ROM test experiments


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Mar 12, 2011
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I don't know what's going on with my tama...

I did some ROM tests on my snakeskin v3 this morning....I took pictures and I have a video of a really strange thing happening.

Pic 1

During the ROM test a connect screen comes up. I tried connecting w/ my other v3, but the ROM tam's screen stayed on "GO!"

This happened also when I tried conneting with my v4 and v4.5.

pic 2

This is when it got weird. I tried connecting again with my v4.5, this time initiating the connect sequence with my v4.5 instead of the ROM tama. On the ROM tama, an egg pulsated on the side of the screen. On the v4.5, an egg came down, turned into tsubutchi, and gave it a gift.

pic 3

On the ROM tama, the egg moved to the middle. On the v4.5, the tsubutchi hatched out of an egg, turned into an angel, hatched, died, hatched died, and so forth until it became an egg again and left. Weird.

pic 4

The everlasting egg. The egg stayed on my ROM tama. I checked the time. Month - 0 Date - 0 time - 0:00:00

It stayed for well over an hour until I reset it. After I reset it it was fine. Completely normal...weird.

This is a video I took. The first clip is of the baby/angel/egg connection glitch, the second clip is of my everlasting 0:00 egg, the third is of my ROM tama connecting with my v3 and then blanking out and becoming unresponsive (weird), and the fourth is of my everlasting egg in the friends list with two smileys.

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Oh, and after I reset my tama, it went back to normal, so now it's fine =)

It's a teletchi and so far no glitches or after-effects from the ROM tests.

So no tamas were harmed. :lol:

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