Scariest game i ever own


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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2009
Reaction score
Nova scotia, Canada
nicktoons battle for volcano island-ps2 is the scaryiest game i ever owned on the ps2.

._. that "one" sence got to me then

it was a flashback in the game and some parts of the game arn't in 3D, in the flashback spongebob, Timmy, Danny Phamtom, I forget the other people they all

get trapped. the scene wasn't in 3D but for some reason you get to select who gets to be chosen and get into a macheine of somewhat, i chose timmy, don't ask why, at first i thought it was a simple fine scene but the machine

levitates Timmy it's causing him a great deal of pain.the other toons are also out and up, trying to break out of the cage. then....After a short cutscene, timmy let's out a ear-peircing scream. i was like ._. my cousin was watching it, his face was O____O

So yeah i can't sleep now. :(

Wow, you should look around YouTube and see if anyone has uploaded that scene. I'd love to see it. :eek:

thats a bit scary O____O but theres a even more scary part at the 5th chapter in Resident Evil 4 in the which you get a access card to the freezzing room, and you hear that a door knocks down and the door opens and you see a (almost invincible-a**) regenerator, that makes a snifsniff snif sniiiiiiif sound with his throat, if you blow his head up, it doesnt die ._. you can kill him with a looooooot of shots, but after that part there are 4 regenerators more to go X_o its frustrating but on the 3rd regenerator you get the infra-red scope to see their 4 weak spots and destroy them with your semi-automatic rifle -_- but there are some like the regenerators that are called iron maidens that have iron spikes on their bod (google: resident evil regenerator/iron maiden) the regenerato freaked me out when it appeared ._.


I agree with Anime.


Could you please upload a video of that? I want to watch that. Sounds kinda kool.

it was on youtube but it got deleted for copyright reasons. :furawatchi: i recorded the sence and i slowed it down and it sounds like timmy is falling. o_o

^ Oh, and then they let 4329754823747432874583274823751038174289365718 Pokemon videos on YouTube. Aren't they copy righted, also?

Ooh! Awesome! Do it with SpongeBob.

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