Rude Teachers ><


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Grade 5: Miss Gluwchynski

She was such a...*word for female dog*. Always yelling at us for no darn reason. She kept us after school for like 10 minutes and I was always late for daycare cuz of her. One time, me and kerrybridget were lunch monitoring this year and she was on supervision. She came inside just as a kid starting playing on the floor and she started screaming at KB. It's obvious that she hates her. One time, she gave her a purple form (it means serious trouble, like if you do somthing really bad like hit someone or swear at the teacher) just for accidently biting one of our friends.

Grade 6 LA: Mrs. Haesch

OMG, she's so "It's either my way or the highway!" Like yesterday, KB wrote a perfectly okay newpaper article and she admits that she can't write good and that stupid teacher said, "You have to come in at recess and redo this!" Good thing she "Accidentaly forgot" to go. And one time, we tried talking to her and she stuck her hand at us like "Talk to the Hand". What also bugs me is how she says her name instead of I. Like for example instead of saying, "I will not tolerate this behaviour!" She says, "Mrs. Haesch will not tolerate this behavior!" God. She's so mean like how she pretty much has to have it her way just cuz she's vice principal. It's always, "Stop talking or I'll take away your gym or recess!" I wish she'd get sacked.

Grade 3, 4, 5, 6 music teacher and previous g 4 teach: Miss. Ouimet

I just plain don't like her. She doesn't like listening to you and always, always, threatens us with purple forms if we talk, whisper, try to quit after school music activities and such. It's so dumb. It also ticks me off when she starts yelling at us for no reason. One time, I made a comment after our instrunment practice, Orffans, when she kept us 20 minutes after just to finish the music thing, I said, "She's just an woman with no husband or life outside of the school and she needs kids to keep her entertained." Yea, kinda rude. Anyways, she says she doesn't pick favourites. Yeah, that's kinda like a five year old kid saying that they never turned three. I hate how she gives people the nickname "class pet" because she always picks me, my friend shania and KB just cuz we're somehow favourites. I would comment on her lame 80s style but whatever. But she totally wrecked Avril Lavigne's song Sk8er Boi by singing it in her stupid super high pitched voice! Sounds like an opera singer or something. I wish I had a music teacher like my BF's who one time walked into the room and started going crazy on the drums. Miss. Ouimet doesn't understand what modern instrunments are. Or what real music is.

yes i have a very very very annoying teacher mrs hereford my current annoying music teacher i just want to yell shut up in her face lol &gt;:[ err i hate her she just picks on me for nothing then when i try to defend myself she yells at me ^_^

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Yeah and last year just because my stomach was sore (I didnt eat alot) My teacher gave me a Air Head and told me I wasnt allowed outside when she knew all I did was sit in the Flower Garden &gt;&lt; I never really played alot last year, unless people actually wanted me to (LOL like that happened, maybe 3 or 4 times the whole year) I would usually just like sit around the Playground equipment, walk around trying to find somewere to lay (My pic of choise, under these mountain like plastic climbers) But Nooooo. It was always the way she wanted it to be. Gawd I got stuck in a 4th graders class.

Then this year, well our ELA teacher is pretty nice but she gave students Lunch detention for so called "Plagerism" I saw some of them working on their project, and they weren't copying and pasting! The teacher then made them write a 9 Paragraph Essay on how and why they plagerized, and they had to completely rewrite the Paper if they didn't she would give them a referral instead of giving them the F. Pretty rude &gt;&lt;

my first grade teacher was rude she yelled at the class for nothing

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My P.E teacher rolls her eyes at us everytime we do something wrong like hit the volleyball the wrong way. I mean she makes faces,yells for so freakin' reason, and talks to a student that makes them nervous and scared.

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Well, I'm glad I don't have any teachers like that. There have been ones that I don't like, but no really rude ones.

SUBSTITUTES, however..

There's this one sub who is really really mean. She subbed for this teacher (band) and made us watch this video. The next time she subs the exact same class, she makes us watch it again. From the beginning. &gt;.&lt;

I live in a city where people have all sorts of names. A lot of them aren't very easy to pronounce.

So when she walks in, she says "I'm sorry if I pronounce your names wrong; they're FORIEGN names. They aren't AMERICAN." As if it's a fault that your name is hard to pronounce! I think that is so rude.

My grade 5 teacher called me a horrible person o_0

Now I'm in grade 9 and I have a teacher that tells us to shut up all the time : :) Its pretty funny though, because she has an accent and i like imitating her.

