Scary Stories!


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Apr 17, 2007
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ok yea this is posted kind of a lot... but i really want to read st scary....

My sig needs 2 be updated.

umm... i don't have any scary stories on me right now, but on Discovery Channel, they have a show called 'A Haunting" and it's abut true ghost stories. Hope i some-what helped! :D

I watch A Hauntiing.. It's awesome!

Heres a true scary story that happened in Tennessee. (Not to me though, somewhere VERY far away.)

There was once a family, who lived in this big beautiful white house. It had a boat dock and everything. Well the first family that lived there, was the family that now haunts the house. There was a dad, mom, twolittle boys, and a little girl named Jodie. Well every night, the dad would hear "Catch them and kill them, kill them and catch them." It would happen every night. So one night he gets up, and kills the mom, the two little boys, and goes up to Jodies room, at the very top of the house. Jodie heard what was going on, so she hid in her closet. Then the dad went in the closet, and she looked at him. "Why are you doing this Ronnie? Don't you love me?" she said. He looked back at her and said, "I love you Jodie but I have to do this." Then he shot her straight in the forehead. I think she was about five years old. (The reason I know her name and stuff is because she is the one that haunts the place the most.) Well some what after that, another family moves in. It was a mom, dad, two boys, and a little girl named Chelsey. Chelsey was four years old. (Focused on her because Jodie haunts Chelsey.) As soon as Chelsey walks into the house, she found a teddy bear laying on the floor. It was Jodies teddy bear. She picks it up and takes it everywhere with her. And Chelsey's room, is the room that used to be Jodie's room. Chelsey can hear Jodie and can see her. She was talking to her one day and her mom walked into the room. "Who are you talking to sweetie?" she asked. "Oh, just Jodie. She said we're gonna be best friends forever." she said. So her mom puts some clothes of Chelsey's away and then Chelsey says, "Mommy, Jodie says your a really good mom." and her mom smiles and walks out of the room. Well later that day, one of the little boys is using the bathroom, and then he looks in the mirror. He saw a face really bloody and soaked, screaming in the mirror. So he ran into his room and hid uner his covers and just sat there. Harry, their dog, would always bark at something in the house. They'd tell him to hush, but he'd keep on. Harry was a really smart dog, and he was seeing Jodie walking around the house, and stuff like that. Then one day, (Jodie would haunt both night and day.), Chelsey was standing on the roof of the house. Everyone startys freaking out and trying to get her down. "Stay there Chelsey!" they said. "But Jodie says if I jump, we can be best friends forever!" Chelsey said. (Jodie is trying to kill Chelsey, so she can have a friend who will never leave her.) So they get Chelsey down. The next day, Jodie gets at it again, trying to kill Chelsey. So Chelseys standing out at the boat dock, looking out at the water. "What are you doijn' Chelsey?" her mom asks. "Jodie said it's really pretty to look at." and then Harry starts barking at something in the water. But Chelsey ends up being okay and everything. (Sorry I forgot some parts.) So later that day, a babysitter comes over, and she knows about why Jodie, and her family are there. But she doesn't beleive it. So she's telling the oldest boy about it, and she says, "But I don't beleive in it. To prove nothing really happens, I'll go sit in Chelsey closet." So she's sitting right where Jodie died, and then she trys to get out, but it's locked. Then she sees Jodie in the side of the closet, all gray with a hole in her forehead. "Look, look what Ronnie did to me!" she says. So the babysitter screams, "Let me out, let me out!" And Jodie takes the babysitters finger, and puts it in her finger in the hole in her forehead. "See,see?!" she yells. Then she starts laughing, and the babysitting gets out of the closet, and her knuckles are all bloody. So the family moves out of the house, and leaves Jodie's teddy bear behind and everything. The you see the teddy bear sitting on the stairs and you hear Jodie crying, and it echos. And the Jodie is sitting on the stairs, and she cscreams, and something pulls her through the ground. But her teddy bear is left there for whoever moves in next.


