RxY's Tama log (^_^)


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Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
Okay well i have 2 tama’s a V2 & a V3. my V2 is lite blue, white and green pocka dots and waves w/ lite blue buttons. my V3 is lite purple with white and drk blue circles and pocka dots. my V2 is being tama-sitted by a friend so i can’t tell u about him :angry: apart from his name is Zen

So i’ll tell u about Teddy he is my new tama (V3) He’s still a tailtchi…HAULT… aww :wub: Teddy just went 2 sleep i bet he’s dreaming of wat he might grow up 2 b! i really want a mimitchi, a mametchi, a leafitchi (aka furawatchi) ;) or maybe a mametchi :mellow: i’ve never had them! i know i must sound like a hell bad tama-carer :( but i’ve only had my tama’s 4 a month! HEY Teddy’s awake! and he weighs too much! hang on while i play a game okay?... that’s betta! HAULT Teddy’s hungury all fixed now... wat was i saying? oh yeah! well ive had a masktchi b4 (i had 2…HAULT he’s crying! okay now 2 begin again!if i can get a word in (i had 2 study 4 a test i was toataly :huh: ) well i g2g so cyas l8er!


luv RxY and Teddy!

P.S I 4got 2 say ur allowed 2 post and tell me wat u think of the log (be honest!) :D

EDIT: just as i finished posting this Teddy turned into a mizutamatchi!

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Sorry :lol: i didn’t get to tell u much about Teddy yesterday but i was in a bit of a rush. so i’ll write a status…

Name: Teddy

Age: 1

Character: Mizutamatchi

Gen: 1

Training: 3/10

Points: 3000

i bought him a action figure :mimitchi: so i’m a little low on points. Hey there r building blocks in the shops! and a shovel i dunno about the rest of u but i take the chance when it comes to those plants, chests and shovels i think i’ll buy them! and… the shovel gave me cake...this one time a plant gave me 800GP! kool hey? :lol:

well nothing really eventful has happened 2day. Hey can any1 tell me how 2 put pictures on here? :huh: coz i got these really cute 1’s of Teddy…

i had a china tix in my shop so i bought that… and a boom box which i now have 2 save 4… :mimitchi: Teddy has been paused 4 most the day so he won’t grow till 2morrow. :D That’s all so cya’s...

luv RxY and Teddy

Sorry i haven’t written in ages but i had to go to the Perth Royal Show and then i had surgery and then u wouldn’t believe it our computer broke down! So i kept a journal instead (so this may all sound a little weird) about what’s been happening to my tama when i last wrote Teddy was just a little Mizutamatchi well a lot has changed since then but lets start at the beginning…

~Friday the 6th~

GUESS WAT? Teddy turned into a Patopatchi! YAH! I’m so happy! this is the best thing that’s happened all day… Teddy has been on pause almost all day so nothing that interesting CAN happen… but lets move on Teddy has been playing with his new gramophone which played lot of songs (waaaaaay betta then the boom box!) like the ‘abc song’ :) Teddy also luvs :p his action figure and building block he goes to bed with his action figure and everything it sooo cute! Oh and there’s one more bar till he’s fully … WAIT OMG that is so strange just as i was about 2 write trained he came up crying! Yah! he’s fully trained! Wonder wat he’ll grow into… i think he’ll b a good character at least i hope he is… he’s supposed to change on… Sunday so we’ll have 2 wait soz guys i gotta go

~Saturday the 7th~

how about i start with Teddy’s stats?

Name: Teddy

Age: 2

Character: Patopatatchi

Generation: 1

Weight: 23Lb

Points 1134 (i know I’m POOR!)

i just got the gramophone out and it played ’Twinkle Twinkle’

i gotta go… 4 now cya l8er

turns out the visitors won’t be here 4 a little longer so i’ll tell u wat happened 2day… I bought Teddy a Chile ticket, a umbrella, sum shoes and make-up. Now wat i need is a mirror they never turn up! I have neva seen 1. OMG a Shovel! Oh WOW! it gave me 800gp! :mametchi: ! The gramophone is so kool it just played ‘Mary had a little Lamb’! Oh our visitors are here cya’s

