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Tim told the others to calm down. "Watch the road Tiffany watch the road!" he screeched, as Tiffany looked about, not watching where she was going. "Oops!" Tiffany said, turning. Mika let out a sigh of relief. "Please....keep your eyes on the road Tif." she murmured. "You could have got us killed!" Fred squeaked. Tiffany got hurt by these remarks, and tears slowly filled in her eyes. "Seriously Tif. Next time, let me drive." Mika said harshly. Fred nodded, grumbling. Tiffany burst into tears, letting go of the steeringwheel. "AHHHH! TIFFANY QUIT CRYING AND WATCH THE ROAD!" Fred screamed. Tiffany grabbed hold of the wheel and wiped away her tears. Everything was silent. Everybody was shaken up.

When they approched the nearest gas station they stoped to get some gas and take a short break.

"some trip this has been so far!" Mika yelled to the open sky.

"well mabey it wouldn't be so bad if you hadn't been yelling at me!" Tiffany screamed, and burst into tears again.

"calm down everybody." Tim said softly. " I'm sure we can get over this.

"but what if we can't" said Fred, calmed down with the others.

"please try to think more positive if we want to get trough this," Mika said.everyone looked at him. "Is this the first time he's been positive?" Tiffany asked. " I don't know?" wispered Fred.

"Well quit your jabber'in and lets get some gas!" Mika yelled from anger because of what Tiffany just said.

"Can we go get a coke from the gas station now? I'm a bit thirsty," said Tiffany softly.

they went into the gas station where...

There was tons of food and it turned out to be a town!!!They went to the mall instead and got food but they were too poor now to buy a rent at the hotel so they went to the road beyond where there was....l

A srange soup kitchen. They walked in and said they had no money (which was true), so they let them stay the night.

"Staying here gives me a funny felling inside," Tiffany wispered. :lol:

"She beleves in ghosts!" Mika souted in a "making fun of you" way.

"Shhhhhh!" wispered Tim, "There are people sleeping.

After that they went to sleep and woke up the next day feeling refreshed and ready t continue. They hit the road with some gas generously donated by the soup kitchen.

As they continued they saw a strange looking tama. It was a...

GHOSTCHI! All of the 4 screamed. And ran out. They got in their car and they drove to Mars. They screamed at aliens. They went automobiling on the earth but a bunch of kindergartners came and attacked em'. "EKKK!" They drove in the woods.

Suddenly Mika woke up and realized it was a dream. They where on the road headed for Orlando, Florida. On the way they stopped at

gorgia where they took a break then hit the road again.

When they reached Orlando they saw a hot...

guy with big muscles "Oh Mika your still dreaming!" Tiffany shook Mika awake. They were still at Orlando but there wasnt any guy with muscles!

"Oh dont worry Tiffany I knew that!" Mika said sadly. They arrived where they were staying when....

a huge ^_^ thing walked in. Everybody stood shoked. frozen at the site of ucha a large tama. it looked at them and with a high pitched girl voice and beach slang it said. "hey! Wuz up! The waves are totally radical! ya got to go see'em! I'm totally wiped out but you can give it a try, little dudes." Mika looked puzzled. "How can a robot surf without shourting out from water damge?" he thought. Then Tiffany rudely blared out the same question aloud.

'Exuuuuse me little dudet. I'm a not really a :D I'm a :rolleyes: !"


Mika looked deadly surprised.

suddenly he fond himself in a dark room with Fred shaking him to death.

"wake up! Your sleepwalking! Wake up!"

"UH, Wha, Ha, Oh, sorry" :huh:

"if you don't stop falling asleep then I will have to give you.... coffee!"tiffany yelled.

everyone gasped exept for Tim.

"What's wrong with coffee?" Tim asked.

"he gets hiper!" everyone in the group yelled.

They went into the lobby of the hotel to give him coffee


The man was a :) !

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING," he said in a robotic voice. "YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE LAB!"

"Well Sooory, mr. brainswich.... guy!" yelled tiffany(Really Mika)

"What is going on! I don't want to be stuck under this ugly body all the rest of my life!" Fred (Really Tiffany) Yelled busting into tears.

"Hey! I'm not ugly!" Tiffany yelled (really Fred)


Then he pulled a lever, and...

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