Running Out Of Ideas...


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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2007
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These ideas are pretty corny, I'm scraping the bottom of the bucket here. I'm thinking about the first three, but I have a few other ideas and things...

I'm thinking of Warriors with wolfs... or dogs, I don't know. I need your help. Badly.

A story about an ordinary girl and an ordinary life - but in the middle of the story, you should make a life changing even happen to her ^_^

this is soft of based on a book I read*thats not warriors*

theres this girl and she loves to read and he dad fixes books so one day a odd man comes along on a rainy night and the girl sees hi and runs to her dad and then*skips abit*they when to the girl's aunt's house so her dad could fix afew*or alot of her books* and so one night at the aunt's house the dad reads a story outload to the girl and then her aunt the dad and the girl get sent to another world called the inkworld.

I think you should make a story about a tenage boy that gets stuck on an island and you write about his strugle to stay alive.

tell me what you think

I voted other...

A girl is hiking thourgh the forest when she comes upon a strange creature. The creature sends her to different places where she meets new friends, has some fun, and tries to find the mysterious creature that sends her around the world so she can get back home...

Good idea or no?

This is my idea. Its about a guy named Jeremy who gets two adopted twins as his new brother and sister. Then things get wild as weird things start to happen and whatever...

a girl who loves the online world. she just loves it sooooo much. but one day she accidentally thinks someone is a girl from school and talks to the wrong person (wrong username) and gives away to much info. a story about how that person who she accidentally talked to tracks her down. and whats happens when he finds her. sounded funna' lol XD

How about...

Lindsey is your average girl. She has frizzy hair and round black rimmed glasses, and was super popular. NOT! Lindsey tries fitting in with the cool girls, ditching her old life and starting fresh. But in the end, she realises that it was an adventure to find out who she truly was.

I'm running out ideas too. :) I'm currently writing a story called ''Boy Crazy'' and it turns out really great, but thats the only idea I had on hand. If I think of any story ideas (that I wont be using) I'll gladly tell you. :angry:

Hmmm... or maybe you could make it a Non-Fiction based Fiction story. Its practically facts put together in one book and created into a story :angry: Or you could make a story at the top, but facts at the bottom:



|And it was the best day---|

|Jessica Alba ever had-----|

|She learned how to read--|



|« means Laugh out Loud--|




*Thats just my diagram*


Well I hope you'd have fun making it. Post the Epilogue(beginning or end sequel to the story) for us and maybe we could comment on it. Anyways, enjoy!

I think you should make a unique story to make people think, like here's a few idea starters:

What if there is secretly a world where things live inside your pillow?

What happened to *insert name of kid here* when the school bully tried to flush him/her down a toilet? (Sorry, totally random, but then make something really cool happen, like something fictional, not just they got wet, angry, and humiliated.)

What if you went searching in the attic and found a chest that said, 'Do not open'?

And what about this one: (me thinking about the PeterAnswers situation)

What if you found a person on the internet by yourself who appeared to be psychic, and threatened to spill your deepest darkest secrets out to everyone if you didn't do what they told you? And what if your deepest darkest secrets were really embarrassing and you didn't know if you could tell your mom or anyone about your problem because she might ask what you're worried about if your secrets aren't bad but really they are so you can't tell her a thing, you worry?

Those are the best I got right now. If I think of anything else, then I'll edit.

No fanfiction, I would think.. If you do fanfiction, you lose 1000 points for not sticking to canon. (One OC, like if you've read loophole, like the shopkeeper, would be okay. I don't even think that IS an OC.)

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