Rumors of Nintendo DS2?


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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2008
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Ok, I was all set on heading over to GameStop to sign up for the trade-in deal with my DS Lite so I could get a DSi XL.


there appear to be rumors of a DS2 this year or next! Ok, so there were rumors of this in 2008 and we ended up getting a DSi, then we got the DSi LL in Japan, the DSi XL is to be released at the end of this month in the US. AND Nintendo is supposedly working on a DS2 for this year? Wait--so do I buy the XL or what?! Nintendo didn't used to spin these things out so fast before, and now I'm just sitting on my butt thinking "When do I upgrade?"

So how solid ARE these rumors about the DS2? I really want to upgrade, and the pre-order deal for the DSi XL is only up for a little while longer. All I know is in January and February, these short articles start spinning out about a possible successor to the DS. What can you Nintendo gurus tell me of this? ;)

According to all i've seen about it, it was supposed to be released in spring of 2009, which we are waaay past now. I personally don't think these rumors are entirely true, especially since it's way past the so called release date, and that i haven't seen anything official about them. If they did make the DS2, it would be cool, but then again, you might not be able to use that system to play old DS games, because of the dual touch screens that have been re-designed.

However, we all know that the DSi XL is going to come out, and it looks wonderful with the bigger screens that don't lower the picture quality of the games, which would be a fabulous upgrade to the DS lite along with the other DSi features. I would still keep this into consideration, and act fast because you only have a short time!

Whoo! Thanks for the advice paislypuppy! Yes indeedy, I am going to go without a DS for a month and half because I'll have turned in my Lite and need to save up $80 to pay off for the XL. :hitodetchi: So I'll have my new bronze (actually the top cover looks like really dark chocolate to me) by the end of April! Yay!

Uh, when I do this trade-in deal thing...should I give them my Lite right away, or keep it until the end of next month (which is when I pay off the rest of the money for the XL and can pick it up)? Yeah I know that keeping it until I actually get the XL is a good idea because I'll have a DS to play games on, BUT I'm paranoid! What if my Lite gets damaged in that time before I trade it in? :huh: Should I just trade it in right away so I can be sure I get to have the discounted DSi XL?

Don't be paranoid, just keep it until the DSi XL comes out, if you kept it in good condition so far, what are the chances it'll break in a month?

You never know! B) Anyway, I'm not sure but I think I'm supposed to turn the Lite in when I ask for the pre-order deal. =/ Oh well. I'll just be prepared to clean up my ACWW town after I get the XL AND screen protectors...and at some point I'll have to find a case for the XL, SD card + reader, and maybe a travel bag. :p Def not gonna fit in my lite's stuff!

Well... Its suppose to be a bit bigger then the original DS. Then brighter screen and bigger tapping area. I would just get a DS lite or DSi.

It might take me until June before I can get the DSi XL, but I think I'd want to get it so it's easier to see (I don't exactly have eyesight problems though) and I can show stuff on it to other people. Also, the big screens will be good for that 100 Classic Books DS card thing they're releasing this summer.

Mm, yeah I think I wanna get this. =) Maybe I'll get it right when the school year's over, so that way it'll be something to look forward to! So I'll just sell GameStop my Lite on the day that I buy the XL.

P.S. Do you think that if I sold the Lite in May, I would get less than the amount of money I would get it for now? 'cause it's ok with me if I only get $45 (I mean, I can't sell online or to someone I know) seeing as I can't get money for it any other way. So $45 is what I can sell it for now, but if I sold it in May, do you think the value will have dropped by then?

Yeah but it's probably not going to be out for a while yet, right? And could you pm the link for where you found that out?

i would wait cause a better dsi XL might come out sooner than u noe. n if u get the dsi XL and a new one comes out you will want that one wen u already have the XL.


u don't have to listen to me....... :D

Well that pretty much happens all the time. =) But in case you didn't see, Astromen found a link about the Nintendo 3DS. :D Hope it helps you too! I'm going to wait for that one. ^_^

I'm still going to buy an XL.

I need a new DS anyway, and 3DS is at least a year away until US release, probably longer.

I want to play Dragon Quest IX on the huge XL screen!!

Well it usually looks like Nintendo unveils a new system at an E3 conference, then releases it for purchase in Japan. So if the E3 con is in June, then it MAY come out in Japan in July, and the XL came out in the US 4 months after its release in Japan, so maybe we could get the 3DS by the Christmas holidays. =D Anyways, I already missed the trade-in deal, have bought 2 new video games which have decreased approximately $55 + of my savings, am going to spend $30 on a concert, then probably $25 for a fanclub membership, then maybe $20 for a souvenir at the concert so...yeah, by the time I save up for the XL, it'll be a few months or so before the 3DS is out and I do not want a repeat episodes of "Oh well I'll just get a Lite in Dec 2008, after all, they said the DSi won't be released into the US until well into 2009!" Then BUMMEEER! It came out 4 months after my purchase and I was like DANG! XD

AW SHOOT! Just this morning I saw a small crack on my Lite's right hinge, and hoped it wasn't a big deal. But now it has some trouble holding the angle positions, and the crack sometimes opens up further and I can see the inside of the hinge! Do I pay $50 for a repair (my warranty expired a few months ago, so I get $25 knocked off the $75)), or just save my savings until June's E3 conference to find out the release date of the 3DS? If the 3DS comes to the US reeeally late, then I may just buy a DSi to hold me over...or repair the Lite. I don't know!! AAAAAAAH!

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