Scariest Thing...


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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2007
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I have definitely had my share of scary, creepy, and just plain weird things happen to me. I am feeling a bit strange right now, and I want to talk about stuff like this. :rolls eyes:

Follow the title...and...uh...reply.

Please make sure it is true.

A couple of mine:

It was midnight, and I got a phone call. I was up on the computer, sneaking on. To silence the phone, I was stupid enough to answer. Ugh. The phone # was withheld, and no one answered, but I could hear weird noises in the background like yelling and banging. I hung up, and was scared out of my wits for the rest of the night. Maybe it was one of my friends playing a rude prank, and maybe it wasn't. ^_^

I was walking around the west part of my town with one of my friends, and my town is perfectly safe. We just came out of a convenience store, and we were eating candy. We were walking down the sidewalk, and then a big man on a bike passed us but then stopped in front of us. When we were passing him, he asked: "Do you have the time?" This was innocent enough, we thought, so we told him the time. But then he is like: "Hey, do you have any candy for me?" And he wouldn't leave us alone. He wasn't a cute boy our age. He was a big creepy man. This may sound mild to you, but it was scary for my friend and I. He eventually left us alone when more people started walking down the sidewalk.

And when I was around 6 or 7, I was walking back from ballet class, some man pulled up to me in his car and asked if I wanted to get in and pet his cat. There was no cat in the car, and I ran through the woods back to my house, scared out of my wits...again.

So...yeah...I'm an idiot when it comes to scary situations, at least nothing has happened.

Here are some of mine:


-Once I thought I saw a ghost.


Seriously, it was banging on something at about 10:00 pm. Scared the friggin' bejesus out of me.


-My bbf's (best buddies forever <333) and I were walking around and I saw some guy, he was scary looking to me, (He was wearing normal clothes and looked like a normal guy but he scared me for some reason...) he was looking around at everything and some other person who walked by, and was putting his hand on some nice red car, that I'm positive wasn't his. (it was my crush's dad's car)

So I told my bbf's,

"I wanna go the other way!"

Then they were all like,


Then I said,

"That guy's scaring me! Common'!"

So they looked at him. Then I asked,

"You gettin' the vibe too?"

"Yeah." They said.

Then Nana (vampirenight on TC) grabbed my arm and started pulling me along in the opposite direction of the guy. Lele was already walking with her.

About every other second we looked behind us. We could swear he was following us. We ran like the friggin' speed o' light back to my house. I'm dead serious. You've never even seen someone run as fast as we were. My feet hurt when we got back to my house. I was running in flip-flops. @__@

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The scariest thing that's ever happened to be happened while I was on vacation with a friend. e.e"

She had fallen off a tube while we were at the lake, and hyperextended her elbow. It sounded pretty bad, so we went to the hospital right before dinner.

We'd been out most of the day, and after an hour and a half in the hospital, we were starving.

I naturally hate hospitals with a passion, so I was ready to go as soon as possible. We were waiting while her mom was checking her out of the hospital, and I started to get a little dizzy, and then noticed my vision was starting to go, along with my hearing.

The only thing I could say was, "Nicole, I'm dizzy.." I said it about twice, I think, before I almost passed out on the floor, but her mom caught me, and the nurses got me in a wheelchair.

Ironically, we were taken back to the same hospital room they had put Nicole in, and we had to stay another hour.

So I passed out in the waiting room of the ER as we were about to leave, from lack of food and water, and exhertion of too much energy. Lovely, yes.

A few other scary things have happened, but those were mostly 'paranormal' experiences. Which also involved Nicole.

Everything bad that happens to me involves her, mostly. Ha.

Um, a close-death expirience. VERY scary.

I was skiing alone ((problem #1)) and going down a steep hill behind some super-slow-poke. I got excited when she got out of the way, so I flew down the hill ((problem #2)) and didn't realize that HUGE moguls were right in front of me.

I went over the first one, thank God I lived, and I knew the second was going to throw me off track. And it did. I flew through the air and face planted. I got lucky that I was litterally stalking someone, so they went down and got the rescue peepz.

I couldn't breathe. I tried to gasp for air, and when I tried to talk I sounded like a babbling idiot. I threw my ski helmet off and gasped for air. The whole time I was wondering what death felt like. When the rescue dude came in the 5 minutes that seemed to be 5 hours, I still couldn't breathe. He said that on the security cam that apparently I was going 150 miles per hour before the fall. OUCH!

My dad soon came down and asked what happened. PLEH. OMG long post. Just read it all plz XD. My back hurt for days and the ski peoples almost forced me to go to the hospital to get my spine checked.

**SIGH** I FAIL at making posts short and quick. Just read it all, mmk?

Hm? This wouldn't be so hard for me if I wasn't so hard headed.


