Sapphies Tama Journal of Amazement!


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Jan 15, 2009
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WARNING: In this log you will expierance random glomping, Harry Potter Fandom, possible Twilight fandom (havn't read yet), and traces of peanuts and/or other nuts.

Oh Kays!

I am Sapphie! In this log I currently have:

Sing a Song V5

Red Butterflys V4.5

Earth V4.5

I wanna music star! Techno Sound ^_^

So I restarted them and hatched them all at the smae time :lol: Amazing! THats why It's the Tama Journal of AMAZEMNT! *fireworks*


-bee beep- -Boo booop- -bee beep-

The first V5 egg and the V4.5 eggs hatched simatenasly!

The Earth hatched a boy! Name- Jace

Red Butterfly hatched a girl! Name- Penelope. (Penny for short)

The Sing a Song hatched:

Mimifurwatchi- Female- Name Bellatrix

Futabatchi- Male- Name Fenrir

Omutuchi- Female- Name Narcissa


Death Eaters? What about them? *innocent whistle*

Yeah, I'll post later then.

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Awfully Sorry!

I would have posted eariler but I was in town all day.

I went to both of the Wal-Marts, In search of Music Star (And skates for my brother...) Neither one had them. But one of them had a V4. Not 4.5 a VERSION FOUR!

I spazzed.

But at Wal-Mart I got a Lady Gaga CD, A grey longsleeved Joker Shirt, and a Rolo McFlurry at the Wal-Marts McDonalds.


Everyone evolved! *confetti*




I'mma need to clean that up later.


Jace Evolved tooooo Tamatchi!

Penelope Evolved tooooo Hitodetchi! :( !

Bellatrix Evolved tooooo Sakuramochi!

Fenrir Evolved tooooo Mattaritchi!

Narcissa Evolved tooooo Belltchi!


Now they talk! =D

Hey there. I'm Jace.

My name is Penelope. Call me that. Not Penny.

Well, IM Bellatrix. Call me Bella ;D

My name is Narcissa. Call me Cissy.

*grins* Fenrir.

I'm Cool. :eek:

No your not! You sooo ingorant about everything!

*smile* I'll take that as a complement.

*sigh* Uh-huh. You do that. :eek:

I'm pretty =P

Me tooooooo!

*sigh* I hate being surronded by girls....

What about me?

Not a fan of yours, Jace. Your kind of an egomanic.

.....I don't even know what that means.



...Jace, egomanic means your obessed with yourself.

What? With a face like this, Penelope?? Who wouldn't be!?

FENRIR! Who is the prettier sister?

.....I do not feel comfortable with that question.

Oh! btw the Family Name of the V5 is Cloud.

Ick. :huh:

My stupid dog woke me up at eight o'clock this morning. The nerve! Doesn't he know I stay awake till the wee hours of the morning reading Harry Potter?? I got Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows now! I'm a bibliophile! Leave me to my books!

Bibliophile does NOT mean what you think it does. It means I love books....ALOT. Not in a romantic way eaither, you sick puppy.

My V4.5's are asleep.

Soooo In the meantime


Snape, Snape, Severus Snape....

Snape, Snape, Severus Snape....


Snape, Snape, Severus Snape


Dumbledore pwn's all. He is my idol! Espicaly in the Half-Blood Prince for some reason... He's so oblivus to everything yet he knows exactly whats going on. He is more amzaing than Voldemort <3



Bella, were you in my books?


*Snape face. (raise eyebrow, straight face, Snapish vibes)*

^^; Only the Harry Potter ones....

I'll AK your butt if you lose my page in the Half Blood Prince...

Is that the one where the character I'm named after makes Snape do an Unbreakable Vow and leaves a HUGE loophole in it?


Well, you WERE going on about it for, like 15 mins screaming ZOMG! LOOOOP HOOOOLEEE!!!!!1!!!one!!!won!!!!

I heard you named ME after an evil, demented Death Eater werewolf.


*questionable grin* Thank you. Fenrir Greyback right? Bit Moony?


Well, All I can say to that is....

Bellatrix and Narcissa in unison: WOTCHER HARRY! :huh:

...I need an asprin...

I'm on Chapter 15 in Half-Blood Prince....I think.

Anyways, Jace and Penelope wanna talk.

We evolved!

I am a Young Ura Mametchi :angry:

....I don't really know what I am. But all I know is that I look like a geisha.

Sorry, Thats All I can post now. busy x(


I had my lanyard on. With all 3 of my Tamas. I was sorta swinging around as I went up the stairs. Then I heard a

-boooo booopp-

I was like Oh My Lord Voldemort...

I looked down at my Tamas. Penelope and Jace were bouncing around like normal.

The V5 said WAIT! And it took me straight to the time setting. I didn't get a chance to download them. At all.

If my V5 can't be swung around (lightly) then I can't use it!

*Sniff* ):

Anyway, I'm off to the Tama Memorial.

