ROFL! [o.o]


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2005
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it was about 1:00 am and i'm fast asleep when 1 of my 5 tamas evolves and wakes me. I see what it is and it's a young mametchi then all the other 4 evolve on exactly the same second as me picking my tama up. My gramma and grandpa are here and it woke them up AND my mom! then they all turn ito the same thing! :lol:

So, your tamas all evolved at 1 in the morning? you must have the time set WAY off, sorry they woke up everyone else :b .

So, your tamas all evolved at 1 in the morning? you must have the time set WAY off, sorry they woke up everyone else :b .
they are really way off time coz i do have 6 tamas the 5 that i told you about were ver 3,2 and 1s so i don't bother with time on them :angry:

Lol, that usually happens if they're all born at the same time. :(

Me and my friend started our tamagotchis at the same time and up until adult stage on Generation 2 we got the EXACT same tamagotchi characters! :angry:

God! It must have been hec that night!

you must have been treating them all the same, and you must have started it at the same time.

Like on the mail, when it comes. I'm borrowing my friends at the moment, and whenever hers wakes up, it's normally at the same time as mine, but sometimes it's not, and normally, the post comes at the excact same time as mine.

That happened to me before but right before I went to slep. 3 of my 6 tamas all evolved into the same thing at the same time while 1 other tama evolved into something else. I set them at the same time. So you should set the time to the right time so it doesn't wake yo or anyone else up! :huh:

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