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whoa that is creepy and i have had a few expericnes with somethings like ghosts or just ghosts here's 2 i remember.

1. i heard a creepy robot voice behind my bed, and yes it was not a toy or something cause it happened when i was like 5 and the only eletric toy i had was a toy phone......

2.i would have nightmares about Kerimt the frog a lot and when i would wake up i would feel like he was eating out my armpits....creepy i know i stopped having them when i learned to like him a little o_O

Ghosts aren't real.
Do you have any proof that they aren't real? Have you successfully proved that they aren't real? No.

A cat is burried on my Grandparents farm. His named was Blackie and he was born in 1975 and died in 1990. In my grandparents house, I've seen, a black thing (Blackie was a solid black cat) move around in the house, I see it for a second (litterally) in the corner of my eye, then when I turn to look at it, I see it move away very fast under the nearest couch or table or whatever....I even saw it go through a wall. I've seen it many times. I even heard a meow once....

i can feel ghosts of pets. My room used to be the cats room before it died and we used to have a pets guinia pig. SOmetimes i can feel something at the bottom of my bed or something resting on my chest.

Do you have any proof that they aren't real? Have you successfully proved that they aren't real? No.
A cat is burried on my Grandparents farm. His named was Blackie and he was born in 1975 and died in 1990. In my grandparents house, I've seen, a black thing (Blackie was a solid black cat) move around in the house, I see it for a second (litterally) in the corner of my eye, then when I turn to look at it, I see it move away very fast under the nearest couch or table or whatever....I even saw it go through a wall. I've seen it many times. I even heard a meow once....
ok ok people stop flaming poor tomrules74185296 it was his/her opinion ok? he/she didn't do anything that's that bad soo that you have to flame him/her so badly. it's her/his opinion.

(this is for every one that has flamed her not just Pikachu Lover)


ok ok people stop flaming poor tomrules74185296 it was his/her opinion ok? he/she didn't do anything that's that bad soo that you have to flame him/her so badly. it's her/his opinion.(this is for every one that has flamed her not just Pikachu Lover)

No one flamed Tom, people just said it was his opinion and that it hasn't been proven that they aren't real.

Tom just keeps coming back a a complete smart allic (or how ever you spell it) about it. Such as saying "No, according to *someone* it's your opinion." and stuff like that.

ok ok people stop flaming poor tomrules74185296 it was his/her opinion ok? he/she didn't do anything that's that bad soo that you have to flame him/her so badly. it's her/his opinion.(this is for every one that has flamed her not just Pikachu Lover)

Ok....learnt the meaning of "flame" and then tell me if I famed them. Nobody flamed them.

I don't really believe in ghosts..... but this is beginning to scare me. 2 nights ago I was up in my bed (i have a bunk bed, I'm the top bunk) I heard our door open and shut, so I knew my sister had come in, then I just lay there listening to her breathing. About 5 minutes later I got up and went to the bathroom, but my sister wasn't in her bed and the breathing had stopped. I went to my moms room expecting to see her there but she wasn't. I asked mom where she is but she told me that she was sleeping over at a friends house. That night i just stayed in my mom's room until she finally told me to go to bed. I have had so many other experiences like that. also whenever me and my sister close the door in our room at night it will bang and shake so hard that it pops open and then it stops. We are so incredibly creeped out by that that we just leave our door open all the time. One of our friends refuses sleep over because she is afraid of our room. The cats used to sleep at the foot of our bed but now if you pick them up and put them in our room they race out. Of course my parents don't believe me. My sister and I have been sleeping w/bibles under our pillows even though we're not religious. It seems to help a little. I am so scared........
Creepy... :p I don't know if gosts are real. Its been going around for centuries. No one really knows if there real. They still have been trying to get proof. But i have been watching a show called "Gost Hunters" and they have been getting proof. This is what happened: One day a family was conplaining than there has been people from diff. centuries walk around their house. The Gost Hunters looked in the family's house and the was alot of activity down in the basement. In the basement the two Gost Hunters found a couch. It was warm. They put on heat sensors and looked at the couch. Something was acttually sitting there! Heres other spooky mishaps: Knocking on walls, knocking on doors, doors slaming, fans turning on by theirselves. That was the show. Thats all I could remember. Tell your parents to read this. They might think your not lieing.

