Scary Stories :3


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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2010
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Melbourne, Australia
Do you like scary stories?

Well, you'll find a couple here!

Post scary stories that you like, but make sure they're not too inappropriate though.


I was listening to scary stories two of my friends were telling during P.E and here they are!

Here's one! Beware...

(my friend told me this and it is based in Korea where doors slide out and you could stay for a while after school AT school to study)

One day there was a student called Benny (lets say he IS benny) who wanted to stay at school after school to study, but his mother is very superstitious and told him that a ghost is going to his school ( I don't know why! my friend told me this story) at midnight and it can-not see you if you hold your breath.

Benny stayed in the school library and fell asleep.

When midnight struck, he heard the distant opening and shutting of the sliding classroom doors.

The noise got louder

and closer

and closer


Until the ghost reached the library door.

Benny, sitting by the door held his breath.

The ghost opened the door and the boy looked at it, he saw that the ghost only goes down to the waist, where the legs should be is nothing but the blood dripping down from the torso.

the ghost assumed no-one was in there and closed the door and continued searching the rooms down the hallway.

He exhaled in a sigh of relief when he assumed it was safe,

and suddenly...

...the loud tapping of the doors hitting changed direction and drew closer....

faster, and faster and FASTER

the ghost flung the door open and glided in, devouring the unfortunate child.

This gave me chills down the spine just TYPING it. o.e

Oh look! Another one!

One day there was a girl (lets say..her name is Sally) called Sally who recieved a Barbie doll for her 9th birthday. She thinks the doll looks awfully ugly with it's long hair and began trimming it with scissors. She kept cutting and cutting until there was no hair left. Sally thought it was eveny uglier and cut the Barbie's head off.

The next morning, it gave her mother a fright when Sally was found in bed, with all her hair roughly cut off with a pair of scissors and her head chopped off....

And under her bed was the headless barbie doll...
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I have a few, but I'll post them sorta short.

I want my liver: One day, a little boy called Johnny got sent to the shops to buy some liver for dinner from his mum. On the way to the shops, he saw a few of his friends and Johnny spent his money on lollies. As it was getting dark, he remembered what his mum asked him to do, and ran down to the shops but they were closed. Knowing his mum would be mad, he trudged off home. When he got home, he saw his grandpa asleep on the swing on the front porch, and thought 'He's nearly dead anyway, what good would a liver do him?' so Johnny killed his grandpa and cut out his liver, burying the body behind a shed. He walked into the house and his mom called out to him "Where have you been! Have you got the liver?" Johnny gave his Mum the liver and went off to his room. After they had the liver for dinner and Johnny went to bed, he heard a distant voice. "Johnny, I'm behind the shed, I want my liver back, I'm coming to get ya" It's only a dream, Johnny told himself. 5 minutes later, the voice started again. "Johnny, I'm at the front door, I want my liver back, I'm coming to get ya" Johnny was starting to freak out now, but continued to ignore the voice. About 10 minutes later, the voice started again. "Johnny, I'm on the 1st step, I want my liver back, I'm coming to get ya" Johnny was sweating, he had only 5 steps that lead up to his bedroom. "Johnny I'm on the 2nd step, I want my liver back, I'm coming to get ya" Johnny let out a small whimper. "Johnny, I'm on the 4th step, I want my liver back, I'm coming to get ya" Johnny turned his light off before the voice started again, louder this time. "Johnny, I'm on the 5th step, I want my liver back, I'm coming to get ya" Johnny clamped a hand over his mouth to prevent from screaming. "Johnny, I'm at your bedroom door, I want my liver back, I'm coming to get ya" A creak echoed through his dark room, and Johnny pulled the covers over his head. He felt a breath on his neck. "Johnny, I want my liver back, I got you" -- The next day, Johnny's mum came in to find Johnny, with his liver cut out.

