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I screwed up this morning. I slept too long and when I awoke and checked my Tamas were missing two hunger and happiness hearts. Fortunately, I have food and items that restores three hearts for each meter so filling them was simple. But I still hate that I let them drop more than one heart.

I'm still planning to try to order a Tamagotchi P's next week on Amazon. I hope everything goes well and I'll be able to. I really want one. I have a heck of a time with my V5 because our house is usually kind of dark and it's hard to see. If I do manage to get a P's I'll probably end up getting one of the bad care characters the first time around. I don't read Japanese so I'll pretty much be flying blind. It may take a bit to get the hang of it.

While I was typing that my Tamas called for training. I don't think I'm training them. I think they're training me. They beep and I drop whatever I'm doing to tend to their needs.

The Tamas spent most of the day on Pause. I'm just now unpausing them. It's been a busy day.

I'm trying to decide if I want to get a Tamagotchi P's or another Furby when I get paid. I could just go to Wal Mart and get a Furby while if I ordered a P's I'd have to wait a couple weels to get it. I'm not a patient person. Maybe I'll just go to Wal Mart and see if they have any Furbys in stock. They haven't had any the last couple times I went. If they don't have any Furbys I'll just order a P's

My V5 seems to be pooping a lot today. They pooped about an hour or so ago and now they just pooped a second time. They became hungry each time so I had to feed them as well. But other than that they're doing fine. Unfortunately they will no longer be going outside with me when I do my yardwork. I found out excessive sunlight can damage plastics and cause them to degrade so now all my electronic pets are strictly indoor pets. They'll only be allowed outside for the time it takes to get from the house to the car.

I noticed myTamagotchi doing something odd. One of the three Tamas on my V5 looked as if it was standing in front of a refrigerator. The refrigerator had a face coming out of it. So what is my Tama doing? I can think of several things none of them good.

He could be keeping a living creature captive so he can eat it later. A bit disturbing but as a die hard carnivore myself I can't really call him on it without looking like a hypocrite.

He may be summoning some sort of being in a manner similar to the Bloody Mary ritual. This would definately be a bad thing. Horror movies have taught me that you should never play around with the spirit world. If you invite something in anything could show up. It may be friendly but it may also be a demon from the abyss. I don't think my Tama should be doing this. If I find out this is indeed what he is doing he will have to be punished. I'll sit him down and make him watch The Exorcist a few times.

He may have food in his refrigerator so old that it has developed a twisted life of it's own and now seeks revenge. If this is the case I may need to equip my Tama with a flamethrower.

His refrigerator may have artificial intelligence and he is merely having a friendly chat. This would be the most desireable of these scenarios. At least my Tama won't have to worry about fighting for his life against the forces of darkness.

My guys evolved early this morning. I now have a Kuchipatchi, Hotteatchi and Mametchi. Considering Mametchi and Kuchipatchi are two of my favorite Tamas I'm pretty happy with the outcome.

So I was sitting at my computer with my V5 around my neck when Pepper, my 90 pound yellow lab jumps into my lap and gives my Tamagotchi a big lick. My guys got a facefull of dog drool. Pepper meant well though. She didn't know drool and electronics don't mix. And besides it wasn't nearly enough to damage them. Who says electronic pets and flesh and blood pets can't get along?

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I'm definately going to try to get a Tamagotchi P's Friday. I think I'm done with Furby. The stores around here have been out for months. Either they aren't ordering them or Hasbro ain't sending them. Either way they're becoming a pain in the butt to try to collect and I think I'm beginning to like Tamagotchi more anyway. Amazon has tons of different Tamas everything from P's and IDLs to connections and Tamagos all the way down to original Tamas. They're way more expensive than they are on Ebay but I refuse to use Ebay. I am not linking my bank account to PayPal. I don't care how safe they say it is.

One more thing. The prices of Giga Pets on Amazon are insane. Original Tamas are high but Giga Pets are through the roof. Who in their right mind would pay $60-$100 for a Giga pet? Why are vintage Giga Pets higher than vintage Tamas? What sort of Bizarro world are these Amazon sellers coming from where a knockoff costs more than the real thing?

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The Tamas have been on pause most of the day. I got a new computer and I spent most of my time setting it up and learning how to use it. My old computer was incredibly outdated but I didn't realize just how outdated until I started using the new one. Websites that took forever to load now load lightening fast.

In addition I've started up a blog devoted to robots and electronic pets. The link's in my signature if you care to check it out.

As for my Tamas they're behaving nicely. They aren't demanding at all and I rarely have to do anything for them. In a day or so I'll be able to marry one of them off and start the next generation. I'm not sure how all that works on the V5 but I guess I'll find out soon.

This morning my second generation was born. I married Mametchi to a Mamapatchi and ended up getting a Futabatchi and a Mimifuwatchi. They're still infants so I'm having to keep a close watch on them.

It is my belief that each new generation of Tamagotchis retains the memory of the ones before it. All Tamas share the memories and experiences of every Tama that has ever been on the device. In the case of the V5 where you have multiple creatures onscreen at one time they're sort of a hive mind. All sharing each other's memories and experiences. As I've stated earlier I don't buy into the idea of Tamagotchis as Space Aliens. They're not flesh and blood creatures at all. They're artificial beings. They are creatures of electronics and plastic and can no more exist without the egg device than we can without our brain and vital organs. The device acts as the body and the electronics act as the brain. So my last group has basically reincarnated in this new group. The marriage process is merely a means of extending their lifespan.