Hope I helped! I've got a LOT more though, I thought you might enjoy that one though. :)

" Carrie! Get your butt down here!" Yelled Stacy, Carrie's baby sitter. There was no response. "CARRIE! I AM NOT KIDDING, YOUR DINNER'S GETTING COLD!" Stacy grew frustrated and marched up the stairs. "Carrie... where are you.... I'll Find you!" Stacy kicked open Carrie's door, she wasn't in there. "...." She remaind silent and then began to yell. "WHERE ARE YOU?! THIS ISN'T FUNNY!!!!!" Stacy shreiked, opening doors.. lokking under beds and what not. "CARRIE!" She yelled once more, she looked at the clock on the wall... the arms seemed to have moved slower. Stacy sighed, "the Anderson's will be home in 2 hours..." She tried to open the bathroom, it wouldn't budge. "What the...." She said puzzled and tried to turn the nob again, she heard noises inside. "Carrie? Open this door!" Stacy said, messing with the bathroom nob... she got it to budge an opened the door... she was shocked. She saw a familiar face, the face of a tall blonde boy with a goofy smile, and big, bright green eyes. "Andie? Why... how did you get in here?" She asked, watching him. "I need to pay you back, and Tori said you were here." He simply said, like it was no big deal that he snuck up on her. "Did you see Carrie?" Andie nodded no, backing towards the bath tub, as if hiding something.... "Are you hiding something?" Stacy inquired, moving towards the bath tub. "no, no..... no.... nothing at all..." Andie said nervously... trying to hide the tub. "Move." Stacy said, pushing him. What she saw freaked her out. "CARRIE?! WHAT THE F*** DID YOU DO TO HER?!" She shreiked, glancing away from her drowned body in the tub. "I.. kind of... drowned her..... " He shouted, throwing Stacy through the window, causing her to plummet to her death. She broke her neck, paralyzed and dying. Andie walked out of the house like nothing happened.. and walked home. The Anderson's first found Stacy and called 911... later thyey found Carrie. They never cought Andie.

The Phelps place was an old, abandoned property with a monstrous, decrepit Victorian house that was supposed to be haunted. It should have been a good resting place for the local deer hunters, but they would not go near it. A few that tried came away before midnight with tales of ghostly thumping noises, gasps, moans, and a terrible wet bloodstain that appeared on the floor of the front porch and could not be wiped away.

Phelps was an Englishman who had purchased land some 20 miles off the Mendocino coast in the 1880s. He had built a huge, fancy Victorian house all covered with gingerbread trimmings and surrounded by lovely gardens. When everything was arranged to his liking, he sent out party invitations to everyone within messenger range. It was the biggest social event of the year, with music and dancing and huge amounts of food. Sawhorse tables were set up with refreshments, and drinks were set out on the front porch. People came from miles around. The only one missing was old man McInturf's son-in-law. They had had a terrible fight that afternoon, and the boy had stalked off in a rage, threatening to get even with the old man.

Around midnight, the musicians took a recess and old man McInturf went out on the front porch with some friends. Suddenly there came the thunder of hooves rushing up the lane. A cloaked figure rode towards the lantern-lit porch. McInturf put down his drink. "That will be my son-in-law," he told his friends as he went down the steps. The cloaked figure stopped his horse just outside the pool of lantern-light. There was a sharp movement and two loud shots from a gun. Old man McInturf staggered backwards, shot in the throat and the chest. The cloaked man wheeled his horse and fled down the lane as friends ran to the assistance of the old man.

They laid McInturf down on the porch. He was bleeding heavily and they were afraid to move him much. There was some talk of fetching the doctor, but everyone knew it was too late. So much blood was pouring from the old man's wounds that it formed a pool underneath his head. McInturf coughed, once, twice; a hideous, gurgling, strangling sound that wrenched at the hearts of all who heard it. Then he died.

McInturf's body was laid out on the sofa, and the once-merry guests left in stricken silence. The servants came and wiped the red-brown bloodstain off the floorboards. The next day, a wagon was brought to the front of the house and McInturf's body was carried out onto the porch. As the men stepped across the place where McInturf had died, blood began to pool around their boots, forming a wet stain in exactly the pattern that had been wiped up by the servants the night before. The men gasped in fear. One of them staggered and almost dropped the body. They hurriedly laid McInturf in the back of the wagon, and a pale Phelps ordered the servants to clean up the fresh bloodstain.

From that day forward, the Phelps could not keep that part of the porch clean. Every few weeks, the damp bloodstain would reappear. They tried repainting the porch a few times, but the bloodstain would always leak through. In the county jail, McInturf's son-in-law died of a blood clot in the brain. A few months later, one of the Phelps servants went mad after seeing a "terrible sight" that made his head feel like it was going to exploded. Folks started saying the house was being haunted by the ghost of McInturf, seeking revenge. The property was resold several times but each resident was driven out by the terrible, gasping ghost of McInturf reliving his last moments and by the bloodstain that could not be removed from the porch. The house was eventually abandoned.

Its long, but you can shorten it, or take one or two paragraphs

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