Scared to death before sleeping?


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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Sometimes, when you're thinking about something in my head right before you go to sleep, do you ever hear a big loud BANG that makes you jump up out of your bed? Or if your thinking about being tripped, then sometimes it actually feels as if you've been tripped, and you hear the loud THUD on the ground?

It's hard to explain. But, for example, one time I was thinking about a car racing on a TV. The scene repeated itself over and over again in my head. Then the car crashed, and I heard this tremedous SCREEECCHHHH! BOOM!! I bolted up and my heart was poudning so fast. The thing is, only you can hear it.

Another time, I was thinking about my friend, and then suddenly (without me thinking it) she tripped me, and I actually feel like I had been tripped because I heard a big thudding noise and could feel the pain.

It scares me so much!!

Ever happen to you?

Once I woke up at midnight with both my arms in the air and pillows on top of me, lol

And my limbs like to jerk randomly and I hit/kick stuff and it hurts.

& yeah, I sometimes hear random things.

Nope, never happened to me before.


I wouldn't worry about it, as long as it doesn't happen in real life :p


Best Wishes


That happened to me last night >_<

when I was sleeping I had a dream that my sister and this other random girl were fighting (Long story xD) So anyways, I plugged my ears in my dream and I was plugging them so hard that my ears were feeling like they were exploding in real life.. It was a horrible feeling..

And just this morning I had a nightmare.. I had a dream that Jason was chasing me around with a real chainsaw and the gardener that gardens our garden was next to my window and turned her grass trimmer [sounds like a chainsaw] on. I jumped out of my bed and actually fell out! So then I looked out of my window and saw her with the grass trimmer and I screamed cause I thought it was jason xD .

That sometimes happens to me. I'll be thinking about something that happened earlier that day,like,about 2 weeks ago,we had Pacer in gym. (it's to see how long you can run for) and I was thinking about,er,my *ahem* crushrunningandsmilingatmewhenhewasdone. Anyways,when he was running,he almost tripped and my legs just kinda jolted like they do when I trip and stuff. It scares the crap outta me!!! So yeah. One time I thought I heard a ghost but I was thinking abut something I heard earlier. IT'S FREAKING SCARY!!!

somethimes when im dreaming and i wake up from a bad one my back will twich its really annoying and sary

i like the tripping thing ^^

only with me it's usually falling out of the sky, or off some motorized vehicle. and like, right as you hit the ground, you wake up, and you're scared so you jump a bit, and then you like, go back down, so it really feels like you fell, and yeah.

it's like a rollercoaster or somethin cool like that ^^

i like the tripping thing ^^
only with me it's usually falling out of the sky, or off some motorized vehicle. and like, right as you hit the ground, you wake up, and you're scared so you jump a bit, and then you like, go back down, so it really feels like you fell, and yeah.

it's like a rollercoaster or somethin cool like that ^^
Same thing goes for me!

When I wake up, I sometimes randomly jerk. I think it's because I dream of's kinda freaky...but cool!


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