...So when she walks in, she says "I'm sorry if I pronounce your names wrong; they're FORIEGN names. They aren't AMERICAN."

There are very few American names anyway.

Maybe these qualify as American: Sitting Bull, Tecumseh, Pocahontas, Sacagawea, Cochise, Geronimo

Everyone else is an immigrant.

My teacher last year in Grade 6 was the worst...

She shoved my friend around, pulled her hair and called her 'fat.' She was a bully.

She went home crying.

I immediately told my Mom. (At least someone trusted me.)

She said there was no WAY I was getting into this class again.

This teacher is immature, childish, and rude.

She dissed and cussed at her students. Everyday.

Should'nt Teachers KNOW better? :p

She was fired about a year ago.

Thank goodness...


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There are very few American names anyway.
Maybe these qualify as American: Sitting Bull, Tecumseh, Pocahontas, Sacagawea, Cochise, Geronimo

Everyone else is an immigrant.
Yep, Native American= Completely American.

I have a Polish/American Name. My 2 brothers names are both Jewish, my dad has a Japanese name (I never thought his name was even remotely Japanese until I found out) My mom has a name of unknown Origins to me

Today, since my class is the smallest class in the Advanced Team, yet the nosiest. This sub knew from other teachers, sure she was very nice. But since we were at a moderet noise level she told us we were NOT allowed to work in groups. Just because we were at normal inside voices &gt;&lt; Some boy took off his jacket to mock the teach and the T Shirt said "My parents told me I could be anything, so I became a *removed* Yup, thats what he was wearing

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...She shoved my friend around, pulled her hair and called her 'fat.' She was a bully.

She went home crying.


This teacher is immature, childish, and rude.

She dissed and cussed at her students. Everyday.


*covers mouth*

I can't BELIEVE anyone would do that! To a student!

You know, it's different if a teacher yells at a fifth grader, but what really makes me furious is when they do it to 6 and under children. They shouldn't have to put up with it.

I hated my thrid grade teacher. She would shake or grab people by their arm. Almost in a pinching format. She also shook and yelled at my friend who had ADHD.

I called her the Dragon lady.

Their is a bad rumor about my teacher!She made a kid WET HIS PANTS!

HIT A CHILD!She is a rude stinkin bad person that she says she loves children!

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My teacher last year in Grade 6 was the worst... She shoved my friend around, pulled her hair and called her 'fat.' She was a bully.

She went home crying.

I immediately told my Mom. (At least someone trusted me.)

She said there was no WAY I was getting into this class again.

This teacher is immature, childish, and rude.

She dissed and cussed at her students. Everyday.

Should'nt Teachers KNOW better? :angry:

She was fired about a year ago.

Thank goodness...

Omg. I cant believe a teacher would do that to a student! :eek:

My teacher last year in Grade 6 was the worst... She shoved my friend around, pulled her hair and called her 'fat.' She was a bully.

She went home crying.

I immediately told my Mom. (At least someone trusted me.)

She said there was no WAY I was getting into this class again.

This teacher is immature, childish, and rude.

She dissed and cussed at her students. Everyday.

Should'nt Teachers KNOW better? :angry:

She was fired about a year ago.

Thank goodness...

she cussed!Wow!

Teachers...I have ...a few!


Before anyone gets confused, BiPolar isn't her last name. I call her that because she one second is all, "Hello Class..." all nice and the next second she is yelling at someone!

Well, one of the girls in my class, after teacher was done talking, got up to throw a piece of trash away. Teacher got all BiPolar on her. &gt;,&lt; It was scary. And she thinks that no one pays attention. My sister used to have her and she said that the teacher cried.

Mrs.I only like preps who are hyper and not playing the P.E. game

Our girl gym teacher gave the hyper preps that talk during the P.E. games a better grade than me and my friends who don't talk! So I'm stuck with a B and the talkers have an A. Not fair right?

Mr. I give you something to study but half of it isn't on the test

This teacher, after we do our homework, we put it in folders to study. He tells us to circle scertan questions. If you only study those, you'll probally only get a...about 55% if your lucky. So I study everything. And I still get a bad grade. He is also veerrryyy unorganized. And...people made rumors about him and that he had a boil that he plays around with during class. And he also spits. I don't like him. And if you do something, he'll say, "I can't fix stupid!"

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