Click Click Slide: One day, a little girl, let's call her Annie, was walking home from school. A very faint noise caught her attention it sounded like 'click click slide' When she got home, she told her mum about the noise. "Don't tell lies Annie, it's not good to lie" Her mum told her, and sent her to bed. In the morning, when she was going to school, she heard the noise again 'click click slide' except it was louder now, like it was a street or two away. Scared, Annie ran to school. On the way home from school, the noise was even louder. Annie ran home and told her mother. "What did I tell you yesterday, don't tell lies! if you tell lies to me one more time you will sleep in the tent" Annie was sent to bed without dinner. The next day, the same noise happened, except it sounded like someone clicking their neck twice and sliding across the floor, and it sounded as close as across the road. Annie sprinted to school. On the way home, she heard the noise again, but it was right behind her. Annie sprinted home in tears and told her mother again. "What did I tell you about lies! Go sleep in the tent!" "But I'm not lying-" Annie tried to protest, but only got sent out with no dinner either. The blue tent was soaked with the rain. In the middle of the night, as if almost right next to her ear, she heard a 'click click slide' -- In the morning, Annies mother couldn't find Annie. Only a red tent and a note that said "Click, Click, Slide"

I have like a gazillion more but I'll post them later xP

I've got another one.

I think I rewrote most of it because I wasn't listening when my friend told me this.

One day there was a boy (just call him Tom) called Tom who went on an exchange program and chose to stay at an old lady's house (no, she's not the ghost) around the house, there are pictures of a little girl with dark hair and pale coloured eyes hangings around the house. Tom asked the old lady who the girl was and the lady said that the pictures were of her dead daughter. Everything went normally for about a week or so until one night, Tom just couldn't fall asleep.

he looked into the mirror and inside was the same girl in the pictures, brushing her hair.

Tom rubbed his eyes and looked at the mirror again and saw only his reflection.

he lay down trying to sleep and something caught his eye.

he peeped out of the keyhole and saw nothing but red.

It was the girl's eye

she was watching him sleep through her empty eye sockets


(there was a new wnding to is funny rather than scary though

Tom poked a pencil through the keyhole, not knowing what the red stuff is.

He jumped in fright when he heard loud swearing and a muttering of 'stupid human...!'

then the ghost kicked down the door and ate Tom (with peanut butter!), it is funnier when my friend tells it)

The Photograph

Once there was a boy named Wilson. One day when he was heading to school, he was late for his bus. Sighing, he turned and ran to the school, when, he spotted a photograph sitting on a neighbour's lawn. He picked it up and inspected it.

In the photograph there was a young asian girl, no more than 6 years old, wearing a bright red dress, her hair in pigtails, and doing the popular two-finger 'peace' sign with her fingers.

Wilson wanted to meet this girl very badly. So, when he got to school he asked everyone he saw if they knew this girl. No-one knew.

After school he asked all of his neighbours. No-one knew.

He asked his parents and his sister. No-one knew.

So he went to bed, feeling upset and hoping maybe tomorrow he'd be more sucessful.

Around midnight he was awakened by someone at his window. A tapping noise could be heard and and a young girl's giggles. Wilson smiled and lauged in excitement. Maybe it was the girl! He ran outside with the picture in his hands. Then he saw lights coming towards him. His smile dropped. He screamed.

The next morning Wilson's parents couldn't find him anywhere. Then they saw a dead body on the road.

It was Wilson.

They ran over to him. They were in such a dire emotional state they were grieving, throwing up, and screaming. Wilson looked like a piece of roadkill.

His mother then spotted something in his hand. It was a photo. She picked it up.

In the photograph there was a young asian girl, no more than 6 years old, wearing a bright red dress, her hair in pigtails.

She held up three fingers.


Kyle read the newspaper. "Again!" he exclaimed. "What?" his girlfriend, Sarah, asked him. "A 15-year old was murdered again by Her!"

'Her' was a woman everyone in town knew. She had no lower torso and had a thing with killing females between the ages of 10 and 20. You would know when She was coming because you'd hear a deep, zombie-like growl, and a continuous skritch, skritch, scratch. That was Her scrathing her way around town, one hand, then the other, and then pulling the rest of her minimalist body forward.

