School Rules


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We wear uniforms :)It's not stupid though. Every single school in Thailand uses uniforms xD.

And we use private school buses. I mean, they're just normal vans.

We're not allowed to do much in our school like decorating folders, eating in the classroom, wearing shoes in the classroom, and it can go on and on. Yeah, no shoes xD. We leave our shoes outside of the classroom. We have no lockers either. No cellphones, MP3's, or any kind of electronic. Hairstyles - No bangs, no slicing, no dying, and yeah. We had this foreign girl come in to our school with blonde hair and the school made her dye her hair black o_o It was sad for her xD. Braids only too.

Our school isn't really stupid though.

It's just really, really ridiculously strict. Hair, mostly.
That is ridiculous. I do not think a school should have control over your hairstyle. Your hair is a way to express yourself, and I would never in my life change my hair just because the school board told me to. I've never heard of any school that didn't let you wear shoes in the classroom. In fact, we get reprimanded if we take our shoes off. Kind of strange. I'm intrigued, though.

Our school used to have a recording that would call us, but it was too expensive, so they cut it. It was nice, but it's not too hard to watch the news either, or go on the website if you think it's snowy enough to be a delay.


Our school this year has a rule that if you're sick and you turn the note in more than 5 days after the day you were absent, all work you done that day you get a zero on.


Edit: Starfire, are most schools in Thailand that strict? I would have went to a different school. A school can't force you to dye your hair, that's ridiculous. Also, is the no shoes in class thing a custom there?

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My school is pretty easygoing, its the usual, that is: no cell phones, MP3/4's, running in the hallways, gum...etc. Turns out over half the kids break these rules anyway. None of the rules are unreasonable. In return for respecting these rules, we get privileges like dieing our hair, wearing revealing clothing, etc. We're can wear virtually anything we want. My old school stopped offering bus transport after the sixth grade. Even after I moved, I walk to school. And I see no reason as to why you're so upset about bad weather notifications? Isn't it much easier to know bad weather's coming before you actually get on the bus and realize that its too late? And Ksenia's right. It's better not to judge people before you actually know whether they listen to the radio or not. My parents get up early and when they see bad weather's coming, the first thing they do is turn on the weather channel and the radio (this was before the sixth grade). If your parents or you sense bad weather, the logical thing to do is turn on the radio and/or the weather channel. See? I find this system very useful since many countries in fact don't have this kind of thing.

^ Oh, that reminds me. We aren't allowed to have gum in elementary school, but in middle/high school we are allowed as long as we aren't being obnoxious. (e.g. blowing bubbles, chewing like a cow, etc.) Something I love about school, because whenever I feel nervous about like a test or something, I tend to feel like I'm gonna puke, and mint gum is an excellent remedy for me. :)

Edit: Starfire, are most schools in Thailand that strict? I would have went to a different school. A school can't force you to dye your hair, that's ridiculous. Also, is the no shoes in class thing a custom there?
She goes to a private Catholic school xDD

My school doesnt have that maby rules, but some are kinda stupid.

- No going near the bush area =\

- No climbing trees

- No barefootness

- No leaving schoolgrounds without a note


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I have all dumb ones ;P

-No Cell Phones (Mine is in my Purse everyday -shrug-)

-No Short Short/skirts (Obvious rule, but some girl got yelled at for wearing leggings with a shirt)

-No Flip flops (No one follows this rule.)

-Boys are not allowed to have 'Edward Cullen Hair" (Yes, the boys do that. My school is beyond pathetic.)

-No Gum (No one follows this one either)

-Only allowed to go to the bathroom the first and last 10 minutes of class

-Have to wear a "School Shirt" for gym class or you get points taken off

-No Tank Tops Or Strapless stuff, unless something is over it

-No unnatural hair color

No one listens to these. If you get caught you just have to fix it the next day or something ;P

We have rules in school but none are stupid.

Why did the school make rules if its just stupid?

The school makes rule for your safety and to discipline the students in school.

-Boys are not allowed to have 'Edward Cullen Hair" (Yes, the boys do that. My school is beyond pathetic.)
I laughed out loud at that XD

Uh.. I'm gonna list rules.

- No cell phones. - People bring them. As long as you're not texting in class, the teachers don't care.

- No gum. - No-one follows this. If teachers see you chewing, you are made to spit it into a clear bag, and then put the bag into the trash, so they know you've spat it out.

- You must wear uniform. - People can vary with it. White smart shirt, something black over the top of it. School tie. Black skirt[with tights/leggings]/black trousers. They don't mind if you wear black jeans, though.

- No food/drink outside of dining halls. - We go into the locker area[beside the dining hall] and eat. The headteacher doesn't mind, other teachers do.

- No football[soccer] team merch/colours. - People have bags with the football team's logo, but no clothing.

- No going into the town centre[a couple minutes walk] during lunch. - People do NOT follow this rule and they can't exactly do anything.

- No leaving school without a permit, aside from during lunch.

- If you are absent, you MUST call the school or bring a note in.

Etc, etc. They're not that stupid. :/

And if my school is closed, they either close it while we're there, and we're allowed to call home and leave. If we aren't at school yet, they have this thing. They text everyone's parents letting them know it'll be closed. This happened not long ago, with a gas leak.

Kinda pathetic rules really. =/

No chewing gum [Nobody follows this]

No entering the cafeteria through the fire exit [Nobody follows this]

No shaved patterns in hair, no extreme length or colour either [Most people follow this]

No form skipping [Most people follow this]

Wear uniform correctly [Nobody follows this]

I think they're the main ones...

No chewing gum. That makes no sense, because all the teachers I've gotten gives our class gumballs so we dont talk. xDD

Also, no whiteout. o.0

We can't tuk our shirts in with a sports uniform (none of the teacher care about thiss except the libary person)

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