School is almost over...


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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2007
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Christchurch New Zealand
1 and a half days of school left!

I feel this year ive finally achieved what I need.

I'm getting a awarded in science and might get a surprise one on the day.

Only in english have I failed anything.

Fabrics! I want to show you what I've made!

Winnie the Pooh boxers

[boxers- I made them! They are awesome!]


[skirt! It originally was below the knee so when I got it home I took it up to there before mum even realised.]

You only have 1 & a half days of school left before the Christmas holidays?

How come?

My school breaks up next Friday. D:

By the way, I live in England.

& I love the boxers & the skirt! :D

~ Bethiee. :]

' date='December 10, 2008 07:09 pm'] You only have 1 & a half days of school left before the Christmas holidays?How come?

My school breaks up next Friday. D:

By the way, I live in England.
Schools break up at different times in North America from the UK.

If you think about it, some schools in the UK break up for Christmas at different times too - like the Independent (private) schools all break for Christmas approx one week earlier than the State / Comprehensive schools in the UK :eek:

On topic - the boxers and the skirt are fab :rolleyes:

School's not almost over... Ofg course next week my 1st semester will be over....

We Highschools finish a week before primarys.
We also don't go back to school until febuary
I'm also in HighSchool, in case ya didn't know by my age.

Actually, I'm a sophomore in HS, aka 10th grade.

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Congratulations on your achievements this year! Good job with the boxers and skirt, they look awesome! :huh:

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