Hope this influnces your parents! :D

in my room personally i feel like someone is watching me and no one is there. and my hamster who never squeaks really loud will all of a sudden squeak like he's being murdered or something then ill check on him and he'll be in a corner of his cage all shaky but idk. you should have a professional in your area check it out, they can be a great help.

or what you can do is go to wal mart, buy a tape recorder (like a really good one) and just one night put it in your room somewhere. you can also buy a disposable camera and take pictures when you feel threatened or just whenever you feel like it.

I beleive in ghosts.

I have a bunk bed, I am on the Top Bunk.

Every Now and then, this creepy woman stands at the end of my bed.

She has a Straw hat on and wears a Long skirt and a T-Shirt.

It's so freeky. But I live with it. The First Time I saw her, I screamed!

That happened to me before my like yours except the bottom is a bookshelf. There's an office with stange electronic sounds and lights, it's really dark too. It reminds me of ghosts when I walk past there. I heard heavy breathing there once....

-Temari Nara

I know how you feel. I don't believe in ghosts that much but you never know...

The other night it was about 11:00 PM, I was a good distance away from the window, and I looked at it...I saw a white face of someone that would be about 20 years old. I blinked and it was gone...It creped me out.

Also, Late at nights like at midnight I could be in my bed with all the lights out but my TV on and I hear the floor creaking (It does that if anything human sized walks though the hall at my bedroom, my mom's bedroom, and one of the bathrooms) then if I look at the door sometimes I see a ghost-like figure at the door that just disappears...creepy huh?

Talk to an adult about it. They could help. :mimitchi: Thats all I know. I hope I helped :mimitchi:


I strongly don't believe in ghosts. But I have a close friend who has claimed to been visited by ghosts, and we understand each other's views on the subject. She doesn't care when I don't really believe her when she tells me about them and I don't regard her as crazy.

So yeah, no ghosts for me. =/

My family isn't really the superstitious kind, but I do believe in some forms of paranormal happenings.

One time, I heard dog-whining right beside my bed at night. I have two dogs, so I thought it could have been one of them. Then, I heard scratching right next to my bed. I got up to look to see if one of my dogs was there, but they wern't. This continued throught the night.

I have had similare experiences, in my basement a beer bottle fell onto the floor and almost broke when I was at the other side of the room. That's just one of my many ghostly encounters.

Yes, I've encountered ghosts.

Sometimes it can be comforting, if it's of an EVP trying to contact you in some way.


There are some ghosts who come under the name 'poltaghist' which can harm you, if the ghost is an evil ghost it is best to get away as quick as possible.

Poltaghist are capable of more than us humans.

Thats what I was thinking, a poltergheist, Because they come around stressed teens, because of the bad energy. That would also explain the fact of how it only happens when me and my sister are around, because we don't have enough energy alone. It would also explain why all the activity has suddenly stopped since summer came around, and everything is so relaxed.

Thats what I was thinking, a poltergheist, Because they come around stressed teens, because of the bad energy. That would also explain the fact of how it only happens when me and my sister are around, because we don't have enough energy alone. It would also explain why all the activity has suddenly stopped since summer came around, and everything is so relaxed.
I don't think it's a poltergeist. I don't really know if I believe in poltergeists or not, but I have seen "true" TV shows where people have been haunted by poltergeists. The experience is really different to what you describe. They start doing things they have no control over and might even become suicidal. They would also take control of only ONE person, so the fact that both you and your sister are seeing/hearing these things makes it impossible. And if you've lived in that house for ten years, a poltergeist would have been there from the start, not just recently. So don't be worried about that. =P My guess is that it's probably nothing. I do believe in ghosts and spirits, but I'm skeptical and can think of a lot of logical ways those things could happen without a ghost involved. The door? Could have been the wind. That happens to me all the time. Though that thing about the door opening and the heavy breathing could be a ghost - not a scary one, just a friendly spirit trying to find somewhere to hang out. He won't hurt you. If that was the case, the activity has probably stopped because he decided to move on and go to heaven. I believe that when people die, they can either (1) die regularly and go to heaven to live up there, (2), if they've been a very evil person (e.g. a murderer) they choose to not be with God but live another life on Earth and be the same hateful person, or (3), if they really, really, don't want to die but aren't an evil person, they might come back to Earth as a ghost/spirit, where they spend their time hanging around all the places they loved when they were alive. I also believe that all people who go to heaven are later reincarnated as a new person. So, to sum it up, it's probably either nothing, or a small, harmless ghost.

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