::A couple hrs l8er::

i 4got 2 put Ted on pause! (i just made up that nickname) oh no i wonder if this will effect wat he grows into! i hope not! But on to happier subjects… have any of u guys notced that as u get older and u play get u get more points? like when ur a teen u get 225gp but when u were a toddler/baby it was only 150gp. Wonder y? :rolleyes: . Hey Teddy’s now 3! Yah! and 2morrow he changes! I now have 2954gp. Hey there’s a lion doll in the shop im gonna buy it… Should I? No? Well i already did! Hey there’s a fishing pole 2! I’m gonna buy it… Hey kool… (i just used it) Teddy caught this massive-whale-looking fish! i’m gonna play with it again! Oh no it’s gone! it must’ve broke! :mimitchi: well cya l8er

~Sunday he 8th~

U know wat’s weird? Even after ur Tama’s fully trained u still get those training things… like they beep 4 attention when they don’t need it… o_0 I just bought Teddy a chest…and i’m gonna use it… dadaladadaaa… OMG it gave me 1500gp!

OMG GUESS WAT? yeah guess… YEAH he grew… into… a MAMETCHI!!! Just wat i wanted! I can’t believe it! WOW! Now i have 2 wait 4 the matchmaker.. U know ur always waiting with tama’s u waiting the baby 2 grow up then the toddler 2 the teen, then the teen 2 the adult then 4 the matchmaker then for the parent 2 leave then all ova again. Soz that was totally RANDOM but i just thought of it. oh cute Teddy’s brushing his teeth… well i’ll tell u his stats while we’re waiting…

Name: Teddy

Age: 4

Character: Mametchi

Weight: 33Lb

Points: 3076gp

::10 mins l8er::

wow they sure brush their teeth 4 a long time don’t they?


~Monday the... oh guess!~

Nothing interesting has happened yet, no matchmaker nothing.

i bought Ted a chest that gave me juice. *sigh* there’s nothing much 2 do now i’ve done everything ova 100x! well bye


Teddy’s now 6 and STILL no matchmaker! Grr! no more news 2 tell.


OMG she came! The Matchmaker came! she brang a mimithi so i having no choice and her being the best character i said yes! I got a girl wat should i call her?

Sushi? Ash? Mia? Wait i havce 2 get more gp i’ll cya’s l8er.


i still dunno wat 2 call her… i like Mia but i like Sushi 2!This is the perfect job 4… THE COIN TOSS! So have no fear the coin toss is here! okay most out of 3 Heads Mia…Tails Sushi

1st toss HEADS (Mia)

2nd toss Tails (Sushi)

3rd toss … this is the decider the choice is with the coin and it’s… HEADS! mia is the name! Now all now All i have 2 do is wait 4 Teddy 2 say his last words to Mia and Mia will be named!


Finally the computers fixed! Well Teddy has left :hitodetchi: but i will always remember him my first eva Mametchi! And that he left Mia and she has already evolved into Kutchitamachi. That’s all 4 now bye!


YAH! guess wat? apparently i haven’t been taking as bad of care of Mia as i thought coz… she turned into a Young Mimitchi! (she takes after her mother LOL - Teddy’s mate) i didn’t even dare 2 think that she would b a character coz she was a little over weight (she weighed 45Lb!!!) Anyway i bought this shovel and it gave me 800gp! YAH! So i think i’ll use the other 1 to eh? OMG that is strange it just turned Mia into that matchmaker character and she doesn’t like it! It’s okay tho coz she’s changed back.


i just realised i haven’t told Mia’s stats yet so here they are:

Name: Mia

Age: 1 (2nite she turns 2)

Gender: Girl

Weight: 23Lb

Training: 5/9

Points: 6113gp

The most point I eva had was yesterday and that was 6666gp (LOL).

Mia should be changing on Wednesday but will probably will on Thursday bcoz of pausing while at skool. I don’t think she’ll b a Mimitchi coz I let ALL her hearts go down 1 hungry AND happy! Opps!

But anyway… wait a second… YAH! another training bar! that’s 6/9 (3 more 2 go!)

well that’s all 4 my V3 4 now (that’s a bit confusing!)


Okay so 2morrow I will hopefully get my V2. so from no on there willl be a V3 heading and a V2 heading (like the one above) and I’ll write about them separately. Can any of u answer this 4 me? Can a V2 & a V3 fall in luv? :D (mayb I’ll ask the FAQ)
