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OMG this is the first time it's happened for a while. Last night my sister was at girlscout camp and I heard really loud snoring! And I mean it was really loud. I couldn't go to sleep because of it. Listened to my Ipod but it didn't go away. Then I very weakly asked,"Umm... Hello? Could you please stop the snoring?" Then..... IT STOPPED! For about 3 minutes. Soon I was able to fall asleep anyways.

OMG this is the first time it's happened for a while. Last night my sister was at girlscout camp and I heard really loud snoring! And I mean it was really loud. I couldn't go to sleep because of it. Listened to my Ipod but it didn't go away. Then I very weakly asked,"Umm... Hello? Could you please stop the snoring?" Then..... IT STOPPED! For about 3 minutes. Soon I was able to fall asleep anyways.
xDDD Maybe it was your parents in the next room or something? Or, if it was a ghost, at least he's polite and stops when you ask! xD

xDDD Maybe it was your parents in the next room or something? Or, if it was a ghost, at least he's polite and stops when you ask! xD
Yea, I thought it was my dad at first. But then I realized he was working. And 1. My mom doesn't snore. 2. We have a big house, my mom/dad's room is across the hallway from me, there is 1 room and a stairway between us. and 3. My door was closed and it sounded like it was in the room. I've been sleeping with the door closed lately because THE BANGING AND JOLTING OPEN OF THE DOOR IS GONE! Hooray! :(

I would say you have a ghost. It's a good thing you have a cat because cats can sense ghosts. My mom and I watch Ghost Hunters (we believe in ghosts), and here are some really good tips on knowing you have a ghost:

1. Set up a camera somewhere and take LOTS of pictures. take pictures of the bottom bunk, your whole room, your whole house. If any white, circular shapes appear in the pictures, then that's a sign you have a ghost. The white circular shapes are called orbs.

2. Try placing a few things in certain ways. Later, see if the things are moved (make sure no one in your family moves them!).

ghosts usually don't harm anyone. if something harmful happens to you, and you believe it was a ghost, tell an adult immediatly.

I actually don't know. I think there might be ghosts. I think there is ghosts on the evil side and ghosts like the Holy Ghost and stuff. I've never seen one but I highly doubt that they just come and stand there next to you...

Dont worry, they may creep you out, but keep cool! Just remember, GHOSTS CANT HARM YOU !!!!!!! IF YOU CANT TOUCH THEM, THEY CANT TOUCH YOU!

My mom and I watch Ghost Hunters.
OMG!! I watch "Ghost Hunters" too! Read my post in I think the second post? I told a story about ppl on "Ghost Hunters" PM me to tell me if you saw that show. I watch "Ghost Hunters" But i watch it with my dad.(lol)

P.S. i know this is off topic. But I just wanted to tell Yellowmoodtama. ;)

Do you have any proof that they aren't real? Have you successfully proved that they aren't real? No.
Have you got any proof that ghosts are real? No. So don't say that when you haven't successfully proved that they are real! :huh:

I honestly believe that ghosts exist. I have a creepy story to tell too.

One night, I was having a sleepover with my friends. All of a sudden we saw this freaky, gingerbreadman shaped thing FLOAT (Thats right, FLOAT!) across the doorway. We were scared silly. And we ALL saw it. 5 girls saw the EXACT same thing. And it started smelling like muffins after too...

I don't know what it was, but all of us think that it was a ghost. Yes, ghosts don't look like gingerbreadmen. But still, it could have been! I might try to draw a picture of it on paint later. It's not going to be easy though...

But even if that didn't happen, I would still believe ghosts exist. I don't know why, but I just think they do. It's like something that your brain tells you, and personally you (and sometimes only you) know that it's true. You don't know why it is, or how you came to that answer, but you just know it, somehow.

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ok i totally believe in ghost im gonna get nightmares tonight but anyway i have stories they ARE REAL ok

ok one time this is when i didnt exist but my mom and dad live in my grandmas house(moms moms)and they all went out my mom dad uncles and aunts and my grandpa my grandme stayed home alone(my dad playes the guitar)and she heard a guitar and thought it was my dad she went outside to go check and there was just a guitar sitting on a bench when she lft she heard it again true story im not lying

This is gonna sound stupid but try communicating with it. Idk.... leave a little note for it (omg but don't be like "ZOMG I KNOW OU ARE A GHOST! RAWR GET OUT!") or somefin....

I did that once.... I was terrified by this ghost my friend claimed to have in her house so we left it a note and a snack <_<

EDIT: I was watching this ghost thing on TV and there were all these ghost encounters and it actually showed a brick being thrown across the room VIDEOTAPED with nobody moving it. It scared me so badly.

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ok i totally believe in ghost im gonna get nightmares tonight but anyway i have stories they ARE REAL ok
ok one time this is when i didnt exist but my mom and dad live in my grandmas house(moms moms)and they all went out my mom dad uncles and aunts and my grandpa my grandme stayed home alone(my dad playes the guitar)and she heard a guitar and thought it was my dad she went outside to go check and there was just a guitar sitting on a bench when she lft she heard it again true story im not lying
Guys please don't bump topics that are over a month old...

ok sorry harleyquinnforthewin

i was watching these tv shows(there was 2 of them called a huanting)about a haunted house and they said it was a true story played by actors so that gives me another reason to believe in ghost im gonna watch it againg tomorrow for those of you who have surewest its on channel 35 it will be on tomorrow at 1pm-2pm and 3pm-4pm

and before that 12pm-1pm its gonna be americas haunted houses im also gonna watch that

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