Scene hair


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x.N e o n

Well-known member
Dec 27, 2008
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T-E-X-A-S, my lovely.
Okay, well, Recently I posted a few photos( Prior Example ) Where I did my hair very.. Messy.. Scene-ish. A lot of people wanted to know how, so I decided to make a topic. I'm not very experienced in this area, I don't actually know how to properly tease my hair. It's just kinda my style.


Second video, continuation of the first, a bit better:

The video was a fail. My hair just doesn't wanna work with me today.

To do it properly, it involves a comb. And skill, I do not have.

So to reduce the worthlessness of this topic, I'd like anyone who has advice to post it, and even better, make a (not completely worthless xD) video about how YOU do scene hair. Thank you, I love you all.

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I'm watching your videos as I type this. You're adorable on camera. You don't lose my short attention span. x3

I 'tease' my hair sometimes. I take a section of my hair and hold it up straight, and take a fine-tooth comb and backcomb it (Brush toward my scalp). It takes a while though.

My hair is like yours. It's probably just your hair type - mine never wants to stay up either. Whenever I curl or tease it, I have to use industrial amounts of hair spray - and even then it does stay. xD

And yay for Famous Last Words in your second video! 8D

I watched this video, and it's very... uh... informal as well. :lol:

Actually, Thats Pretty Helpful. I wouldn't know how to do anything with my hair to save a life. My hair Never goes the way I'd like it. My hair Hates me So. Plus, I don't have a straightener. Well I do, But Its buried in a closet in a box somewhere

I'm dying my hair right now [black, Might Put a Picture up later in the Pictures topic in Seriously Non TT] , and I just got it cut this after noon [its Pretty Short. But Not Like, Short Short. But its short]

I commented on the Video, by the way.

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Thanks for making the videos, Phoebe! :]

You're really good with scene hair; it's actually really helpful.

I don't have a camera (yet . .) so I can't show you guys any videos.

But hopefully one day I'll finally convince my Mum to get me one.


I love youuuuu.

I do my "scene" hair a little differently, but this technique seems pretty awesome. :)

I made a video a few days ago of me doing my scene hair, which I might upload at some point. I'm not sure.

Your beautiful. 8D (L)

I made a video.

But I can't find the USB to put it up. :B


When and if I find the USB and put it on Youtube,

I'll let you guys know. <3

I've attempted so many times, but my hair just doesn't work with me. I need a comb..

I'll be checking in on this topic for tips :D

I have a way of making scene hair. I did it yesterday completely by accident.

Step 1: Don't wash your hair for 2-3 days.

Step 2: Take a shower, don't wash your hair.

Step 3: Dry furiously with a towel because you're in a hurry.

If you want to keep it that way, add some hairspray and voila xP

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