Well there was this one time I think it was in december. I was out with my friend and we were walking around. It was around 11:00 pm. Then I suggested we go down a road we have never been on just to explore it. The road wasn't as well lit as the others. Then as we neared the dead end it started to smell like something was rotting. Then I got all paranoid and we started hearing noises and every shadow became more scarier. We then ran home very fast.


There was another time when I was walking home alone and it was almost midnight and I had a feeling I was being followed.. I ran and ran, and I felt like it was running after me... I got home safe but I was creeped out.


.. and now I keep on hearing sounds coming from behind me. I ignore 'em most of the time because I' listening to music. It's kinda mumbling. I'm just hoping it's the head phones goofing off. o.o;; .. and I went into the bathroom to turn the light on and I noticed the light in the attic was on and it wasn't before. I'm too scared to turn it off. ;_;


I love hearing about scary experiences. I wish I was in more. I just love this kind of stuff..


I used to sleep with my mom and one night she left and tured off my light sooo when i woke up i looked in the corner and there was a dark figure like a peoson jamed in the corner i sat there for 20mins sweating under the blankets too skared to come out then i had a burst of of adrenolin a sreamed "DDDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and he came in and tured on the lights.

I was sckared to go asleep for 2 weeks

Wow. :huh:

Once I was sitting on a couch for a really long time and I didn't have anything to drink or eat the whole afternoon, so then I stood up, lost my vision, because everything was blurry and spinning around, and then I lost my balance. I fell over hitting a metal table hard with my head, and then I passed out. We had to go to the hospital to get my brain scanned after that...

^ I almost did that, except I would have hit my head on a wheelchair bar, and then the floor, if I hadn't been caught. I hate passing out. I had to get my blood sugar taken about three times, and my blood pressure about five, seeing as I was already in the hospital when it happened.

Strange coincidence.

Scariest thing that Ever happend to me , was when I was 10 (around 10 and a half) yrs old. Watching My Dad Die before my very Eyes.

That Was The Scariest Moment of my Life.

Like, We were at my Aunties house, He was Just sitting down on the chair, then Massive heart attack and Died right Then And There. I was only a few feet away

Scariest thing that Ever happend to me , was when I was 10 (around 10 and a half) yrs old. Watching My Dad Die before my very Eyes. That Was The Scariest Moment of my Life.

Like, We were at my Aunties house, He was Just sitting down on the chair, then Massive heart attack and Died right Then And There. I was only a few feet away
D= how sad...Everyone's are soo sad...

Well the scariest thing is when I was in a parkinglot with my cousin and it was like, 11:00 pm and we were just sitting in the car, and this guy pulled up next to us and he got out of the car and started circling ours, like he was planning to break in...this went on for like, 20 minutes.

It was so scary.

One night,on friday the 13th (surprise surprise) i was walking in the woods with a friend and, well, we stumbled upon a pile of bones. we were walking off-trail, so we were probably the only ones who knew about the bones.but it was really creepy because the place smelled like a casket that had been opened years after the person inside was buried in it, and there usually isn't a smell like that with an old kill. But there were claw marks all over the place, so we just assumed the local cougars had take-out and let it be after that.

Scariest thing that Ever happend to me , was when I was 10 (around 10 and a half) yrs old. Watching My Dad Die before my very Eyes. That Was The Scariest Moment of my Life.

Like, We were at my Aunties house, He was Just sitting down on the chair, then Massive heart attack and Died right Then And There. I was only a few feet away
Oh, I'm so sorry. :D

one scary thing that hapened to me not 2 long ago, i was walking down the street, then i saw this old guy that loked like a maniac, he was wlaking the other way but when i walked past him, he turned around and follwoed me, but when i got into the store, he went away.

Another time, i was walking home with my brother and this maniac looking old man was walking, then he saw us get near to our house, then he looked at us and started walking, my brother and i exchanged glances, i suddenly half shouted, "hey look! dad's home!!" (even tho he wasn't) the old man then kinda backed off but when we went inside, i could still feel him outside, so i yelled, "hey dad!" then my bother imiatated "dad"

why is it me who always gets stalked by old men???????

once i was reading goosebumps and the kid in the book was eating E#XACTLY what i had for dinner!!

also, on Friday 13th (yestarday) I was reading selby scrambled and it was Friday the 13th THERE too!!


once i saw Elizabeth Claro (Google her if you dont know about her) in my room o_O

One time I started choking on a piece of cheese from my pizza and my mom had to reach down my mouth to pull it out of my throat.

Another time when I was really little I was walking into this store and a huge waterbug came and started crawling on my feet. (I was wearing sandals) I was about 4 years old I think.

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