went down the really big drop at the end. I was young then, and I was soaked when I got out.
Then we went to Knott's for the first time for my birthday when I was hmm 8 or something? And then we went on this weird ride where there were a bunch of ugly miners I thought it was scary so I started crying and then it get really fast so I started screaming even though it wasn't scary and then it stopped. It's pretty embarassing when I look back.
Jurassic Park? I went on that. The dino scared the crap outta me. I was freaked. My bro had his eyes covered the whole time.

Once, I went to the Kalahari in WI Dells, and I went on this slow, longish ride. You go in the a giant circle tube with up to 3 other people. I went with two guys and we were standing up and surfing xD , then my friend went off the tube on the slide! We were even jumping and touching the ceiling in the closed parts, because it was really high. But luckily, no one saw us, so we didn't get in trouble! It was the funnest day of my life. =D

Wow this is ironic I just came back from vacation and we went to a waterpark hotel XD! I'm serious.... Now I went on a few waterslides lol but I almost drowned in one =(. OK lets get to the point lol. You know those waterslides with a bowl in the middle of them and you spin and drop through the hole? Well anyway my bro and I went on one it was fun all until the end when my bro fell off the floater and then I did ( I was sitting in front he was in the back ) and next thing I knew I was under water terrified! Then my bro saved me ^-^ I love him lol that lifegard did nothing I was like " What a B****! " she didn't even try to save me =,[ and I cried lol!

At the FallsView resort in Niagra Falls, there is this giant indoor waterpark, and on th biiig bowl slide, i went through the hole backwards ;_; when i came out, I was holding my Bikini top up. X_X

At Great Wolf Lodge,me and my friend Abby went on the Cyote Cannon which is like the Toilet Bowl. Well,apparently the tunnel thing was relatively small,so I had to either keep me head down towards my chest,or back. The first time we went on it,the lifegaurd guy said right as we were going in, "PUT YOUR HEAD BACK!" because mine wasn't,and I whammed my head on the tunnel. And I always came out backwards and hit my head on the bottom of the pool.

Also at GWL,my mom and her friend forced me and Abby to go on the Water Roller Coaster which is like,700 feet of tubage,and when we were almost at the top,which is already like,35 feet above the other slides,me and Abby started to get dizzy and everything,and they crammed us in the tube thing,and shoved us off. IT WAS FREAKING SCARY!!!! I almost flew off!! :ph34r: But it was fun.

I'm a whimp when it comes to roller costers,because people always drag me on them after I eat or something,well,my friend Caitlin draggedme on The Comet at Hershey Park after I ate a corn dog,and I was afraid to open my mouth the whole ride. I didn't puke or anything,but I thought I would! By the end,I was all hyper and talking fast and doing the whole Wallace and Gromit hand-shaky thing. xD It was fun though!

I discovered my love of rides last year. My grade went on a field trip to the Great Escape where we rode a ton of cool rides and roller coasters. Great Escape = Awesomeness. Rides = Awesomeness <33

Wow. My dad also lost his sunglasses in a waterslide. But we found them. They were expensive.

At Great Wolf Lodge,me and my friend Abby went on the Cyote Cannon which is like the Toilet Bowl. Well,apparently the tunnel thing was relatively small,so I had to either keep me head down towards my chest,or back. The first time we went on it,the lifegaurd guy said right as we were going in, "PUT YOUR HEAD BACK!" because mine wasn't,and I whammed my head on the tunnel. And I always came out backwards and hit my head on the bottom of the pool.
Also at GWL,my mom and her friend forced me and Abby to go on the Water Roller Coaster which is like,700 feet of tubage,and when we were almost at the top,which is already like,35 feet above the other slides,me and Abby started to get dizzy and everything,and they crammed us in the tube thing,and shoved us off. IT WAS FREAKING SCARY!!!! I almost flew off!! :) But it was fun.

I'm a whimp when it comes to roller costers,because people always drag me on them after I eat or something,well,my friend Caitlin draggedme on The Comet at Hershey Park after I ate a corn dog,and I was afraid to open my mouth the whole ride. I didn't puke or anything,but I thought I would! By the end,I was all hyper and talking fast and doing the whole Wallace and Gromit hand-shaky thing. xD It was fun though!

That's the same one I went on and I almost died!

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