Sarah was 15. She was especially scared of Her because she thought she'd be next. Kyle promised to protect Sarah, no matter what.

One night, Sarah's friend Ammy called Sarah over for a sleepover between her and some other friends. Sarah grinned and agreed.

That night, the girls stayed up and told frightning stories. Sarah was scared out of her wits, and so were most of the other girls. But in a while they eventually fell asleep.

Around 2am, Sarah's cell phone rang. Groggily, she propped herself up on her elbows and picked up.

"Hello?" she yawned.

"I'm coming to get you, Sarah."

"P-Pardon me?" she asked, her eyes widening.

"I said. I'm coming to get you, Sarah Brown."

Sarah was mortified. She hung up.

A noise emenated in the distance.

Skritch, skritch, scratch.

Sarah screamed. Her friends woke up with a start. "What's wrong, Sarah?" Ammy asked calmly.

"I heard it."

"Heard what?"

Skritch, skritch, scratch.

"...That." Sarah gulped.

Ammy screamed too, and the rest of the girls echoed.

There was a slow knock at he door.

Knock. Knock.

Sarah peeped outside of the room they were sleeping in.


Knock. Knock.

Sarah whispered, "Hello?"

"Hello." a familiar female voice answered. "I'm Ammy's mother, please answer the door, Sarah."

Sarah smiled. It was only Ammy's mother. She opened the door.

No-one was there. "What the hell..." she muttered.

Skritch, skritch, scratch.

Sarah screamed. She saw someone on the driveway.

Someone with no torso.

"Come here, Sarah."

"No," Sarah yelled. "You're Her!"

She smiled and came closer.

"Come here, Sarah, I want to see your legs."

The next morning Ammy awoke to her friends' screams. She found Sarah, dead on her doorstep, her body right down from her torso gone.

She held a note in her hand.

It read,

Skritch, skritch, scratch.

You're next, Ammy Henderson.


Not too long ago, there was a boy named Troy. He was popular, and was president of the Associated Student Body. He could have any girl he really wanted, and he chose a kind, soft hearted girl named Emily.

Emily was constantly bullied by everybody, but Troy would protect her, taking the blows of metal bats and the verbal words of hate. One day, Emily wasn't at school. Troy hung out with a group of pretty, blonde girls who were extremely popular. He soon fell in love with another girl, and the two of them were dating by the end of the day.

Meanwhile, Emily was at home, black blisters crusting with blood covering her neck. A scratching sound came from outside her home, and each time she heard it, she would feel another boil burst with blood on her neck. Scritch, scratch. Scritch, scratch. Scared, Emily went to go find Troy.

She headed straight to the school, coughing as she walked. Blood coated the sidewalk. The bloody blisters began to drip blood onto the sidewalk, more and more forming on her body. When she finally reached the school library, she saw Troy and the pretty, blonde girl.

By this point, where her eyes had been, there were huge black holes, empty but filled with blood. The rest of her body was equally gory, and Emily had no idea she looked that bad; she could still see.

She was so hurt she didn't know what to say. Troy screamed, protected his new girlfriend and called Emily (Which he thought was a beast and not Emily the worst thing he could ever call her. Emily ran off, and soon lost her memories in a rage.

All that was left was revenge. Scritch, scratch. Scritch, scratch. Troy heard that exact noise outside his room, every day, as well as the sound of extra footsteps. Tap, tap. Scritch, Scratch. One night, the scratching and stepping got so bad, Troy stopped moving in his bed, so still he had to stop himself from screaming. Scritch, scratch. One scratch to the neck. Another. Another. Scritch, scratch. Scritch, scratch. Blood. Everywhere. Scritch, scratch. Tap, tap.

The next morning, Troy's girlfriend went to visit him, and found there was nobody in his home. Nothing. When she finally reached his bedroom and pulled the door open, she noticed her hand was a deep red. When she walked inside, the floor was a deep shade of scarlet. Laying on the floor,were three bodies; one on the left that appeared to be a middle age women, another, a man. And there, in the middle, lay Troy.

