School dance! D:


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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Ok....hey everybody. It'd Tgd. Um, since it's the end of the year us grade fives get the end of the year dance! It's in exaclty oen week, and sort of in a pickle.....two things: 1. What should I wear? 2. WHO SHOULD I GO WITH! o_O

Let's start with number 1: I want some ideas of what to wear to this dance. Like, should I wear a dress, a skirt, something casual, or soemthing I'd normally wear like jeans and a t-shirt? I want to look really nice, so maybe I should curl my hair or something? I need a bit of fashion advice. ^.^'

Now number 2.....last year, I was all like "For the end of the year dance in grade 5, I'm gonna go with no one and be a loner!" but now....I actually wanna have a date! The thing is, I only like one guy and even though there is a chance he might like me....BUT..... I don't think he'd ever ask me out to the dance. :( But if I went with someone else (and he DOES like me) that might just make him NOT like me. And rumors might get spread! D: I want to go with noone else then who I'm crushing on, but that may be slightly hard. Should I ask him to the dance, or just go alone? But what if someone asks me to the dance!? There's alot of cute boys in my class, but I only wanna go with Jason. Should I say yes or no if somebody that I like as a friend asks?

UHHHH! I'm just sooo confused. D: This is my first school dance and I have no idea hwo to handle it......please help!

Hmm... Well, they don't have school dances at our school (just end of year party in the classroom, or something like that).

I think you should ask the person you want to dance with if they want to dance with you. After all, nothing can be lost. If he declines, then it doesn't matter - if its a dance I imagine people can change 'dancing partner' so everyone can have a chance to dance with everyone can't they? If someone else asks you, its up to you whether you accept or decline. :gozarutchi: After all, you are going for the fun - so don't worry yourself.

As for what you wear... I am not an expert in that. I think you should just wear something that is comfortable and that you are comfortable with. Nothing too flamboyant, I would probably just wear a pair of shorts and one of my nicer t-shirts.


well, I'm a guy, and I can Really help you, well, what I THINK can help you.

first off, wear something that is CONFORTABLE and is EASY to PUT ON! like, for example, If you wear a pretty dress that feels like sleeping on a bed of jagged rocks, don't wear it! but, if jagged rocks are confortable for you, wear it! if ordinary clothes are confy, wear them!

plus, If you wear clothing that is 'hot' in guy-terms, don't wear it or elce more and more guys will ask you to dance with them. so, once again, wear something OK for you.

hope that helps! [i'm 13, so I just know that much. :gozarutchi: ]

@complete tama fanatic@

Well, I had a school disco today (now it was only girls but how and ever) I just wore my jeans and a dress top because It was comfortable and casual yet at the same time dressy and nice.

Now as for the boy problem. Just go up to him and say: "If you dont already have someone to go with, do you want to go to the school dance with me?" Now, there are four answers you could get.

You could either get:

"Sorry I already have someone"

"I'm going alone/with my friends"

"Sure yeah I guess"


"I'd love to!"

Now, if you get one of the first two and he says no, then just get a group of friends and go together. It's better than going alone.

"Yeah sure I guess"

you should wear a skirt and a nice comfortable top that you like and for the boy problem i think you should just maybe wait to see if anyone asks you and then like 2 days before it if no one has asked you ask someone or if you really wanna go with someone (jason i think u said his name was) ask him before its to late else someone might already ask him

I think going with your friends would be better. I honestly never understood elementary school dances. The whole crush thing back then was non-existant and slow dancing was so awkward and weird. Bleh. My high school prom was better :p

I would wear something easy to run around in, but still looks good. No big dresses, super fancy stuff. Maybe a skirt and nice shirt. You could curl your hair if you like to. Don't look too formal, just nice.


If you like the guy that bad, ask him out. Who knows, he might say yes. It's probably worth it.



well i guess i can help u even though im aboy.first of where something u like, dont care what anybody else thinks,um....about the boy,well....lets skip elementary school never have a prom cuz 3 years back they did dirty dancing and stuff, but what the hey, they do it in my middle school so it dont really matter.oh yeah about the boy,lemme tell u something,some boy r just as shy as girls so y not and give it a shot u never know^.^ hoped i helped

Wear something easy to dance in. You don't want to wear a skirt or dress if you're gonna have a hard time dancing in it. That could make for a very uncomfortable night.

As for the date, just ask him if he wants to go with you. There's no shame in a girl asking a guy out. Asking someone out takes a lot of guts. Even if you're not sure he likes you back, just ask. No harm in asking ^.^

Oh, School dances are really fun!

Just remember to be yourself, and wear whatever feels like you.

I go to the community ones-for the guys. Tehe. :mimitchi:

Thanks for all the advice. :furawatchi: I might ask him....I'm not sure. But do you know what he said to my friend on MSN the other day? He asked who she was going with, and she said me and her were going (as friends, of course). Then he responded, 'oh really? i thought stephanie was going to ask me" Is that a good sign, or a bad sign? o_O

Also, I'm worried about something: If I asked him to the dance and he declined would that sort of make our friendship akward?

Maybe I should ask him, because if he said no then oh well. After the dance, it'd be the last day of school so I'd have a whole summer without being made fun of or people saying, "omg u like him!?"