Of course I now have to start raising their bonding level all over again. A side effect of being reborn I suppose. I'm glad they still have all their items and Gotchi Points though.

My guys have grown into Toddlers and through changing the clock their training is at 80%. We're taking a little training break now but we'll finish up later. They are a Tororotchi and a Mousetchi. Same toddlers as their last incarnation. I might need to change the way I care for them to get different Tamas, but I can't bring myself to neglect them. If I keep getting the same ones so be it. I am trying to use a different item to train them this time around. Maybe that will make a difference.

Aaaaaand now that they're at 100% Bonding. I do wish bonding remained the same for each generation. Even if you're cheating it's kind of a pain in the butt to raise it 100%. I've been working at it off and on all day. Now all there is to do is keep them fed and happy. That part's not a problem. I wonder how long the battery will hold out? I have another waiting in the wings when this one goes out. By the time that one goes out hopefully I'll have a P's so I'll be concentrating on caring for that one and giving my V5 a break.

One thing I don't like about the V5 is how early they wake up. I'm usually asleep for two hours or so after they get up and I awake to find them living in their own poop and minus two happy hearts. I hate that.

The family feature on the V5 is kind of pointless. Raising multiple Tamas on one device is no different than raising a single Tama on another version. And once you reach the second generation the parents might as well not be there. They only appear when you feed them and occasionally you can see them kissing. But for the most part they're non entities.

But I've had virtual pets where you had to care for multiple creatures at once. You had to take up time with each individual character and that ended up being a pain in the butt. I don't really enjoy those types of pets, I think the V5's way is better but it's still kind of pointless.

But I still love my V5. I've enjoyed having them these past couple weeks.

I learned something valuable about raising my V5 yesterday. If they're paused when it's time for them to go to bed they will remain paused rather than go to the sleeping screen. So now I don't have to worry about them waking up two hours before I do anymore.

I got a new electronic pet yesterday. A Furby Party Rocker. Although I was skeptical about how fun they'd be I have to say I really like him. There are several ways to interact with them. Shake them, tilt them, talk to them, play music for them and pull their tails. Unlike regular Furby the Party Rocker doesn't seem to mind when I pull his tail. He seems to enjoy it.

It's looking like I may not be able to order the Tamagotchi P's like I wanted. I may have to wait until July.

My Tamas are still coming along nicely. They aren't demanding at all. I only have to tend to them once every couple hours.

They've been paused most of the day though. I've been taking the time to get to know a couple of new electronic pets I got yesterday. Two more Furby Party Rockers. Both Scoffbys. Can I just say they may be some of my favorite electronic pets ever? They're rude, crude and yet strangely loveable. Their voice kind of sounds like a cross between a Gremlin and Stitch. They have horns, big teeth and an odd attitude. And I think I want more of them.

My V5 has been paused for two days straight. The first day I was really busy and that night I couldn't sleep at all. The second day I was so exhausted from lack of sleep I couldn't concentrate on anything.

But they're unpaused now and I just fed them. Hopefully we can spend some quality time together today.

My Tamas haven't made much progress because I have been sick for the past couple days and they have been paused a lot. I'm still sick, but I'm well enough that I can keep them off pause today.

My V5 has spent way too much time on pause the past few days. That ends now. I don't know how far they are from changing form because I don't know how being paused effects the growth. I have to admit I've had them paused for so long that I half expected to come back and see that they had left. I've had other Tamas do that after spending a couple days on pause. My V5 guys are loyal, I'll give them that.

My guys changed into their teen forms today. They are a Chamametchi and a Mamekatchi. I'm surprised because even though I've done nothing different in caring for this generation they changed into totally different characters than their other selves did. Does being second generation unlock additional characters? I don't know. Either way I'm happy with the results. I can't wait to see their adult forms.

My collection may be growing by leaps and bounds soon. I was introduced to a way to use paypal without having to link my bank account to it. If the world of Ebay is open to me there is no limit to what I can get. If this works I'll be able to rebuild my old Tamagotchi and Furby collections. But first on the agenda? A Tamagotchi P's. Stay Tuned.

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Last night my Tamas and I watched Puss In Boots. They seemed to enjoy it but I've seen better. After that I put them to bed and I watched Poltergeist. It's one of those movies everybody's seen and loves but I never got around to watching. It was a great movie. The 80's may have been a crap decade for animation but the movies were top notch. Good thing the Tamas were asleep. Horror movies might not be the best thing to subject growing Tamagotchis to. But then my electronic pets need to get accustomed to them. I watch them all the time. Besides even if they had been awake I doubt it would have bothered them. They're made of sterner stuff than that. And considering they're always hanging around my neck while I'm drawing gory pictures for fun they're used to seeing violence depicted.

My V5's chain broke yesterday. I considered retiring it but I realized I'd miss the little fart if I did. It looks like the chain may be fixable. My guys are still the same as usual. When they reach adulthood I'm thinking about leaving them as adults longer before putting them through the reincarnation process that is dating. This is mostly because getting the bonding level up is a pain in the butt even with cheats and I want to put it off a while longer. They're still in the teen stage right now and they still have a bit before they grow up.

In other Virtual Pet news I may have found a way to acquire some vintage Furbys. Not entirely sure if it'll work but I'm hoping it will. If this works I may also be able to score vintage Tamas for cheap as well,.


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