S H O W E R S <3


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I prefer showers to baths. I don't like the idea of soaking in my own filth :/
Oh thank God I'm not the only one on this planet who's bothered by that.

Anyways, I usually take 15-30 minutes because the shower's too crap to run more than 35 minutes.


I love showers. They are the best. I take like forty minutes when I wash my hair, and then if I take a quick one I can be out within ten minutes. ;D I usually shower at night, 'cause you're washing off all the day's dirt, instead of in the morning. Cause then you've just been sleeping in sweat or whatever. Uhuh.

I only take baths when I'm really stressed and can't be bothered to stand up. x3 But I don't think I've had a proper bath since I moved here.. So about four/five years ago.

I dun like the fact you're soaking in your own dirt, but I do like lying in warm water. :p

I'm about to go take one now.


I adore showers :D

I have to have one every evening, and the only time I don't is if I'm at a sleepover.

I stay in the hot water for about 15 minutes, just singing and thinking about things, and then when it turns cold I get out. I know that if you end a shower with a spurt of cold water your hair is shinier and everything but I can't do it; I think the warmness is just nicer. But they're so refreshing and relaxing, it's like something to look forward to at the end of the day. :)

I usually take baths because our shower head is broken. :(

I either bath at night (if I want to take my time, sit around and be relaxed) or in the morning if I want to rush and have my hair look nice.

In the morning I can usually take a bath in under 10 minutes. I'll wake up at 6:20, and be done at like 6:30. Then I'll go back to bed until 7.

At night I'll take around 40 minutes, and I'll be much more relaxed and fall asleep better.

You guys are water wasters!!! (And they say Canada is bad :unsure: )

I'll only wash my hair properly on weekends because I'm dead tired and hungry after coming home from school on a weekday. I give it a light rinse between Mondays to Fridays, though.

+ it takes out all the grease in my hair (and I do have oily hair x.x) without actually drying it out (that happens with my hair, sometimes).

[offtopic]turning a spurt of cold water can actually do that to your hair?[/offtopic]

-shotsbecausesheisstupid- lD

' date='+February 22, 2010 07:14 am'] DO NOT INSULT THE MOTHERLAND. :'DD
Russia is the Motherland, what are you talking about? xD

Last night I managed a 15 minute shower, I felt so accomplished considering I usually take 40-50 minute showers. Felt so refreshed, I love showers.

I take showers usually before I go to bed, and they're usually 5 to 10 minutes long.

I don't like showers. D:

I don't like getting my hair wet. Only when I go into a water park, or a pool.

I like them more than baths, though.

I have to have one right now (well, soon) before American Idol.

' date='+February 22, 2010 07:14 am'] + it takes out all the grease in my hair (and I do have oily hair x.x) without actually drying it out (that happens with my hair, sometimes).
I have oily hair. I hate it. D&lt;

I also hate it when I'm really tired and up super early on a weekend for some reason and I'm showering. Because I'm so tired and the warm water just makes me want to sleep right there. xD

I like mine at night it feels nice and it helps me sleep.

But in the morning i sometimes am quite tired, i have slipped calpsed and fell on my face many times. When im really tired i just sit on the shower floor at let my body get for me...........i hate mornings.......

Russia is the Motherland, what are you talking about? xD
Last night I managed a 15 minute shower, I felt so accomplished considering I usually take 40-50 minute showers. Felt so refreshed, I love showers.
But its so cold there xD

Well I used to have showers really early in the morning but now I have them really late like... 4:00pm and they last for about... half an hour.


I can't be bothered washing my hair, even though I'm told to wash it every night.Honestly, I like nice long, hot showers.I usually take about, 20 min, max.I have them about 7:05 PM : P

I like baths more than showers... especially in the winter.

I usually have baths or showers at night around 8pm or 8:30pm. They go for about 30-45 minutes?

I'm scared of baths. I had an accident that landed me in hospital on Easter...in the bath! Scary!

I love showers. I stay in for as long as I want. I stay in until my dad turns on the kitchen tap, which makes the water freeeeezing! I have the water almost boiling, so when I get out, my skin is as red as a lobster. I'll usually lie under the stream of water, especially if I've got a full or upset stomach; the hot water helps to soothe it. I play stupid little games in the shower (childish I know!) and wrap the flannel around my arm. Then I pretend I broke my arm. I'm such a fool. I used to sing songs from kids TV shows, but now I just yell at my sisters, who barge into the bathroom, while I'm in the shower. If you stand against our shower curtain, it goes see-through...that's whyI get mad.

I stayed at my Nana's with my cousin for four nights, and we had nothing but cold showers because it was so stinking hot!

There's my story on showers.

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