Ahaha... We usually have quite a few discos at our school to celebrate certain occasions, such as Christmas, Easter and the end of the year. But this year, we're not having an end of year disco. We're having a prom. xD

All the girls are getting prom dresses (except for a few who really couldn't care less) and have started to ask boys out. So I'm in a similar position. If I were you, I'd dress in comfortable clothes that are only a bit more ''fancy'' than usual. In doing that, it make you feel nice, look nice, but not look over the top. :lol:

I think you should ask a boy who you feel won't tease you for asking him. You don't actually have to like him more than a friend, but it has to be someone you feel comfortable with.

this is like a life or death situation,well not so much life or death but a take it or leave it steaks.i hope u take it soon cuz nothing stays forever

Ahaha... We usually have quite a few discos at our school to celebrate certain occasions, such as Christmas, Easter and the end of the year. But this year, we're not having an end of year disco. We're having a prom. xD
All the girls are getting prom dresses (except for a few who really couldn't care less) and have started to ask boys out. So I'm in a similar position. If I were you, I'd dress in comfortable clothes that are only a bit more ''fancy'' than usual. In doing that, it make you feel nice, look nice, but not look over the top. ^_^

I think you should ask a boy who you feel won't tease you for asking him. You don't actually have to like him more than a friend, but it has to be someone you feel comfortable with.
All the girls are getting prom dresses (except for a few who really couldn't care less) and have started to ask boys out. So I'm in a similar position. If I were you, I'd dress in comfortable clothes that are only a bit more ''fancy'' than usual. In doing that, it make you feel nice, look nice, but not look over the top. ;)

Yes, I have picked out my outfit. It's super cute! :( An orange top with pink hearts and brown shorts with a pink and orange stripe down the side. Goes together really well!

I think you should ask a boy who you feel won't tease you for asking him. You don't actually have to like him more than a friend, but it has to be someone you feel comfortable with.

Hm....well, I know a few boys who I could ask and I'm sure they would say yes. But I don't want to go with thme, I want to go with the guy I like. I am seriously considering asking him like, over msn or an email. If over MSN, I would probably be like in the middle of a convo,

"so, you going to the dance with anybody?"

If he says no, then I might say....

"same. um, do you wanna go with me? u don't have to if you don't want to." But I'd be totally freaked out. O.O Especically if he said no, and it slipped out somehow I had asked him, I would be teased so freaking much!!!

Or maybe over email...


um, im not going to the dance with anybody so i was wondering if you'd like to go with me. i can understand if you don't want to, but i really like you. so... *sweating*

oh yeah.....i forgot to mention; if you say no, then just pretend like i never asked, ok?? thx."

Still, I'm no good with asking people out. I've never done it. I've always been too scared. I'm getting sweaty just thinking about his response if I ever asked him.

((Looky at my avvie))

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All the girls are getting prom dresses (except for a few who really couldn't care less) and have started to ask boys out. So I'm in a similar position. If I were you, I'd dress in comfortable clothes that are only a bit more ''fancy'' than usual. In doing that, it make you feel nice, look nice, but not look over the top. ^_^
Yes, I have picked out my outfit. It's super cute! ;) An orange top with pink hearts and brown shorts with a pink and orange stripe down the side. Goes together really well!

I think you should ask a boy who you feel won't tease you for asking him. You don't actually have to like him more than a friend, but it has to be someone you feel comfortable with.

Hm....well, I know a few boys who I could ask and I'm sure they would say yes. But I don't want to go with thme, I want to go with the guy I like. I am seriously considering asking him like, over msn or an email. If over MSN, I would probably be like in the middle of a convo,

"so, you going to the dance with anybody?"

If he says no, then I might say....

"same. um, do you wanna go with me? u don't have to if you don't want to." But I'd be totally freaked out. O.O Especically if he said no, and it slipped out somehow I had asked him, I would be teased so freaking much!!!

Or maybe over email...


um, im not going to the dance with anybody so i was wondering if you'd like to go with me. i can understand if you don't want to, but i really like you. so... *sweating*

oh yeah.....i forgot to mention; if you say no, then just pretend like i never asked, ok?? thx."

Still, I'm no good with asking people out. I've never done it. I've always been too scared. I'm getting sweaty just thinking about his response if I ever asked him.

((Looky at my avvie))
Ask him out! If he said that he thought you were going to ask him, then he probably suspects it and is going to say yes. You never know - he might like you too and feel heartbroken if you went out with someone else.

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Ask him out! If he said that he thought you were going to ask him, then he probably suspects it and is going to say yes. You never know - he might like you too and feel heartbroken if you went out with someone else.
True. Maybe he does like me. :) I was talking to him on MSN like a half an hour ago, and I was just about to ask him but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Maybe tomorrow evening if he's on I will.

Can't wait 'till tomorrow. :D He's walking home with me after school.

:p Guess what? Today was Playday, and we had so much fun together! We were soaking eachother, and he continued to ask, "So, what are you going to next?" and whatever I said, he'd come. When we were playing floor hockey, and we were waiting for our turn, he sat down beside me and said with a smile, "Your really good at floor hockey. Your like, perfect!" And during the sponge game, we had to pass the sponge to eachother and he kept touching my hand. ^.^ And he also sat beside me in the movie today and kept moving his chair closer.

OMG thanks sooo much Katelyn! :p She invited him to meet her and her friends in front of the DJ at the dance and I'm her friend and so is my other friend (who likes him too). She's going to try and make us dance together. Might not work, but at least we'll be hanging out!!

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In my opinion you shoudn't wear something too fancy if your going wih Jason because it might be intimidating or scary to im but you should wear a dress.If your not going with Jason then i say you should look less beautiful then if you went with jason because then he might get really jealous of the guy you went outwith.

Hope i helped

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