He was broken; and Troy's girlfriend was horrified when she stepped on something slimy. To her horror, it was a heart. She saw similar things on the floor, and she slowly looked up at the wall. Written in blood, she silently read the words out loud:








Scritch, scratch. Another scratch. Tap, tap. Another blister. Scritch, sctarch. Another scratch..
The Talking Doll is a scary tale about an old woman who loves dolls and a young woman who hates them.


There was an old couple who had hired a new maid to help around their house. The wife had a huge doll collection, and the maid was expected to dust them once a week. So once a week the maid walked into the room where the dolls were stored and looked at them in disgust. She hated dolls. While she was dusting, she came across a particularly strange doll. It was a talking doll and it had a cord in the back. The maid was intrested and pulled the cord. The doll said, “Hello.” The maid pulled the cord again. “I love my momma”, said the doll. The maid put the doll back and continued cleaning.

A few weeks later, while dusting off the dolls, the maid accidently knocked a doll over. It shattered as soon as it hit the ground. The old woman heard the sound and went to investigate. When she walked into the room and saw her shattered doll, a very sad look came across her face. The maid saw this quickly and said, “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to break her. I won’t do it again.” The old woman looked down at her sad, broken doll and told the maid that she could only keep her job if she promised to be extra careful around the dolls. The maid agreed.

The next day, the old couple left the maid alone while they went out to run some errands. The maid was in such a bad mood that she neglected to do her job. While she was sitting in the kitchen enjoying some of the couple’s fancy chocolate, the maid thought of a vicious idea. She slowly made her way into the room where the dolls were kept. She thought for a moment about how sad the old woman was about her broken doll. The maid picked up a doll and said, “She must really love these dolls,” and threw the doll on the floor. It shattered and the maid smiled.

She loved the feeling of breaking dolls. Something about the shattering sound pleased her. She threw more and more dolls to the floor. She was still in her doll-killing rage when the old couple came through the door. The old woman ran to her broken dolls. She looked up at the maid with a baleful expression and asked, “What are you doing?” The husband, seeing his wife so upset, immediately told the maid she was fired.

The maid collected her things and left in an even worse mood before. She was so angry that later that night she snuck back into the old couple’s home. Knowing they would be sound asleep, she crept into the kitchen, found the biggest knife she could, and made her way to the bedroom.

The next morning, the maid returned to the house and acted like an innocent bystander and told the police that she worked for the couple. She played the sorry victim that had lost good friends. She told police that the old couple were loving, nice, caring people and she had no idea why anyone would want to kill them.

At that point, she slowly walked into the house, saying she wished to make sure no one had hurt the old woman’s precious doll colection. When she got to the talking doll she picked it up and pulled the cord. “Hello”, it said. She pulled the cord again, and it said “Why did you kill my momma?”

The maid looked horified. “What did you just say?”

“Why did you kill momma?” asked the doll. The maid stared in shock. She kept pulling the cord. “Why did you kill my momma? She was a nice momma. I loved her very much. Why did you kill my momma?” The maid stared at the doll. She could not believe this was happening. “YOU KILLED MY MOMMA!” the doll screamed. The maid threw it to the ground and ran from the house.

The next morning the maid was found dead in her bed. In her arms was the talking doll. When investigators pulled the cord on the dolls back it just kept repeating, “She killed my momma. She killed my momma. She killed my momma…”

This story I am going to tell you may keep you awake for most of the night if you have a donkey doll that you just leave lying round your room ;)


Once there was a boy that recieved a donkey doll for his 9th birthday.

But he thought it was absolutely hideous and threw it on the top bunk of his bed.

he had trouble sleeping that night on the bottom bunk and wondered what it was. He turned his head and saw...

The donkey's head dangling off the edge of the top bunk leering at him. It's black, plastic eyes glinting evilly in the moonlight.

Slowly, the donkey drew closer and closer to the boy, its eyes getting bigger and bigger and its maniacal grin getting wider and wider...

then the boy saw darkness.

The next morning the boy was found dead the next morning with empty eye sockets, and the at the end of the bed was the donkey doll with large blue, gleaming eyes.

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