Sad Video :(


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Roar The Tiger

Well-known member
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Uk - Hull.
I was browsing YouTube and I found This:

All the Kiwi wanted to do was fly, and to fulfill his wish he sacrificed his life :)

What do you think? I find it pretty sad.

That's sad.. Kiwi is so cute though. Sad.. :)


Yes, Kiwi is a wonderful piece of animation. Even though I'm usually immune to this sort of thing, I did find myself with a little lump in my throat. The music is a brilliant touch, too.

[SIZE=11pt]Hmm... I didn't really understand the end, but he is probably in a better place! :) I loved the animation! :) He seemed so lonely.[/SIZE]


The first time I saw this a while back, my computer had no sound. now that I'm on my laptop I can hear that the music is indeed a nice touch. I thought it was kinda funny the first time I saw it. The animation is cute. Too bad he died, though. :<

I think that although this is a very sad video, it shows that Kiwi would risk his life to reach his dream. From what i see his dream has been to fly, and he did. What made me smile was when there was a tear in his eye because he was so happy. I love this video because it shows how powerful a dream can be.


i dont get what was so sad about it. did i blink or something? i thought it was just really cute.


why did kiwi kill himself? or did he die or wat? sorry for my stupidness.

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i don't get what was so sad about it. did i blink or something? i thought it was just really cute.
Well, people find this video moving because that little character wanted to fly. So he nailed the trees onto the side of the cliff so when he jumps off it, it will seem as though he is flying. But in realty he jumped off the cliff so he could feel what it's like to fly.

And yes, apparently he dies.

That... :( was the CUTTEEESSSSSTTTTTTTTTT :) :wub: ever video i have EVVVEEEER EVVVEERRR watched! Oh my, how swweeeet! Wit hit liwwle feet! AWWW!!! Oh my gosh, i cant stop saying aww! *giggles helplessly, but in a cute way*

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! My faverite bit was when he pawed his tiny feet on the ground, and when he claps with his feet, he's adorable!



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