SammyTama's V5 Familitchi Log


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Mar 17, 2008
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[SIZE=14pt] Hi, welcome to my V5 log. The only bad thing is, i don't have a Tama V5 yet. But I'm getting it on Saturday/Sunday this week! I decided to start the log early, so you could find out about what's coming up. First I'll display the key:[/SIZE]


S= Me (if character initial happens to be that it's O)

M= Mum

P= Papa





The N/A's will be the children.

I am trying to get a brilliant Ruby style. They are sooooooo cool!

I am planning to start of with a "smart" family.


That's all I've got time for (no really it's my tea time). I'll tune back in on Saturday or Sunday (i'll rewrite over this)


WAHOO! I got the Familitchi!

Sadly it was a week later, but who cares!

I finally had £12.99! (I only get £5.00 a month because there are 4 people in my family (2 parents and 6 children altogether) who get pocket money). My dad drove me and my brothers to Toys 'R Us located near McDonalds at Clifton Moor (in York). And we tried to find the Tamagotchis. Luckily, I found it near the Doctor Who display. I grabbed a red one with sort-of juicy explosions printed on and it had black buttons. It had a keyring with a small model of Itchigotchi (is that his name?) the one who looks like a strawberry. My brothers also selected some and we went to pay. My dad cut mine open and I ripped the tag off. I entered the infomation and suddenly three Baby's hatched. The oldest was a boy, second oldest a girl and third oldest a boy. I can't remember their types but that dosen't matter! I played on Tama Expo and earned some points. Then I used the cheats to collect FREE ITEMS! After one hour they evolved! The oldest was a Mousetchi, the second oldest was a Tororotchi and the youngest an Ahirukutchi (that was hard to write!)

Then I went TV shopping. I nearly completed Tea Time. But then I discovered the ultimate cheat... HOW TO GET A THOUSAND POINTS FOR DOING ALMOST NOTHING! I researched binary's cheat and found the European code for Mousetchi and reapeated it and got 99999 GOTCHI POINTS!

Here are the stats:



Mousetchi = Jack (or J)

Tororotchi = Susanne (or S)

Ahirukutchi = Mamesam (or M)

Me (for this Generation) = 0



Family Name: Tama




Gotchi Points: Maximum Li it (99999)

Generation: 1


0: Bye!

S: Bye!

J: See ya, Dudes!

M: Bi Bi!


Jack turned to a Mamekatchi

Susanne turned to a Chamametchi

and Mamesam turned to a Bakutchi.

I am expecting jack to turn to a Mametchi

and Susanne to turn into a Chantotchi. I am planning on getting a pure family.

Just 2 more days and I'll find out what's waiting....

I'm not sure what Mamesam (why did I name it that?!) will become. I'm not exactly an expert ion Tamagotchi Growth.

Hey, they wanna talk to you:

J: Wahoo! I'm gonna become a Mametchi!

S: Yeah right! Your ears aren't shaped exactly like his, I'm gonna become a Chanmotchi or whatever their called.

J: It's Chantotchi not Chanmotchi! Anyway, you'll never become one your butt's too hairy. *smirks then looks up* (Whispering) Dad, you could have told us the people on TamaTalk were here.

0: Oh, OK. (sarcastically) JACK AND SUSANNE, PEOPLE FROM TAMATALK ARE STANDING BEHIND YOU! Now prepare to say sorry and stay in your room for a year.

J + S:?!?!?!

0: OK, just kidding! Hey, why aren't you including mamesam. *Mamesam toddles up and stands next to 0 with a ashamed look on his face*

M: Can I play?

S: Errr... I'll think about it... Wait, I've thought about it and the answer's NO!

M: Fine me and Dad will go to Tama-Expo.

0: Oh, i forgot about that....

Anyway I'll be off then. I'll post you the stats:


Family Name: Tama

Mame.... Hey he's raiding the fridge! Mamekatchi




Gotchi Points: Maximum Limit (99999, still)

Generation: 1

By the way, please PM me. I'm dying for a PM. Ask any questions you want to know about...

M: Dad, can we go now.

Let me just finish this.

...about the log. See ya!

I'm back!

Yesterday was pretty boring, I only went on Tama-Expo and played a few games. The next day it was school, but when I arrived home... MY TAMAS EVOLVED!

Jack became a Mametchi

Susanne became a Chantotchi

and Mamesam became a Kutchpatchi ( so know I've changed his name to Kutchisam)

just as I planned.

They wanna talk:


Mametchi = Jack (or J)

Chantotchi = Susanne (or S)

Kutchipatchi = Kutchisam (or K)

Me (for this Generation) = 0

M: Wahoo! I'm a Mametchi! So cool, I hope dad gets ME married to one of those pretty Chantotchis. *then looks at Susanne* Well, any of them apart from you!

K: (Chanting)

I'm a Kutchipatchi

My Mum is a Kutchiratchi

I like to drink from the bath tub

Will you be my friend, bub?

I like to go to scout cubs...

(Chanting Continues)

S: Dad, what's a Kutchiratchi?

0: Never mind...

S: Anyway Daddy, will you get me marrie...

K: PLEASE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

0: It depends on what type of tamagotchi my brothers get when their's grow up.

S: Can I marry a mametchi, except not him * points at Jack*

K: I want a blended family, then I can get a Machontetchi!


0: Kutchisam, there's no such thing of a tama that's a mixture of a Mametchi and a Chantotchi.

J: Let's go to Tama-Expo.

0: Great idea! Bye for now!


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