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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2006
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Do you have any routines in your day? Not like "Get up, Eat, Brush hair, go to school, come home, eat, sleep, and repeat"

But something you do specificly?

At night, I listen to my iPod, but I listen to "Rescue Me" (WOOOH TH) on repeat, and its not particularly 'upbeat' so before I shut it off, I listen to "Waiting on the World to Change" By John Mayer.

Do you have any routines?

I don't have any like special events, but I'm starting a new day to day routine. I know this isn't what you're looking for, for the the sake of conversation, it's basically this:

5:30/7:00pm - 12:00am

Wake up


Eat breakfast

Watch tv

Hang out online

Lazy things

12:00am - 12:30am

Eat lunch

12:30am - 1:30am

Get ready for work (showering, dressing, teeth brushing etc)

1:30am - 1:50am

Check what I'll be doing at work/how much I have

2:00am - Roughly 6:00am


Reading online orders, filling orders, separating items, toting and paperwork.

I'm scheduled from 2:00am - 10:30am, but with my department, it's basically whenever you're done with your orders, unless you're a manager you can go home for the day.

5:30/6:00am - 7:30/8:00am

Wake up mom

Make coffee

Eat dinner


Get ready for bed

7:30/8:00am - 5:30/7:00pm


That's basically my life xP

Ummm, like SK, I dont have any specific events, but I have a daily thing that sometimes changes lol

Somewhere between 7-8 am baby wakes me up

Watch half an hour of TV with the baby

Feed baby breakfast

Eat breakfast myself

Watch another half an hour of TV

Run around the house playing with the baby

Do dishes and laundry

Give the baby a snack

At noon I put the baby down for his nap

Chill and veg until baby wakes up somewhere between 1-2 hours later

Feed the baby lunch

Play with the baby some more

Do more laundry

Give the baby a snack

Run any errands I need to run (store, take movies back, etc.)

Watch a little bit of TV and let the baby take over the living room while I do my computer stuff

Feed the baby dinner

Read a story to the baby

Watch Teletubbies (sometimes twice)

Put baby to bed at 9 pm

LOVELY day huh? lol On thursdays me and the baby go to my moms house to visit and we spend the day there, usually we go shopping or just sit at the house all day playing with my brothers, my sister, and my mom. Anyways, yeah, typical day of a mommy lol. NOW you know why your parents want to relax all the time XD They are exhausted from raising you during the baby stage!

Well, at night at have to listen to a slow song, nothing in particular though. I don't really have a routine though. It mostly depends on how my days starts. =/


6:00 AM Wake up

Get dressed

Put on shoes

Brush teeth

Get things ready (Like Ipods etc,.)











Band(any period could be: 1st, 2nd, 3rd,6th 7th or 8th)









Half Day: School:







Strange Sch.: School:








Hmm. I guess so. I always try my dangdest to get up at 7:30 (even with the alarm, it takes a lot to wake me up.)

My school-time doesn't have a schedule pounded into iron, but I perfer to keep one.




-Bookwork [plagues (science), Shakespeare (literature), latin (language), the middle ages (history), free reading]

-Work on a short story I'm doing

Usually wedged in there is something to do with plants, since gardening is a part of school, and we keep a fairly large one.

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Basically, for weekends it's like:

1. Wake Up

2. Get Dressed

3. Brush teeth

4. Go sit on computer/read

5. Eat breakfast

6. Computer/Read

7.Do Homework

8. Lunch

9. Watch TV, depending on whats on

10. Supper

11. Computer/Read

12. Shower

13. Computer/Read

14. Bed

If there is something else to do, I do that. Like shopping, etc.

As for weekdays...

1. Wake Up

2. Eat Breakfast/Computer

3. Get dressed, brush teeth

4. Go to school, help mom with breakfast club and read there

5. Go outside into the yard

6. Go into the school.

7. Agendas and Math

8. French

9. Math

10. Lunch/Recess

11. Shared Reading

12. Math

13. Lunch/Recess

14. Science

15. Art

16. Home

17. Do homework

18. Computer/Read

19. Supper

20. TV Time

21. Computer/Read

22. Shower

23. Computer/read

24. Bed.

My life is fairly simple, and I like it that way. xD

I have no real life other than school XD but this is what happens unless we go out somewhere when I get home. Get up - ugh -, Eat and take my pill - I hate it!! -, Go to school, Learn, Come home, Eat, Do my Chores, and Go on the computer for a bit, Eat again lol, Bath and Bed. It seems like alot but it isn't lol.


-wake up

-get dressed

-eat stuff

-do makeup & hair

-go to school

-go home

-do stuff

-go to sleep

i have 2 routines

---morning routine--

get up, eat, change, do all tha stuff i need ta do in tha bathroom, put shoes on, put dogs out, call my mom, go to school =]

---when i get home---

get home, let dogs in 4 10 mins, eat a snack, call mim mum & tell her im home, then i leave n go hang out with mi friends =]

Every night before I do to bed I:

Take a 10 minute shower, the water on full hot with no cold.

Play computer for five minutes.

Put on Pjs(ha, I play computer in my towel)

Turn off lights and make sure all my doors and windows are closed.

Switch off all electronics at the powerpoint.

Get into bed.

Drape the end of my blanket over the bed-end.

Look under the blankets and make sure there isnt any gaps where things could get in.

Measure to make sure my bed-side table is 13cm away from my bed.

Listen to one MCR, one FOB, one PATD and one The Used song.

Play DS for half an hour.

Write in my diary.



[5am-ish, I find cat sometimes walking all over me and meowing in face]

[5:30am-ish if cat was doing above, meowing at the door]

6am Wake up

Get ready for school [bathroom, eat, straighten hair, brush teeth, etc.]

6:50-55 Dad drives to school

School [geometry, Chinese, orchestra, P.E. -LUNCH- geography, language arts, biology]

3:45-4:00pm Get home from school

[Activity- piano lesson or piano theory depending]



[Activity- martial arts depending of day]

Finish homework if needed/Check compy

Take shower

9-11pm Go to bed [depending]


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