School problem...


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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2006
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Usually on the computer
Well ok one day it was snowy and rainy and stormy so my Mum made me wear a hat to school, I was in a rush so I just grabbed the first hat I found which was a skull cap. So when I got to school the bell went so we lined up and that's when a boy who we'll just call J said, "Nice cap G. Are you an Emo?" (G's me). Then I said, "Nope." then a girl who we'll call C said, "You are an Emo. Only Emo's wear skulls." then I said, "It was the first hat I found. I was in a rush." then C's friend who we'll call L said, "What's up?" then C said, "G's an Emo. Look at her hat." then he's like "EMMMMOOO!!!"

So in class the teacher wasn't in yet so all the boys were throwing stuff at me and calling me an Emo. Like shouting it and everything so everyone got the idea. Then they shut up when the teacher came in. Then when the teacher's explaining stuff some one we'll call A leaned over and said, "Emo's are gay." then I said, "No they're not!" Then he said, "You're definatly and Emo then if you don't think they're gay."

So the next week I'd fallen out with my friends so I'd been wandering around the playground myself. Then in class A said, "You're an Emo." then I said, "Don't start." then he said, "Well why do you always wear black?" then I said, "Because I like black." so he said, "And you walk around the playground yourself like a depressed Emo." If this didn't happen to be in class I would have punched him.

And now everyone's calling me an Emo, even my friends started. I'm trying to ignore it but it's really, really getting to me. I have nothing against those who are Emo's though, it's just that none of the boys can walk past me now without yanking my hair and calling me Emo. Any advice on getting them to stop?

Sorry about the bad grammer

Well at this point if other students are pulling your hair and throwing things at you, as well as the name calling, this is time to get the principal or the teacher involved. Name calling and stupid stuff like that requires ignoring and even perhaps making a joke about it instead of getting offended (usually people will get bored if you joke or ignore about the emo thing). But since this has turned intp physical abuse go find the teacher or principal when by yourself and talk with them privately.

Just say to the teacher "A lot of the kids, especially the boys are calling me very rude things that are upsetting me and some of them are physically hurting me now like pulling my hair and such...which I know is against the rules...I'd really like some help please, this is really starting to get ridiculous." Now sometimes teacher's look blindly the other way so if that happens speak to a vice principal or principal. If they still are not taking you seriously, then talk to your parents about this so they can get your point across to the school's staff. Once something is done about the physical behaviour, then I believe the rest will die off as it is because it shows you don't tolerate much nonsense while at the same time not making a sense about it or getting upset about it to cause it to get worse.

Ok what they're doing is just plain rude. If they were doing that to me I would be soooooooooo mad. :blink: I dont have a scull cap (I'm not sure what that even is, to tell u the truth), and I dont wear a lot of black. I only wear black pants though. I thought an emo was someone who cuts his or her's wrists? Oh well. Tell those ppl whoever's mean to u to shut up and if they don't, tell the teacher. I can't believe ur friends are doing this to u too. If they are kidding, they have gone too far.

Hope I helped. :p

Thanks^ By the way they're not really pulling my hair that hard but I guess it is still pretty bad... I'll tell the teacher tommorrow.
Pulling hard to not, and throwing small things as opposed to bigger things, it's all still physical abuse and it's going a bit too far. Hope to hear back on how it went.

Wow stereotype much? Just because you wore a skull cap doesn't mean your emo gosh people can be so rude now a days. Why would they make fun of it jeesh. I'm not emo but still that's just plain rude. I probably would have yelled at them but that's not good advice just ignore them or tell the teacher if this keeps up. Well I just repeated Miley but ok lol. I hope they stop bothering you. And can't they get in trouble for harassment?

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I think this topic can be closed now because the problems solved. I said to the boys at break, "You have a chance, if you stop calling me emo I won't tell the teacher" so they obviously said "EMMMO!!!" So at lunch I told the teacher everything. I told on the boys but not my friends so the teacher kept them at lunch time for a while and gave them a lecture, don't ask me what she said because I was eating lunch at the time but it must have been bad because they stopped. And at lunch I told my friends that the Emo stuff was going to far so they apologised and said they'd stop. Anyway then in the Playground I went up to the boys and to make sure they stopped I told them I wasn't emo in a herioc speach which I'm too lazy to type down XD. So anyway hopefully they've stopped now, so I'll close it now. Thanks everyone!

Well glad it all worked out for you. I'm glad your friends and the boys stopped. Obviously the boys realized they could get a far nastier punishment if they continued so they decided to leave you be. Congrats on the resolution ;)

I think we can definitely say any further posts in here will just be repeating themselves as you pointed out missbehave.

*topic closed*

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